Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Looking Back at Adolescence Essay examples - 508 Words

Adolescence is a part of growing up between leaving the childish ways behind and slowly preparing more mature roles as an adult. This is a very confusing part of growing up because this is a time were we are trying to find our identity, creating our long term goals, and making decisions that may affect our lives forever. This can also be characterized as a part where we are trying to fit in a society which we feel we belong because we share the same experiences, thoughts and feelings. Also in this time, some are experimenting on things that come their way. Some of these things lead them to complicated situations. Still some are engaging into smoking, drinking and worst drugs that fatally affect their academic responsibilities. We†¦show more content†¦Physical activities are lessen because who would choose to play outside and get sweaty all over if you could just stay inside, listen to your ipod while texting your friends about the latest fashion inside you fully air-conditioned room? Some think that we are being rebellious because of the actions we do. Being questioned and misunderstood by people around us make us feel sick and more confused. We think that the people around us are not sensitive for our needs. In these cases, conflict between us and the elders starts to rise. There are many factors which greatly affect our mental maturity. Some of these are peer pressure, environmental trends, and the people around us. I can say that these factors can make or break me. If I would not be critical enough to think of the consequences, I might end up wasting my life for nothing. Nowadays, adolescents grow in a depressing way. Some are not guided enough by their parents because they are busy in their own career living their child alone in his own. Being raised by a single parent can also be a cause why some are losing their way and was never given a chance to find their way home. I?m an adolescent. I?m fifteen years old and in my first semester of my freshmen year. I came from an average income family. All my needs were sustained byShow MoreRelatedTheme Of Through The Tunnel1252 Words   |  6 PagesThe transition from childhood to adolescence is a difficult process with many obstacles. In Doris Lessing’s short story, â€Å"Through the Tunnel†, this idea is expressed when Jerry decides to leave the safe beach and play in the rocky bay. He strives to be like the older boys, but he can only do that when he matures enough. In Doris Lessing’s â€Å"Through the Tunnel,† the author demonstrates the many obstacles present in going from childhood to adolescence using symbolism and imagery. The safe beach symbolizesRead MoreThe, And Music Over Time1243 Words   |  5 PagesFalling in love has been defined in many ways throughout history. We can look back on literature, film, and music over time and get a basic understanding of the process of falling in love emotionally for both teenagers and adults. 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