Sunday, August 18, 2019

Australian Court Hierarchy :: essays research papers

The term â€Å"Court Hierarchy† is a very important word in the law world in modern society. It’s definition gives a very clear and concise meaning to the law industry. The phrase can be split into two words to be easily dealt and understood. The word â€Å"court† is from a Greek derivative â€Å"cohors† or â€Å"cohort† meaning courtyard or retinue. It’s definition from the dictionary certainly portrays the law as a very important and distinguished practice. â€Å"a. A person or body of persons whose task is to hear and submit a decision on cases at law.† â€Å"b. The building, hall, or room in which such cases are heard and determined.† The word, â€Å"hierarchy†, however, has a more powerful and specific relation to the law world. It is a Greek derived word and originally came from the word â€Å"hierarkhia†, meaning the rule of a high priest. â€Å"a. A body of clergy organized into successive ranks or grades with each level subordinate to the one above.† â€Å"b. A series in which each element is graded or ranked.† By placing these two words together, it has a responsibility of giving the public a definition of one of the most important practices portrayed by the Court System of Australia. Court Hierarchy is the term given to the system in which the Courts of Australia are split into different levels to deal with different matters by different levels of severity. The jurisdiction of courts’ is very important due to the fact that different courts deal with special matters differently from another court. The term jurisdiction means â€Å"a. The right and power to interpret and apply the law.† This means that the different courts of Australia deal with matters according to severity and relevance of that particular case to be heard in the highest possible court. This is the how the courts of Australia deal with which cases are heard in a specific court. No two courts have the same areas of jurisdiction even though it is a fact that the same case can be appealed and heard in a different court. The higher court which heard the appeal can over-rule the previous verdict. Jurisdiction brings efficiency to the court system allowing minor cases to be filtered through the court system and brought up and heard by the most appropriate court. In the Court Hierarchy System, there are six courts all together. The names of each from the highest and most powerful court to the lowest, are:

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