Saturday, May 16, 2020

Ethics on Pornography - 1526 Words

Tà ¼rkay SARIKAYA 20701889 Section 02 Research paper 1ST draft ETHICS OF PORNOGRAPHY Everybody knows something about porn. But what is porn really? Why it is exist? People get pleasure from porn. Porn is just for an entertainment and it is like other genres of movies. It is just like action, just like horror†¦ Porn is a genre and it has some sub-genres in it. In Turkish there is a word says; â€Å"nerede à §okluk orada bokluk† means if there are so many things there must be bad things in it, like sub-genres of porn. They are exist just for more entertainment, more pleasure but mankind is not always pure. There are some bad men, there are some disgusting ideas and there are some barbarous behaviors. With that genres directors†¦show more content†¦Lolicon pornography is hentai illustrations or animation featuring young female child-like characters. And shotacon is the gay version of lolicon. Sub-genres of body features are; Big Beautiful Women (BBW) pornography features overweight or obese women. Big-breast pornography, also called enormous tits, big-boob or big-bust pornography features women with large breasts. Some viewers prefer performers with breast implants; others prefer women who have naturally large breasts. Big cock porn featuring men with large penises. Big butt pornography features women with large buttocks. This genre eroticizes the buttocks and anus, and often overlaps with anal pornography. Hairy pornography involves conspicuous amounts of body and/or pubic hair. Hair fetishism, for example models with red, blond, or brunette hair. Additionally, hip-length hair, butt-length hair, thigh-length hair, knee-length hair or floor-length hair, may carry out hair jobs, toss their hair back and forth, perform with wet hair, etc. Leg and feet pornography has an extreme emphasis on womens legs and feet. Tiny tits pornography features women with very small breasts. These women are often portrayed as teenagers. Sub-genres of race are; Asian pornography features performers who are Asian / the Far East. Ebony or black porno graphy features performers who are black. European, pornography involving performers who are European. Indian, features performers who are Indian. Interracial pornography usuallyShow MoreRelatedSexual Ethics Essay1160 Words   |  5 PagesSex Ethics Essay Outline Thesis – Multiple outlooks have been taken on the ethics of pornography, and the means by which it may either negatively influence power in sexuality, or actually provide some sort of social value and worth. These different ethical perspectives display the flaws in the industry and what it represents; yet they also end up proving the fact that it can be modified with positive influence and that pornography is not something to be deemed utterly unethical. 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