Sunday, August 4, 2019

Biblical Allusions in Lord of the Flies Essay example -- Lord of the F

Biblical Allusions in Lord of the Flies In the story, Lord of the Flies, there are many biblical allusions; Simon represents Jesus, the pig’s head represents Satan or rather their satanic sides, Jack represents Judas, and the island represents the Garden of Eden. Through out this novel these allusions play large parts in the story and ideals place in the story. Simon, one of the major characters in the story, is set as the allusion of Jesus. Christ always had an affinity with children; in Ch. 4, he shows his way with the ‘littluns’ by picking fruit for them. This shows his goodness by nature. Also, like Christ, he saw the atavistic problem of the hunters and tried to bring them back to good. As in the bible, Simon, like Christ, dies as a martyr for his cause; coming back with the news that the beast is a corpse, he is slain by the savage hunters. â€Å"Simon, sitting between the twins and Piggy, wiped his mouth and shoved his piece of meat over the rocks to Piggy, who grabbed it. The twins giggled and Simon lowered his face in shame.† This quote shows that Simon is kind and sincere as is Christ through out his lifetimes. Simon goes often to the forest to meditate, just as Christ went for 40 days and nights to meditate in the desert. At the end of his meditation, Christ meets up with Satan, just as the boar skull is plant ed in Simon's sacred area. Finally, if you observe Simon's death, you see that as he drifts off to see glowing unicellular organisms engulf his body and cre...

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