Saturday, August 31, 2019

Law Enforcement, Prison, and Race Essay

The facts are indisputable and have been widely published for years. People of color in the United States are extremely over-represented in the prison population as well as in the number of arrests. While the facts are not in question, what is under debate is the reason why these numbers exist. Just as in a legal case, both sides of the issue have their own experts who provide testimony to support their viewpoint. On one side – which is by far the most publicized – is the belief that the reason why more minorities (especially African Americans) are arrested and imprisoned is a result of racial prejudice. However, the opposing viewpoint states that there is a very logical reason why more African Americans are involved with the judicial system – they simply commit more crimes than whites. Both sides provide mounds of data and studies to support their argument. Although it is not scientific, I believe where there is smoke there is probably fire. More than likely, there is some form of prejudice involved. Thinking the sides of this issue are divided strictly by color lines would be a mistake. Walter Williams (who is black) used the following figures in The Washington Times to prove his point that police are not prejudice, â€Å"†¦ 63 percent of the 65,624 drug arrests were minorities (50 percent blacks and 13 percent Hispanics). Since blacks are only 13 percent of the total population, it means law enforcement officials can assign a higher probability that a drug trafficker is a black more so than other racial groups† (Williams). Indeed, Mr. Williams – as well as many others – believe that such statistics show that police are simply doing their jobs by stopping black motorists more often than whites, since more of them are probably drug dealers. But does such reasoning hold up in the light of other statistics that are just as telling? For example, studies by Human Rights Watch have shown that most drug offenders are white and that five times as many whites use drugs as blacks. However, blacks comprise the great majority of drug offenders sent to prison (â€Å"Racial Disparitiesâ€Å"). So, which set of numbers do you accept? The answer is, you do not have to choose since both can be used – and should be – to find the truth. Considering that whites make up some 75% of the population, while blacks comprise 13%, the fact that five times as many whites use drugs as blacks seems logical. If that is the case, then how can the excessive number of blacks arrested on drug charges be anything other than racially prejudiced? The very terminology used by some to describe the theories used by each side seems to sound judgmental. For instance, according to D’Alessio, Stewart, and Stolzenberg, the term ‘conflict theory’ is used to describe the belief that the elevated arrest rate for black citizens is the consequence of discrimination by police (1381). However, they use the term ‘normative theory’ to describe the belief that those numbers are simply the result of social issues that affect blacks more than whites. Whatever name it is given, the idea that blacks are more likely to commit crimes due to experiencing more difficult social conditions is becoming more widely popular. Writing for Social Forces, a University of North Carolina publication, D’Alessio, Stewart, and Stolzenberg asserted regarding their study of racial bias, â€Å"The results of this study suggest that the disproportionately high arrest rate for black citizens is most likely ascribable to differential criminal participation in reported crime rather than to racially biased law enforcement practicesâ€Å" (1381). Once again – just as with the study involving drug arrests cited earlier – blacks are arrested more because they commit more crimes. Their findings were based on data from the National Incident-Based Reporting System of 1999. Studies such as these invariably cast a large portion of blame on the media for perpetrating what they believe to be the ’myth’ of racial prejudice in law enforcement. Certainly it is true that a higher percentage of blacks suffer from the poor social conditions that often lead to delinquent behavior, such as unemployment, crowded housing conditions, poor health care, and less access to preventative social services. But, while that is true it does not explain other disparities in the criminal justice system that cannot be explained away so easily. Based on the results of the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Report of 1999, a black youthful offender is six times more likely to be jailed than a youthful offender who is white, even if they commit the same crimes and have the same criminal backgrounds, according to a nationwide study (â€Å"Study Revealsâ€Å"). The following comment is typical of the response to the report. â€Å"We find that this report leaves no doubt that we are faced with a very serious national civil rights issue, virtually making our system juvenile injustice,† said Hugh B. Price, President and CEO of the National Urban League (Crowley). No matter what set of statistics are used, the reality is that minorities are treated differently at every level in the justice system. Beginning as juveniles, with their first contact with police, minorities can be sent down one of two paths. They can be sent into some type of counseling, or they can be processed into the system. According to a report in The Cincinnati Enquirer, institutional bias regarding who will be referred to private treatment (i. e. ; counseling services) instead of being formally processed also disfavors minorities. Even when other variables are accounted for, minority young males – particularly African Americans – are significantly more likely to be detained than white youths (Crowley). Such reports continue to beg the question: even if we accept that the reason more blacks are originally arrested is simply because they commit more crimes and not due to any police bias, how do we explain the irregularities in the sentencing process? Whether it is blatant prejudice or some other reason, it is clear that something is happening in the courts that cannot easily be explained away. Another issue that needs to be addressed is regarding the purpose for certain laws being passed in the first place. In The New American Apartheid, it is asserted, â€Å"Many sentencing structures have a built-in class and racial bias. This is especially the case with drug laws, which have always targeted mainly the drugs used by minorities and the poor throughout history† (Sheldon and Brown). If the police are simply doing their jobs by enforcing drug laws, and innocently arrest mostly blacks, I’m sure it has nothing to do with the fact that some laws have been passed that target blacks. The evidence of discrimination even extends to the ultimate punishment – the death penalty. It has been widely assumed by the general public that the rationale for pursuing the death penalty in cases – and an execution being ordered – is based primarily on the brutality of the crime or number of victims. If that were true, the death penalty would seem far less arbitrary. However, there is no consistent pattern that can be found in any state or federal court to make that case. Instead, it is just as likely – in fact more so – that a poor black man will be executed for the murder of one white person than a white man receiving the death penalty for serial murders. A perfect example is Gary Leon Ridgeway (who is white), known as the ’Green River Killer’. Although he has acknowledged killing over 48 people, he pleaded guilty to escape the death penalty. Contrast that with the case of Gerald Lee Mitchell (who was black), executed in 2001 for a murder he committed when he was 17 years old. The attorney for Mitchell argued that at the time of the murder Mitchell had an IQ of 75 and had been diagnosed as functioning on the borderline level of retardation. He was put to death in spite of calls for clemency from numerous countries, world leaders, and even the president of the American Bar Association. (â€Å"Execution of Child Offenderâ€Å") One of the few exceptions to this trend was Timothy McVeigh, who was executed for the terrorist bombing in Oklahoma City. However, I believe he is the exception that proves the rule. While much data that has been collected is hardly productive, there are places where meaningful progress has been made against racial prejudice. This is generally areas where comprehensive data collection and reporting has occurred. Without data, every complaint of discrimination inevitably boils down to one person’s word against a police officer’s. This is the reason that civil rights advocates are demanding that police be required to keep racial and ethnic data on who is stopped and searched as a basis for eliminating the biased police behavior. Unfortunately, a person can still choose to see his or her own side of the issue despite evidence to the contrary. Prejudice comes in many forms. While it is hard to imagine many judges consciously weighing a decision of whether to have someone executed or not based solely on race, the fact remains that such decisions have been, and are being made. Bias or prejudice can also be a subtle, even subconscious motivation that a person may not even aware of. A judicial system can be only as just and dependable as the people who design and administer it. People are prone to error, dishonesty, and prejudice. Although the blatantly racist cops that used to be around many years ago are no doubt few and far between today, there still is something at work in the legal system that seems to be detrimental to blacks. From laws that target ethnic neighborhoods and individuals, to how decisions are made regarding arrests and prosecutions, a racially biased trail of evidence does emerge. From who gets sentenced to probation to who gets sent to prison, blacks are unfairly being targeted. From length of sentences to who lives or dies, it cannot be denied that prejudice exists in the legal system of this country. Despite arguments to the contrary, and no matter what type of research or studies the supporters of ‘normative theory’ conduct, the facts speak for themselves. Clearly, it has been shown that people of color in the United States are extremely over-represented in the prison population as well as in the number of arrests due, in large part, to biased or prejudicial attitudes and perceptions of many people in law enforcement and the judicial system. Such practices have no place in a country that promises justice for all people – regardless of color. Efforts should continue at every level of government to change this pervasive mindset, until race has absolutely no bearing on how an individual is treated in America. Works Cited D’Alessio, S. J. and Stolzenberg, L. â€Å"Race and the Probability of Arrest† Social Forces. Vol. 81 Issue 4, p1381 June 2001 Crowley, Patrick . â€Å"Study reveals ‘juvenile injustice’, Minorities are jailed more often†. The Cincinnati Enquirer. 26 April 2000 â€Å"Racial Disparities in the War on Drugs† Human Rights Watch. Online. 9 Nov. 2005 Shelden, R. and Brown, W. B. â€Å"The New American Apartheid Part I†. 22 June 2004 Williams, Walter. â€Å"Racial Profiling Puzzle†. The Washington Times. Creators Syndicate, Inc. 14 March 1999

Friday, August 30, 2019

Initiation Planning Executing Monitor & Control Closing Essay

ProXalt@ Student RecallSheetO Project Management Process Groups Initiation Planning Executing Monitor & Control Closing Based on the Feasibility Study conducted and using Project Selection Methods, the project selection committee selects a project. The client Develops Project Charter, Preliminary Scope Statement and the sponsor approves the project charter Based on Project Charter and Preliminary Scope statement, the project team conducts all planning activities and Develops the Project Management Plan Project team involves in Planning and Defining the Scope of the project and Creates WBS Using WBS items, the team Defines project Activities, places them in a Sequence, Estimates Duration and Resources needed and develops a Project Schedule Estimate Cost and allocate that Cost to work packages (Cost Budgeting) Plan Quality standards for the project Create Human Resource Plan Come up with Communications Management Plan Create a Risk Management Plan and Identify all Risks. Analyze them Qualitatively, Quantitatively and come up with Risk Response Plan Plan on how to Acquire goods nd services from outside the organization and Plan on Contracting Direct and Manage Project Execution to ensure that all the planned packages have been executed Perform Quality Assurance to assure that the project team followed quality standards Acquire Project Team members from functional managers

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Community Health Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Community Health - Essay Example There are some similarities between the two concepts of community and aggregate. Both are populations of people who are associated with each other and share some characteristics. However there are also differences between the two concepts. The largest difference is in the interaction between the two. An aggregate of people are a population who share a common interest, where those in a community do not necessarily share common interests, it is likely to be other factors which unite them. Both those in an aggregate and those in a community share common problems and often common goals. The difference between the two concepts is that those in an aggregate do not act together to realize these goals or solve their problems whereas those in a community do interact and work together in this pursuit (Undergraduate Curriculum Handbook, 2003). An example of an aggregate within the community is homeless clients (Clark, 2002). There are many homeless people across America and there are many subdivisions within the aggregate. The aggregate could be considered in terms of various subgroups such as homeless children, homeless women, homeless immigrants and so forth.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Is China a military threat to the U.S. or its Southeast Asian allies Research Paper

Is China a military threat to the U.S. or its Southeast Asian allies - Research Paper Example ly influence continues to manifest hostility towards China, with provocative stands by the Philippines and Japan with regard to ownership of Islands in the contested regions belittling China’s growing stature in global politics. The traditional differences in foreign ideologies between the two nations does not seem to be resolved soon, since national interests of the two nations fall on opposing sides. With the competition for the global arena as the next stage to exercise global politics, China and the US continually find it difficult to resolve the hardline stand due to heightened globalization setting. From the experiences of the past encounters with global politics, China will focus on chanting a different course and justify current success from acting differently. In terms of recent astronomical economic performance in China, funding military exploration and ambitious intelligence systems raises concerns against such moves. In a world experiencing a spell of minimal aggression among nations, military expansion at the scale such as that witnessed in China recently triggers memories of the infamous Arms Race. Interesting timing of these developments in China at a time when global economic performance falls below China’s rate of economic growth translates to some form of opportunistic provocationi. Estimation of China doubling military spending by 2015 is a blatant insult to efforts of US peace building around the world. As such, the US can justify the move to assist and empower the allies in the southeast Asia regionii. The account of China’s performance in terms of human rights protection in a rapidly democratized world is not only taken as an insult to the US but also to the international community. The isolation of Chinese internal affairs from the rest of the world calls for participation of the US in the global campaigns of a democratic global society further fuels the tension of a military provocation. Despite the participation of China in

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Tutorial 13 Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Tutorial 13 - Coursework Example During the informal language lesson, I learnt that it is not appropriate to term language usage as informal because it is applicable to many contexts. Moreover, in the excerpt about Mitt Romney’s comment concerning the plight of poverty, I noted that there are many government safety nets meant for the poor while the middle-class citizens are neglected. Therefore, there should be development of policies that pay attention to the middle-class citizens. Regarding the levels of formality, it is not bad to use contractions in academic writing provided that they are not used in excess, occasionally used, and well executed. Further, quotes should be reproduced exactly as they are while taking care on the first and second person pronouns in the academic writing works. In addition, it is proper to avoid the first person references to create a great impression on the readers. Moreover, when using emails, memos, and business letters, the recipients’ title needs consideration. In the context of professional and academic writing, specific writing styles prefer particular and consistent ways of writing references. Individuals, who are unable to correctly reference, should regularly refer to the conventions provided for in reference guiding manuals. Furthermore, fragment sentences are not appropriate in academic writing as they are in social media and they should be avoided unless called needed. Further, informal writing styles should never be used in academic writing and it is paramount to comprehend genres, tasks, and expectations for writing. A writer can seek clarity from the instructor. All the constructions should not be too casual. However, the constructions must be marked and edited to tailor it to the appropriate style. Conclusively, formality depends on context, purpose, audience and situation of the

Monday, August 26, 2019

Discussion problem for legal claim Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Discussion problem for legal claim - Article Example The school custodian is also to be sued of warping the school rules and regulations and accepting the bribe promise. Accepting the bribe promise meant that he was not much concerned of the aftermath of such an action but so long as he or she achieved got the promise. The school principal in this case was to be sued of negligence. He actually new what was going on though was not much concerned as he wanted his school to win the competition. In these cases, each and every defendant would come up with their own statements just to evade the case. The school principal in this case would claim that he did have an idea what was going on as he was not informed of such an action. This is possible because the custodian and the head coach assumed that the principal knew nothing and was therefore green about the issue. The custodian in this case would also claim that the head coach bribed him while the head coach would deny and post a claim of negligence on the side of the school custodian for leaving the room open. Though the claims are there for the defensive purposes, they are all involved in this case and are to be held responsible. Not to forget is that Terry was also wrong as he went against the instructions they were given by the head coach though not recognized by the

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Research paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 5

Research paper - Essay Example The banjo can have four or five strings and is made from a gourd, used as the sound box, covered with hide or plastic. The instrument developed from African instruments (banjar, bandora, banza) that were introduced by slaves (Banjo). The banjo’s predecessor was played in seventh century Africa (Mazbrow). In the seventeenth century, the instrument consisted of a long pole and attached gourd with three or four strings, made from horsehair, catgut, or hemp plant. At first it was played by West African wandering musicians, but by the eighteenth century was played by slave musicians in the West Indies. Knocking and beating was the style used. Notes began to slide and bend once tuning pegs and a flat board for fingering was added (Banjo). This â€Å"banjar† instrument was played in Maryland and Virginia from the mid-eighteenth century. It had a skin head, pegs, and a short thumb string. In Africa, the banjar was played with the talking drums but, in response to a slave uprisi ng in South Carolina, drums and horns became illegal, and the traditional way of playing was adapted to banjar solos (Banjo). The combination of banjo and fiddle, at the core of Appalachian music, was played exclusively by black musicians for about 100 years, before white musicians adopted it (Mazbrow). Just as spirituals were used to communicate escape plans, black banjo songs communicated subversive methods to survive slavery. Many of these songs used cunning animals, like foxes and snakes, to camouflage their message (Banjo). Black banjar music began to have a strong influence on the fiddle playing of Appalachian immigrants from Scotland and Ireland. Soon, white Appalachian musicians were playing the instrument in the same thumping style as the black Appalachian musicians. For some time, white banjo players depended on black banjo players, not only for rhythm and style, but even for acquiring a banjo in the first place (C. Conway 146). Mutual interest and instrument design collab oration soon modified the banjar, replacing the gourd with a wooden rim and open back. Sweeney, an Irish American added a fourth melody string, and the short drone thumb string was kept, so now the banjo had five strings (Banjo). Although African-American Appalachian musicians played the banjo throughout the nineteenth century, white Appalachian musicians dominated the emerging radio and recording technology (Banjo). The first white banjo player to achieve fame for his music, Joel Walker Sweeney, learned how to play the banjo from a neighboring plantation slave, and mid-nineteenth century white banjo players usually performed in black-face (Mazbrow). It was white performers whom people connected to hillbilly music, even though white banjo players had adopted a black musical tradition (Mazbrow). In fact, there has always been a lot of white pride in fiddle and banjo music, by those whose tradition came from Appalachian ancestors, and would never conceive of any black African American contribution to their musical heritage (Mazbrow). Appalachian fiddle and banjo music is popularly thought to be Irish and Scottish, but is syncopated and polyrhythmic, showing African history (Mazbrow). Polyrythm is alien to European music and central to African (Mazbrow). The typical way of strumming the banjo is to brush down with the backs of the fingernails while the thumb plucks the

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Nigerias Position on the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict Essay

Nigerias Position on the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict - Essay Example The General Assembly reiterated that it is always illegal to acquire a territory by use of force or any threat and found that Israel has been breaching the international law. The conflict between the two countries has been present for a long time, thus there is a need to settle the situation between the two. Without taking the side of the Palestine, the country supports the call for Israel to respect and honour its responsibilities and obligations in the international community. Nigeria encourages that both country will do everything to make peace in good faith. Palestine should also stop any act of dispute and violence and make peace. The two countries should make compromises to arrive at a suitable peace agreement (UNGA 10/10246). Until today, Nigeria has been very supportive of the Middle East peace process however, the country felt a little frustration regarding the progress of the negotiation. According to Kio Solomon Amieyeofori, the success of the negotiation was up to the con cerned parties, Palestine and Israel. The country still supports the Road Map peace plan as the solution to the continuous conflict of the two countries. The country encourages stopping Israel’s settlement-related activities in East Jerusalem and West Bank and calls to freeze the militant attacks in Gaza.


CRITICALLY DISCUSS THE ROLE OF THE NURSE IN THE PROMOTION CONTINENCE I OLDER PEOPLE - Essay Example This paper will discuss the management and rehabilitation of continence and the role nurses can play in assessment and rehabilitation. Burgio et al., (1994, cited by Shirazi et al.,) recognize four types of UI which include urge incontinence (bladder contractions are not inhibited), stress incontinence (urethra is not effectively closed during transient increases in pressure), overflow incontinence (bladder does not contract), and functional incontinence (inability or unwillingness of the person with normal bladder to reach the toilet in time). Urge incontinence occurs due to overactive detrusor muscle contacting and sending an urgent message to the brain to eliminate (Carr, 2004). Overflow incontinence is associated with storage due to an obstruction or a nervous system problem. Functional incontinence is found in people whose mobility or cognition is impaired. Stress incontinence occurs due to the deficiency in the urethral closure mechanism during episodes of raised intra-abdominal pressure such as coughing, sneezing, laughing (Dolman, 2003 cited by RNAO, 2006). While people of any age can be affected with incontinence, it becomes prominent in the elderly people as detrusor contractile function, bladder capacity, and urinary flow rates all decline with age (Wagg, n.d.). Prostrate enlarges with age in men and this tends to dominate the behaviour of the urinary outflow tract. The bladder requires a greater contractile effort as obstructions increases. The detrusor muscle and the urethral sphincter are essential for urinary continence and micturition (expulsion). These two act together for storage and expulsion of urine. Urine is stored when the detrusor muscle relaxes and the urethral sphincter closes while voiding occurs when detrusor contracts and sphincter relaxes (Yerkes, 1998). This process of storage and voiding depends on a

Friday, August 23, 2019

Solutions for Renewable Water Sources in Desert Regions of the World Essay

Solutions for Renewable Water Sources in Desert Regions of the World - Essay Example Water scarcity is increasing and there should be sustainable solution to provide water for the urban as well as rural regions. Desert Regions have less sources of renewable water and Green solutions have the capability to provide water for the desert regions of the world. The main objective of the paper is to â€Å"Give solutions to reduce or limit water scarcity in desert regions of the world†. Water resources The planet ‘Earth’ is covered with about 71% of saline water that cannot be utilized by humans for readily use. Although, oceans and seas contribute much in providing life for the marine creatures that are beneficent for humans and balance of the planet, but the water cannot be utilized in the pure state. About 97% water present on water is salty and remaining 3% is fresh. The most part of the fresh water content about 68.7% remains frozen in the shape of glaciers, and mountainous ice caps and 30.1% are conserved by nature in ground (Ground water). The rema ining 0.9% is in the form of lakes and rivers and available of humans, animals’ and plants’ use. Thus, there is a little portion of water that is available for human use, and there is a need to develop strategies and methods to conserve water for the future of the human race and for the future of the planet (Reisner, 438-442). Image Source: Chenje, nd Water scarcity is rising due to the impact of climate change. On the other hand, humans have done fewer efforts in developing technologies and strategies to conserve the water resource with the increase in the population. Renewable water resources are the resources of water that generate water through natural or artificial processes by utilizing the waste water. Rivers, Lakes and streams are the renewable water resources, where water is maintained by the natural process of rain. Renewable resources can also be considered as the fresh water resources (Reisner, 438-442). Water Scarcity Water stress has a deep relation with the size of the population and the resources the region has. The ration depicts a region is facing the water stress if the region’s water sources are unable to provide 1700 cubic meters of water to single person on an annual basis (Howard, n.p). However, if the water sources are unable to provide 1000 cubic meters of water to a person annually, the region is considered to be facing water scarcity (Webb 51-57). On the other hand, if the supply water drops lower than 500 cubic meters, the regions is considered to be facing absolute scarcity that can unable to provide enough drinking water to a person. On the other hand, the quality of water has an inverse relation with the water scarcity. People will compromise on the quality of water in water scar regions. Water scarcity is directly related to the food scarcity as crops are also unable to survive without water. Image source: Accessed from A report by United Nations Department of Economics and Social Af fairs (USDESA) writes â€Å"Around 700 million people in 43 countries suffer today from water scarcity† (, n.p). In another place, the Report predicts â€Å"By 2025, 1.8 billion people will be living in countries or regions with absolute water scarcity, and two-thirds of the world's population could be living under water stressed conditions† (, n.p). The corresponding report depicts that the most stressed regions of the world are Sub Saharan Africa, the Middle East and in the Desert regions of Arizona and Nevada in the United States. The Report

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Shutter Island Essay Example for Free

Shutter Island Essay This movie was confusing from the beginning, Edward Teddy Daniels a previous World War II veteran whom suffers from Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome and constantly has flashbacks. Shutter Island follows U.S. Marshall Daniels and his partners Chuck Aule while the investigate the disappearance mental patient from Ashecliffe Hospital for the Criminal Insane. Teddy requested the assignment for personal reasons. But he wonders was he hasn’t been brought to the island and conspiracy. Fire is an symbol for Teddy whole existence every time Teddy is around (ex. The matches he lights in Ward C) the fire in the cave with Dr. Solando and when he starts an fire and blows up Dr. Crawley’s car. He constantly played with fire that burnt down his own apartment killing four people one of which was his own wife Dolores Chanal. He has produced this whole conspiracy theory that somehow the government has begun doing experimental testing on patients at the asylum. In reality Teddy has been declared insane and was sent to Shutters Island. Upon arriving at the institution. Teddy is the subject of the experiment; the doctors attempt to have Teddy regain his life back. Dr. Crawley and Dr. Sheehan began implanting false memories into Teddy’s mind. Teddy is delusional claims that he is an U.S. Marshall to justify his own presence. Dr. Crawley who invented Racheal Solando for him to discover what happen to the 67 patient which is actually Edward (Teddy) Daniels. Teddy’s partner who is really Dr. Sheehan is in on the experiment he tries to steer Teddy in right direction. He encourages Teddy to continue the hunt he tries to push fear on Teddy by even taking him to an Mausoleum. And he is always playing with Teddy whether its real or delusional He even gives Teddy an admission form that says it’s really 67 patients at the asylum so Teddy’s Feel that he has to find Racheal whom is supposedly escaped which she really turns out to be a nurse whom has treated Teddy while he has been a patient at Ashecliffe Hospital. While on the hunt for the missing patient Teddy encounters different obstacles. Dr. Crawley and Dr. Sheehan are is slowly taking Teddy off his meds so he starting to feel body tremors and withdrawals. Sheehan and Crawley began to monitor his doses for the role playing experiment in the film Teddy begins to have more vivid hallucinations while he’s awake his meds are meant to suppress all types of psychosis not to trigger more going off the meds make Teddy really unsteady. When Teddy reaches the lighthouse he is confused and is starting to second guess everything that he has been going through. He has developed his own explanation. Though it was an complete delusional fantasy. At this point the experiment is judged to have failed or succeeded , If Teddy accepts this fabricated account that the Drs. Have succeeded in attempting to implant a false memory. Teddy has been through this before and realizes that there is no way out Shutter Island Teddy struggles with being Lobotomize but reconsiders and decides that lobotomy would be better than chasing Andrew Laeddis for the rest of his life he figure they’ll just try to keep forcing the Lake House, Racheal Solando, and the other delusions he was having over and over again. Teddy made the choice to take the lobotomy and thus die a good man. â€Å"It is better to live as a monster or die a good man†. He refuses to accept the reality that he was just a an maintenance man who love to play with fire whose wife died because of this, and is stuck in a delusion in which he is Teddy Daniels an U.S. Marshall hunting down a suspected killer Andrew Laeddis an false identity other than a man that killed his wife. Throughout the entire movie the audience is caught up in the Teddy story thinking that he is actually sent to the island to find a suspected escapee. Even his flashbacks trigger the watcher to think Teddy has really had a hard life losing his children, killing his beloved wife whom the audience thought she actually killed the children which causing Teddy is become an alcoholic. Unbeknown to the watcher Teddy is playing the role of a functioning adult whose is trying desperately trying to figure up what is really happening on Shutter Island. The Drs. are trying so hard to get a major breakthrough with medicine by giving the opportunity to reenact his own fabricated story. The viewer is rooting for Teddy only to realize he is leading them a on wild goose hunt because in fact he is insane and can’t grasp the concept on reality what’s real, fake, makeup, or just plain lunacy. One question are there two possible endings were Teddy and Andrew possibly real was Teddy really married was a government it coverup did Teddy knows too much about the Nazis and espionage? This moving was scaring at the same time interesting because it is an movie one would possibly have to see more than once to get an complete understanding.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Responsibilities Of Man In The Family

Responsibilities Of Man In The Family Family is an assembly of people who have marital relation and blood related individuals, living under the same roof. A group of many families living together is considered a society. In other words, family is a cell of a modern society. Each and every individual has the responsibility of building up the family in order to create a happy family. In the current world, the man plays a very special role which affects not only his current family but also later generations. There is a saying in Vietnamese: Men are the ones who build the house, while women are the one who create the home, we can see that the man is always the strong one, who does the heaviest work for his family, but it does not mean that the mans role is just to support the family in financing, building the house, providing settlement then living all the rest of the familys duties to the woman to do all the household chores such as raising children or house caring, the man and the woman have to share with each other about every aspect of living life and familys side. Being a man of the family is not a simple thing, he has to show all of his strengths to build up his family which seems to be a difficult work for all men in the world. Marriage is a combination of the man and the woman, according to Mignon McLaughlin, a successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person. To become the man of the family, firstly, he has to be a good husband. A good husband is the man who understands his wifes needs and wants. Any woman wants her husband to be a successful man and always willing to share with her all problems in life, like Zig Ziglar (also known as Hilary Hinton Ziglar) said before: Many marriages would be better if the husband and the wife clearly understood that they are on the same side. For the Christians, when a man and a woman are getting married, they always promise to love each other forever and be side by side through sickness, poverty, even the hardest times of life, richness or healthy in the church. So, we can easily see that love is the first requirement of being a husband. The husband needs to give his wife the love and regards her like a woman and a person, not a maid for free in the house. Intense love, compassion, altruism, understanding of the husband is the thing woman wants the most. A man who has a warm heart, always opens his mind to listen to his wife is an ideal husband. Listening and understanding is always the important thing to do for his wife because Shared joy is a double joy, shared sorrow is half a sorrow said by Swedish Proverb. Woman loves by eyes and ears, thus she will be very happy when she gets a good compliment from the husband. When the wife feels happy, she will do everything to make her family become happier and happier, fully fi lled with love. Dividing the responsibilities in a family is different, depend on the culture. For instance, it is common for a Japanese household that the husband is the one who goes to work, giving financial support for the whole family, while the wife usually retreats from her previous work, willingly take care of all the house chores and raising children. Rarely, the husband will do some part of the chores when he feels like to, or under pressure from other parties (his spouse, children, etc.). In this situation, the man of the family becomes the main financial provider. In the modern life, other hard works, such as fixing or maintaining the houses equipments can be done by paying to a third party service, thus making money becomes the most important assignment that the man has to concentrate on. Aside from that, the man in the house must also have well personality, good insight and knowledgeable. Moreover, contributing to the emotional, spiritual, physical and mental well-being of his family are all necessary. In order to do this, he must recognise that there are other elements other than money are needed to be provided. The man mainly takes this part in familys duties. When the need of love and financial are fulfilled, the woman will need a strong man to protect her family. That is an important duty of the husband. Not only protecting the family, the man should also be the first one to solve all the problems. That does not mean that the husband is the only one who has to do all the problem-solving part, but that he should do it instead of waiting for his partner to ask for help or push him up. A role-model husband is not the one who knows everything or does everything, but the one who has the ability to balance every duty, giving it the most suitable priority. Nowadays, there are many women choose to be single mothers. They are confident that even when lacking the support of the men, they can still be able to live well, raising the children to become good people without the need of their childrens father. However, that will not give the children all the care they need, as a proverb in Vietnamese: the child without his/her father is similar to the house without its roof. On the other hand, the mother cannot teach her child all the skills that the childs father can do. No matter how masculine the woman is, there are always tasks that only men can do. Become a mother is a proof of how the feminine she is already. How can she raise her son to become a real man, without the affection of all the feminine she has? And how can she give her precious girl a good imagine of the daughters future partner? They will just simply take all the trait of their only parent, thus hardening all the tasks on the mother, will may not relevant at early age, but become more clearly as they grow up. Furthermore, children are always longed more love and care, and will easily get jealous if they see that they are not getting as much attention as other kids. Whenever they see other childrens fathers sending them to school, or playing sport together, immediately there will be countless questions arise in the lonely child mind: Do I have a father? Who is my father? Why had he never appeared in my life? As the consequence, all that questions will be turned to the mother, which will surely be in an uncomfortable situation when being asked like that. At that time, is there any explanation that understand able to the children without hurting them, or will other lies be given that put the children in deeper confusion? A life without a man in the family will cause many difficulties to the woman. For now she will have to do all the house works, while taking care of the kids and keeping the familys financial situation at an acceptable rate. How does she suppose to do all that jobs at the same time? If the woman is in a rich family, or she already has a well paying job, then the tasks can be less pressuring. However, those are only rare exceptions. On the contradict, many single mothers having trouble balancing the duties all at once. Hence, she will need a man to share all the weight on her shoulder, in order to keep the family happy and affluent at all time. Taking care of the children must not come from the though that is it the duty as the parents, but from the immeasurable and unconditional love to their blood related children. Educating the kids is not an individual task. It must be done by both the parents, taken will well care and be treasured. Children are especially sensitive, and always eager to learn new things from the world. Every little thing from the outer environment will affect their perspective, which decides the childrens behaviour when they grow up. They will just simply mimic all what they think that are interesting. The worst thing is, the actions that the children try to mimic may not be all right. Supposedly there may be bad behaviours such as bullying or pick pocketing. As time goes by, they will consider that those actions are the righteous, without regarding its true meaning. Therefore, as the nearest source of affection the children, parents always have to act as role model, not only while teaching their kid, but in everyday actions. Similar to growing a tree, if well tended had not been taken since it was a seed, the tree might not give out its expected juicy fruit. For example, considering a family of the sporty type, in which there are many sports activities are done by both the father and the son. The boy will soon get the habit of doing sport, and keep practicing them when he grows up. Soon enough, that man will spread his hobby to the next generation, when he starts having family on his own. In the family of the arguing type, where parents always shout at each other for every trivial, the children will pick up that pattern, and become ill-mannered in no time. That cycle will continue for ever, until there are changes in the new family. However, that does not mean that any successful man will also success in being a father. Sometime, the mans mind sways away with his busy career, thus forgetting his duty as a father, neglecting his responsibility of teaching the kids. Only when he is at the top of the career ladder, and his children have already on the completely wrong track, he will realise his own carelessness. Therefore, it is necessary for the man to balance between the family and the job. For a girl, the father is usually taken as the model for her boy friend or future life partner. If the relationship between father and daughter is close and they often have conservations together, the girl will be more confident in choosing boyfriend, better understanding of the opposite gender, thus avoid misunderstandings and unnecessary worries. As a female, when the girl gets dressed, she wants to be the centre of the attentions, so if the father can understand and commend on her dresses, it will affect to her way of dressing and living and then leading to a familiar life suitable to her family and society. A boy always has his secret which is not easy to say out and he is easy to be influent by his friends bad habits, if he has a good guider who encourage his mind and knowledge, he will be prevented from the wrong way in his life. And the boy is deeply getting his father characters effect. If a boy grow up without a father, he cannot get along well with all the boys problems, mother cannot share all the secrets with her son. Boys are more difficult, they often act like his father does. In conclusion, the man in the family plays a very important role in the family. He has to perform the duty of not only the husband, the father but also the mental leader. As a husband, he has to understands and sympathises with his wife, his soul-mate. As a father, he has the responsibility to teach his son and daughter the skills needed to become good people. As a mental leader, he has to remain calm and strong in any situations. It is not easy to perform all those tasks perfectly simultaneously, but with a strong heart and a clear determination, nothing is impossible. BIBLIOGRAPHIES Cohen D., 2001, The fathers book :being a good dad in the 21st century, Wileys, ISBN: 0470841338 Dubowitz H., MD, MS; Black M.M., PhD; Kerr M.A., MS; 2000; Father and Child Neglect; Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2000; pp.154:135-141 Garfield C. F., Issaco A., Fathers and the Well-Child Visit, PEDIATRICS Vol. 117 No. 4 April 2006, pp. e637-e645 Garner P., Clough P., 2008, Fathers and sons: in and about education, Stoke-on-Trent: Trentham Books Ltd., ISBN: 9781858563701 Gilbert L. A., Rachlin V., 1987, Mental health and psychological functioning of dual-career families, The Counseling Psychologist 15 (1987), pp. 7-49. Katiereich, 7-7-2009, Support the man in your life [Online resource], reference link:, last accessed 16-04-2010 McGrail A., 1996, Becoming a family (National Childbirth Trust Guide), Stationery Office Books, ISBN: 0117019348 Michael D., 1999, The name assigned to the document by the author. This field may also contain sub-titles, series names, and report numbers.Parenting and Child Development in Nontraditional Families, Publisher name and contact information, as provided by the publisher; updated only if notified by the publisher.Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, ISBN: 0-8058-2748-X

Monday, August 19, 2019

Technology for Primus Securities Essay -- Business Management Technolo

Technology for Primus Securities Summary The use of technology will be very important in the projected growth of Primus Securities. With a multitude of technologies available, choosing the correct ones that maximize capability with future expansion will be a priority. Primus Securities, much like its industry brethren, E-trade Securities and Charles Schwab, is attempting to provide successful online investing via their website. Using technology, Primus has at their disposal many online products, tools, and services to choose from that would provide a unique and satisfying online investment experience for its customers. Primus wishes to expand their site to include more frequent and faster investment opportunity for customers. An incremental implementation of technological infrastructure will allow for future expansion and will provide savings throughout future operation. In addition, this technology will provide customers a more secure and satisfying shopping experience and will increase their confidence level. It will be necessary to incur a large expense on infrastructure installation at the beginning of the development. This infrastructure investment along with a subsequent investment in human resources to staff it will make future expansion cheaper and easier to accomplish. Finally, outsourcing key aspects of the operation will achieve maximum cost savings. Infrastructure   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The purpose of a well-designed infrastructure is to ensure that an e-business is able to run effectively while safely being scaled within a budget. For a company like Primus Securities, a cost effective infrastructure will be implemented remaining functional and adequate for their purposes. The important aspect of a new e-business is to add technology without disturbing business operations and aligning information systems with the organizational strategy. In this paper, Team B will examine a viable infrastructure for a new e-business venture undertaken by Primus Securities. Hardware Decision   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The company needs to invest in equipment such as servers, workstations laptops, PDAs and cell phones to keep up with the competitive edge of technology. The online trading industry is a fast-paced business, where customer information must be readily available to all key employees. Primus Securities main objective is to operate efficiently and effectively. Part of... ... all content is created and managed as separate assets. These are then published to the run-time rendering system. The CM implementation includes DB2 storage, Library Server, and Asset Manager. The Schwab application uses CM versioning, workflow, ACL and its API. (Marshak, 2003) Conclusion References Chan, Isabelle. Dec 2004. The Other Side of Outsourcing. Retrieved August 26, 2005 from,39037117,39209632,00.htm Charles Schwab web site ( Retrieved August 27, 2005,,sid7_gci212495,00.html Retrieved August 25, 2005 Marshak, D. (2003, December). Charles Schwab Responds to Market Conditions and Customer Needs: Services-Oriented Architecture Improves Time to Market and Leverages Existing Investments. Retrieved August 26, 2005, from'schwab%20online%20infrastructure' Trava Soft, (2003). Services-e-business. Retrieved August 26, 2005, from Information Technology Outsourcing Web site:

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Australian Court Hierarchy :: essays research papers

The term â€Å"Court Hierarchy† is a very important word in the law world in modern society. It’s definition gives a very clear and concise meaning to the law industry. The phrase can be split into two words to be easily dealt and understood. The word â€Å"court† is from a Greek derivative â€Å"cohors† or â€Å"cohort† meaning courtyard or retinue. It’s definition from the dictionary certainly portrays the law as a very important and distinguished practice. â€Å"a. A person or body of persons whose task is to hear and submit a decision on cases at law.† â€Å"b. The building, hall, or room in which such cases are heard and determined.† The word, â€Å"hierarchy†, however, has a more powerful and specific relation to the law world. It is a Greek derived word and originally came from the word â€Å"hierarkhia†, meaning the rule of a high priest. â€Å"a. A body of clergy organized into successive ranks or grades with each level subordinate to the one above.† â€Å"b. A series in which each element is graded or ranked.† By placing these two words together, it has a responsibility of giving the public a definition of one of the most important practices portrayed by the Court System of Australia. Court Hierarchy is the term given to the system in which the Courts of Australia are split into different levels to deal with different matters by different levels of severity. The jurisdiction of courts’ is very important due to the fact that different courts deal with special matters differently from another court. The term jurisdiction means â€Å"a. The right and power to interpret and apply the law.† This means that the different courts of Australia deal with matters according to severity and relevance of that particular case to be heard in the highest possible court. This is the how the courts of Australia deal with which cases are heard in a specific court. No two courts have the same areas of jurisdiction even though it is a fact that the same case can be appealed and heard in a different court. The higher court which heard the appeal can over-rule the previous verdict. Jurisdiction brings efficiency to the court system allowing minor cases to be filtered through the court system and brought up and heard by the most appropriate court. In the Court Hierarchy System, there are six courts all together. The names of each from the highest and most powerful court to the lowest, are:

The Moon :: essays research papers

The moon   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The moon is the only natural satellite of Earth. The moon orbits the Earth from 384,400 km and has an average speed of 3700 km per hour. It has a diameter of 3476 km, which is about  ¼ that of the Earth and has a mass of 7.35e22 kg. The moon is the second brightest object in the sky after the sun. The gravitational forces between the Earth and the moon cause some interesting effects; tides are the most obvious. The moon has no atmosphere, but there is evidence by the United States Department of Defense Clementine spacecraft shows that there maybe water ice in some deep craters near the moon's North and South Pole that are permanently shaded. Most of the moon's surface is covered with regolith, which is a mixture of fine dust and rocky debris produced by meteor impact. There are two types of terrain on the moon. One is the heavily cratered and very old highlands. The other is the relatively smooth and younger craters that were flooded with molten lava. Throughout the 19th and 20th centuries, visual exploration through powerful telescopes has yielded a fairly comprehensive picture of the visible side of the moon. The hitherto unseen far side of the moon was first revealed to the world in October 1959 through photographs made by the Soviet Lunik III spacecraft. These photographs showed that the far side of the moon is similar to the near side except that large lunar maria are absent. Craters are now known to cover the entire moon, ranging in size from huge, ringed maria to those of microscopic size. The entire moon has about 3 trillion craters larger than about 1 m in diameter. The moon shows different phases as it moves along its orbit around the earth. Half the moon is always in sunlight, just as half the earth has day while the other half has night. The phases of the moon depend on how much of the sunlit half can be seen at any one time. In the new moon, the face is completely in shadow. About a week later, the moon is in first quarter, resembling a half-circle; another week later, the full moon shows its fully lighted surface; a week afterward, in its last quarter, the moon appears as a half-circle again. The entire cycle is repeated each lunar month, which is approximately 29.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Jagged Automobile Company

We will venture into auto mobile industry. The company will be called jagged auto mobile company. Auto mobiles industry is one of the oldest industries in US. It dates back to 1899 after it was adopted from Europe. We will try to not only follow the foot steps of Ford Auto mobile that is currently the leading auto mobile company but we will also Endeavour to out do them. Jagged Automobile Company will be located in Washington DC.The reason why our plant is located in Washington is the: availability of cheap Labour, availability of land, availability of raw materials, availability of customers and given that Washington is also located in a good. We are planning to launch our company on 12th December 1918. Amongst the guest we have invited are Sir Ford and our President. Jagged Auto mobile company will be adopting an organization structure that will be based on function. At the top we will have the General Manager, sales and marketing manager, financial controller, Customer service man ager, Technical manager, Human resource manager.The general manager will be the overall manager of the company, technical; manager will head all the engineers who will be responsible for designing new products and carrying out after sales services. Sales and marketing manager will lead the sales team and he will be responsible for marketing the jagged auto mobiles products. The financial controller will be responsible for the companies’ finances. The human resources manager will be responsible for all matters affecting employees and for will employees affairs.The diagram below is a schematic representation of the organization structure of Jagged Auto mobile company. The company will have one plant at the beginning, with several outlets all the country for their products. It will also involve the services of motor bazaars. Amongst the strategic points that we have noticed are Chicago, Texas, Florida, Washington DC and Ohio. We are also planning to link up with some other peopl e from other countries like Mexico and Canada who are still importing vehicles from UK.We believe that our products will do better in North America. We will need the following resources in our plants, welding guns, welding midges, tires, plates, engine oil, brake fluid, steering oil, petrol, leather, cushion, wire, insurance, card board, jigs and fixtures. (Ford 2008) We are going to offer tenders to companies which manufacture tires. But we are planning to have tires from Firestone Company in Britain because they are the main suppliers of Ford automobile company. For the steel we will be getting it from US.Steel Corporation Company given that it’s a local company with a vast experience in steel production. The steel will be used for making the body of the car. The wire we will get from US cable manufacturers who are the oldest manufacturers of wire. The wire will be used for wiring the vehicle. We will get all our oils from Total, this French company which started in 1902. W e are going for their oil because Total lubricants are widely used in UK by auto mobile companies and in US companies like Ford Auto Mobile. (Ford 2008) The capital required will be around five million US dollars.But with sometime we are planning to take our company to the stock exchange market. This will enable us to get more capital. I happen to have inherited over ten million US dollars from father who happens to be the owner of Sainsbury food industry. Sells and marketing department will be responsible for delivering the goods to the customers. Some vehicles will be shipped to the buyers. We are also likely to start a supply chain chains all over America. The vehicles will be manufactured and then taken to the suppliers where the customers will get their products.The buyers will also be allowed to buy vehicles directly from our plants. We will be offering after sales services. We are going to offer after sales services for one year to our entire customer. The sales engineers wil l be responsible for this. They will also propose new design to the design engineers. We will be targeting people from the whole country. Particularly the middle class who according to survey we have done are the majority in the population. Our Engineers will come up with vehicles with different features.The better feature a vehicle will have the higher will its price be. The sales and marketing department will be responsible for this. They are going to place advertisement in the media. We will also put up advisements on bill boards. Our vehicle will also have our logo on the bonnet. We are also going to give discounts to our customer. The legal consideration that we will have to adhere to is the environmental policy, the workers laws and the company legislation. Reference: â€Å"Ford Motor Company† retrieved from ford automobile company. com on 1st December 2008

Friday, August 16, 2019

Behavioral and Social/Cognitive Approaches to Forming Habits

Habit as defined in Webster’s as a: a behavior pattern acquired by frequent repetition or physiologic exposure that shows itself in regularity or increased facility of performance b : an acquired mode of behavior that has become nearly or completely involuntary (Merriam-Webster Dictionary Online, 2011). Behavior is the manner of conducting oneself or anything that an organism does involving action and response to stimulation. In everyday life habits are formed and intertwined with ones behavior. People are often associated with the way they behave based on the environment they come from and the habits they develop from that environment. Behavioral Theorists believe learning experiences as the development of our personality. During these developmental years the environment has the greatest influence on the personality. This influence is reinforced by positive or negative rewards. Classic conditioning explains many behavioral reaction patterns. When a person receives positive reinforcement of a behavior (reward), they develop this behavior as part of their own. A person will continue to perform a certain action because of the reward at the end of the action. An Actor receives a Grammy for outstanding performance. That actor will try to perform this action again in the next movie they are in. On the other hand, negative reinforcement (punishment) will elicit a response to not perform that behavior again. (Friedman & Schustack, 2009). If you put your finger in an electric socket the electric shock will influence you not to perform this habit again. John B. Watson was instrumental in the development of the behavioral learning approach. Watson believed in the experimental method and if psychology were to be a science, then only the observable behavior was a reasonable matter of science (Friedman & Schustack, 2009). He looked at obvious behaviors that could be learned and controlled by the therapist. During his experiments Watson used animals and not human subjects. He believed he could get the same results from animals that others did using humans. Traditional behaviorism identifies two basic types of conditioning. Classic conditioning is defined by the repeated exposure of an unconditioned stimulus that elicits an unconditioned response and a neutral stimulus. The developed neutral stimulus can develop the same response as the unconditioned stimulus. B. F. Skinner developed the more radical approach of Operant conditioning. Operant conditioning results when a behavior is followed by reinforcement or punishment (Burger, 2010). Social cognitive personality development has some similarity as behaviorism. Behavioral and Social learning theories consists of four characteristic: Behaviorism, Basic Principles of Conditioning, Social Learning theory, and Social-Cognitive Theory. Behavioral is regarded as â€Å"attitude change, language acquisition, psychotherapy, student-teacher interaction, problem solving, gender roles, and job satisfaction. † Social learning is regarded as â€Å"thoughts, morals, expectancies, and individual insights† (Burger, 2010). Social-Cognitive theory as described by Albert Bandura engages in thinking and symbolic learning from observation. Behaviorism holds that people are conditioned, or trained, to respond in certain ways by rewards and punishments. Bandura suggested that there must be a way that people can learn simply by watching others, thereby removing the need to learn everything by monotonous trial-and-error (Krapp, 2005). People learn by observing others, with the environment, behavior, and cognition all as the chief factors in influencing development. These three factors are not stagnant or self-sufficient; rather, they are all shared. According to social learning theory, modeling influences learning primarily through its informative functions. As the observers in our environment we retain a portion of the modeled behavior, which then serves as a blueprint for the behavior. This type of learning incorporates four components: attention, retention, motor, and motivational processes that help to understand why individuals imitate socially desirable behavior (Krapp, 2005). Habits are developed from childhood into adulthood. Good and bad habits are formed during this time based on behavior and social influences. In today’s society our bad habits are more noticeable than our good ones. We are always trying to correct someone from doing something we would not do or say, yet we do not understand why they behave the way they do. Some families develop household habits that last a lifetime and can be passed from child to child. These childhood habits are hard to break and require years of reconditioning. Some become part of your way of life. In my family one of the many habits I developed or inherited, was to eat eggs with jelly all over them. Yes that is right!! You mix the jelly in with the eggs and that is how they are eaten. My father ate his eggs that way, his father ate eggs the same way and so did my Great Grandfather. I have yet to break this habit. My father reinforced this habit by providing praise and allowing me to try different jellies on my eggs. The more he paid attention to this behavior the more I performed the act. He had no idea he was conditioning me to perform a certain action based on his praise/reward. Until I studied behaviorism I had no idea this was a form of conditioning. This was not something he taught me, this was a behavior I observed as part of my family environment. Once I tried the eggs with jelly, I like the taste and this became part of my habits when eating scrambled eggs. For my children I allow them to have free will and eat what they like and how they like it. My six year old likes ketchup on her broccoli. This is not learned from observation, this is just her. of his is a good example of behavior of the family that influenced one of my habits. While serving in the Military, I developed a social habit that is wide spread in the Army. Using acronyms is a large part of the military language. We use this as part of our social communication. If you do not know or understand the terminology you are not â€Å"Hooah† enough. Some may say that situation is FUBAR (Fouled up Beyond All Recognition). I contribute my behavior more to the social cognitive theories of observation. My behavior has been shaped from observing others around me and taking bits and pieces from each of them and incorporating those behaviors into my personality. To this day I am an observer of others behavior. Good or bad, I have the free will to make a determination on what parts I will use to become part of my personality. This is why I disagree with the behaviorism theorist. I have not received reward or punishment for my behavior. Good, bad, or indifferent, my personality has not been affected by treating me like a lab rat and performing behavior changing experiments on me. I believe some personalities do need operant conditioning, mine is just not one of them. For those personalities developed from socially unacceptable environments, some form of conditioning is necessary to develop a socially acceptable behavior. The first course of action is to take them out of the environment and allow them to see a more positive behavior. The saying goes you can take the child out f the country, but you cannot take the country out of the child (country can be substituted with any negative environment). I have worked hard to eat eggs the way it is socially accepted. In public I will eat the way it is expected for you to eat, but this differs from environment to environment. In Germany, boiled eggs are egg more served than scrambled. Thereby I adjust to the environment I am exposed to. At home I can eat the way I want to and enjoy my eggs and jelly. Some habits you just do not want to change. I enjoy the taste of a finely cooked, scrambled egg and grape jelly.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Essay

Throughout the novel the Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao Yunior tells the story of oscars family that is allegedly cursed by the Fuku. The dominican family that roots back to when Trujillo was in power has been tragical effected by the Fuku. The main character Oscar is an awkward Dominican that balms his failures on the curse of the Fuku. The curse started back in the Dominican republic when the oppressive dictator Trujillo convicted oscars grandfather Abelard who was a respected doctor for conspiracy. When oscars grandfather was put in jail he was tortured and beaten, this was the origin of the curse for the Wao’s. Like a gene the curse has been passed down the family to oscar. The author Junot Diaz uses the motif of the Fuku to illustrate how bani allows her awful past to dramatically affect her and children. Everyone that lived in the dominican was in some way negatively effected by Trujillo. Oscar Wao was a living example of the fuku and how not only Trujillo effected the dominican people of his time but even the people two generations later. For example (p.5)â€Å"wether I believe in what many have described as the great american doom is not really the point. You live as long as I did in the heart of Fuku country, you hear these kinds of tales all the time everybody in san domingo has a Fuku story knocking around in their family.† Yunior is expressing the fact that even if you are not a believer of the Fuku curse if you are dominican there is a good chance it has affected you or your family. When oscars mother was left an orphan she was put through unbelievably awful circumstances much like her fathers. This time in Bani’s life effect who she became and how she parented Oscar.(78)â€Å"From 1951 on, â€Å"hija† and â€Å"madre† running their famous bakery near the plaza central and keeping their fading, airless house in tip-top shape. (before 1951, our orphan girl had lived with another foster family, monsterous people if the rumors are to be believed, a dark period of her life neither she nor her madre ever referenced. Their very own pagina en blanco). This quotation refers to how oscars mother was effected by the Fuku. The reason she was an orphan was because Trujillo killed her parents. The events of her childhood were a direct result of Trujillo but Bani had the power to put the past in the past and parent Oscar the right way, because Bani did not do this the Fuku lives on. Many times in the book a Wao has been injured almost to the point of death. Once was when Oscar attempted suicide. Oscars Suicide attempt was not just because he lost the first girl he has ever loved it was also because of how Oscar had almost no self esteem. Even his own mother would belittle him from a young age. The suicide attempt went wrong and Oscar survived to live another day. (p.191) â€Å"Except that this one of the garden dividers that they planted shrubs on and he hit the freshly tilled loam and not the concrete.† Because he hit the fresh loam he survived with many harsh injures instead of plummeting to his death as planned. This was an incident in Oscar Wao’s life that was a result of his failures like his failure to love or be loved. This failure stems back to how his mother raised him with very tough love because of the her childhood. The novel clearly illustrated how the Fuku has effected all Dominican people even if they had immigrated off the island. To me this novel is not about dominican people and there history it is about how only one man effected millions of lives not only in one point it time but for generations to come. Junot Diaz shows the reader how we all have the power to stop horrible things like the Fuku from effecting the next generation but you must have the power to leave the past in the past.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Sexuality in Bram Stokers Dracula

In this article we will examine the role of sexuality in Bram Stokers Dracula and how major a role it plays in the book. Because of certain aspects in the writers life and because of certain symbolism a great deal of sexual meaning has been given to every aspect of the book. The character and physical description of Dracula in the novel are very sensual in nature. The other female vampires appear to the reader to be even more sexual and the male characters are strongly attracted to them despite the ever-present realization that the vampires are foul beings.Sexuality in the novel There are many scenes in the novel which despite Bram Stokers denial to admit it appear to have many sexual connotations. These suggest that enhanced sexuality almost a by-product of vampirisim. One of which occurs with Jonathan Harker while trapped in Draculas castle gives very physical descriptions of the vampire one of which I have quoted below:‘There he lay looking as if youth had been half-renewed, for the white hair and moustache were changed to dark iron-grey; the cheeks were fuller, and the white skin seemed ruby-red underneath; the mouth was redder than ever, for on the lips were gouts of fresh blood, which trickled from the corners of the mouth and ran over the chin and neck’ (Stoker- Chap 13) Other scenes involving Lucy are also intensely physical. Lucy even as a human an unstable woman who is attracted to three different men between whom she cannot decide.When she becomes a vampire it seems that she has cast aside any sexual inhibitions. The following description shows the intensely sexual desire she is creating ‘†¦ her breast heaved softly †¦ And then insensibly there came the strange change which I had noticed in the night †¦ the mouth opened, and the pale gums, drawn back, made the teeth look longer and sharper than ever †¦ and said in a soft voluptuous voice, such as I had never heard from her lips: ‘Arthur! Oh, my love, I am so glad you have come! Kiss me! ‘(Stoker- Chap 16, 4)When the sexual aspect of the book is admitted to then it can be seen as symbolic of a breaking out of the repressed environment of the Victorian ages. Indeed after the novel was explored it was seen as full of all forms of sexual symbolism. Professor Miller complains repeatedly in her article that the book is being over examined for sexual references Although as she states that the book has probably been over analyzed for sexual references there are many sexual references in the book. A quote from Eric Kwan-Wai Yu’s article‘Whatever shapes of fear vampirism might evoke elsewhere, in this novel the dominant form has to do with sexual menace or the dreadful perception of sexual perversity. In fact, even the most erotic scene ends with utter revulsion and the chilling recognition of demonic threats posed by the Other’ shows that his interpretation indicates a great deal of sexual connation and the confusion created by the use of language between blood-letting and the sexual act. ‘Lucy is described as seductive, demonic, and bestial at the same time, and there is again the deliberate confusion of sex with cannibalism’However Professor Miller states that there is no conclusive proof within Bram Stokers life or the novel which would justify the kind of interpretations that have been made. However there are many indications that repressed sexuality is a powerful undercurrent in the book which both repulses and attracts. Jonathan Harker is unwillingly attracted to the three vampiric women and is sickened by himself . The scene in which Dracula subdues Mina is interpreted as such by Eric Kwan-Wai Yu explains that Stoker ‘subverts gender definitions and behavioral expectations which keep the imperial subject in place.’ He suggests that there is the feeling of something missing as he compares the time when Harker lies by when Dracula comes to Mina and when Dracula fi rst comes to Mina. He draws similarity in their behaviour. Feminist interpretation Another important accept of the sexuality in Dracula is that it is associated with evil and corruption and in contradiction with the divinity of God. There is a distinctive clash of good and evil in the book although these lines get blurred when Mina is bitten.The two characters of Van Helsing and Dr Steward are specifically very aware of their duty towards God. ‘Thus are we, ministers of God's own wish: that the world, and men for whom His Son die, will not be given over to monsters, whose very existence would defame Him. He have allowed us to redeem one soul already [i. e. , Lucy's], and we go out as the old knights of the Cross to redeem more. Like them we shall travel towards the sunrise; and like them, if we fall, we fall in good cause. (Stoker, 278 , )’(qtd by Yu)The sacrifice of Lucy is an example of how far they are willing to go to fulfill this duty. How sexuality is associated w ith the evil and corruption of vampirism is associated with is made clear in Eric Kwan-Wai Yu’s essay when he talks about how Lucy’s â€Å"voluptuousness,† is a projection of men’s suppressed desires and how this guilt of desiring her is turned into shameful brutal aggression and the act of destroying the vampire Lucy can be interpreted as destroying what is sexual in her and ‘murdering the â€Å"devil temptress† can be further rationalized as an honorable duty’Here they are destroying Lucy the vampire but it can be interpreted as suppression of her sexuality if we read the description of Lucy after the stake has been driven. ‘but Lucy as we had seen her in life, with her face of unequalled sweetness and purity ,†¦. One and all we felt that the holy calm that lay like sunshine over the wasted face and form was only an earthly token and symbol of the calm that was to reign for ever’. The association of sex with evil is an extremely common one.Many visual interpretation of the devil show him a creature with over-sized genitals so the symbolism of vampirism with sex does make sense. This if interpreted as a suppression of women’s sexuality can be seen as a suppression of women. Judith Weissman states the fight against vampirisim and the fight to reclaim Mina is to keep women from knowing what men and women all of the ages have known that women’s sexual appetites are greater then mens. (qtd in Miller)It is also interesting to note that Mina after the destruction of the vampire Mina goes back home to be a wife and a mother but when she is infected and Dracula is alive she is an intelligent women who is an integral member of the group who destroys Dracula. She shows mental fortitude by going to mental contact with Dracula while struggling to maintain her own identity and not be overwhelmed by him. Perhaps the interpretation can be extended further then sexuality over here it could be see n as an effort and a fight to keep women on the same roles as they have been performing and to avoid change.The scene in which Dracula cuts his breast and forces Mina to drink from it drink from it as mentioned in earlier seems to have ‘subverted gender definitions’. Protestant Work ethic An important point in Eric Kwan-Wai Yu’s analysis is that this sexual fear and repression creates a powerful Puritan work ethic in the ‘Crew of Light’. Minas vampirism and her deep fear of turning into the ‘Undead ’ is what pushes her to work hard and use her intellectual capacities to their fullest.Yu states ‘The main thrust of my argument is that fear aroused by the paranoiac perception of sexual perversity begets a curious kind of work ethic in the imperial subject, reaffirming Enlightenment reason and scientific progressivism while, at the same time, betraying the very unreason in reason and the profound anxieties underneath the confidence in progress ’Yu also sees Dracula as a highly educated man who is thirst for more knowledge. The sexual aspect can lead us to forget this.He also states that one can see Van Helsing as representative of objectiveness of all the qualities of rationality that the Enlightenment extols and vampirisim is representative of everything that violates reason . Vampirisim explains what is uncanny and ‘unplaceable’ in the enlightened age and the violence of reason itself. This violence of reason is the brutal way in which Lucy has to be killed so that her soul is reclaimed and she is saved.Van Helsing is the voice of this reason who remains calm even when planning in what way to finish Lucy. The fear of this group from vampirism which pushes them towards hard work is shown as being symbolic of the sexual fears that created the Puritan work ethic. This theme again connects vampirism and sexuality. Symbolism Also a part of the book are the sexual symbols. For example the stake be ing symbolic of the phallus. However Professor Miller believes that perhaps at times a wooden stake is just a wooden stake.Even William Myers despite his assertion that the book is erotic in content also states that it is important to note that our interpretation depends on the time we live and all the movies depicting Bram Stoker’s Dracula as intensely sexual are bound to do this because today’s movies require that they do and not necessarily because the book itself is that sexual. ( For the Purity of Our) Conclusion In conclusion it can be said that book does allow for sexual connotations and despite Bram Stokers denial it can be said that repressed sexuality is a part of the book.This allows for an interesting conclusion by Yu which states that the book is symbolic of the fear of sexuality resulting in the Puritan Work ethic. The feminist perspective states that it can be linked to suppression of specifically female sexuality. A scene considered representative of th is is the staking of Lucy who is so sensual and voluptuous before the staking and is purified and redeemed after its There is of course the sexual symbolism in the book.However it is important not to over-interpret or read into works simply because it suits the age in which we live. Work Cited Stoker, Bram. Dracula Bibliomania Online Yu, Eric Kwan-Wai ‘Productive fear: labor, sexuality, and mimicry in Bram Stoker's Dracula. (Critical essay)’ Texas Studies in Literature and Language. 06/22/2006 Miller, Elizabeth ‘Coitus Interruptus: Sex, Bram Stoker, and Dracula’ Romanticism on the Net Issue 44, November 2006 Meyer William ‘For the Purity of Our Precious Bodily Fluids: an Essay on Eroticism in Vampire Films’ Latent Image Spring 2000

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Party of Liberals Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Party of Liberals - Essay Example We don't believe in the theory that supporters of abortion should be called anti-life, immoral or unethical. We never advocate killing of human life but only believe in the full fledged form of women's liberation. Termination of pregnancy should not be misunderstood as killing of human life. Our party is strongly of the opinion that any human embryo carried by a pregnant woman up to the medically terminable stage should not be considered life. Even though spermatozoa, ovum, pre-embryo, embryo, fetus, newborn, and infant are different forms of human life, they don't carry the equal value in relation to its meaning (Definition of terms, human life). The issue of abortion has once again come to the fore with the Mayoral elections nearing. You may recall that we have severely condemned the practice of abortion as unethical at our last delegates meeting. We once again reiterate our commitment to stand by the resolution adopted unanimously at that meeting in which we pledged to ban all abortion clinics in our city if our party candidate became the Mayor of the city. We assure you we will go to any extent to protect your traditional rights and cultural aspects on which the society has built up the social and moral fabric over a period. Abortion is equal to killing the innocent and it is unethical and immoral too.

Statistical Analysis of Experimental Data Research Paper

Statistical Analysis of Experimental Data - Research Paper Example Analysis of variance (t-tests) can be used to estimate the probability that the underlying phenomena are not the same (Sergey, &Valery, 2012). Research plays a major role in psychology. The results are relayed through statistics. In order to understand how people behave, think and feel, Psychologists depend on research. Research needs to be organized to be understood by psychologists; therefore statistics help organize the information and make the connection between the research and group of people for easier understanding. These professionals use statistical methods to help them make sense of the numbers they collect when conducting research (James, Glen, Robert, Reid, 1998) Psychology and other human sciences employ statistics in helping understand and in the process solve various issues. A common example can be seen with psychologists’ keen interest on how health is affected by stress. A focused question might involve the study of a specific psychological symptom and its im pact on the health of the population. To assess whether the symptom is a good indicator of stress we need to measure the symptom and stress levels in a sample of individuals from the population. It is not immediately clear how we should go about collecting this sample, i.e. how we should design the study (Mandel, 2012). The data sets that psychologists collect will usually consist of one more observations on one or more variables. A common example can be seen with psychologists’ keen interest.

Monday, August 12, 2019

Study Of Women in America Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Study Of Women in America - Essay Example The adjective liminal is derived from the word liminality which means to be in a situation where there is a sensory threshold of some kind. In our case, we shall focus on how these three women were able to cope with the challenges that accompanied the threshold situation they were in on whether to challenge the norms and expectations the society had for the women or abide by them. The contact period, which saw the meeting of the British and the North Eastern Native Americans, resulted in a huge clash between the ideas concerning the role of the men and the women in the society. The British cultures and norms were generally very gender biased. Women were not given an opportunity to participate in the politics of the country. They had been secluded to being participants of the domestic realm only in the society (Ulrich, 1991). The men basically controlled everything that happened in the society and made the decisions. Women were made to take a back seat as all these was going on. This was in contrast to the Native American system on gender roles. In the Native American system, the women were allowed to fully participate and take up major roles in the politics of the tribe. ... This was a political conspiracy in which she went against the Indian traditions and placed her head upon John Smith’s when her father was about to execute him with a war club. To the eyes of the British, she was the ideal example of a Native American. When she married John Smith, this was Pocahonta’s way of taking charge of the liminal situation that she was in. she did not sit back and allow the British norms to prevent her from marrying the man that she loved. Her love for John Smith made her take charge and she broke the norms thus making it possible for an interracial marriage to happen. Pocahontas was also able to challenge the English common law by engaging herself in the trade and participating in activities that uplifted her status as a woman in the society (Allen, 2004). Just like Pocahontas, Mary (White) Rowlandson was another woman who did not allow her liminal situation to take charge of how she conducted her lifestyle. During her time, the Native Americans believed that writing was a man’s job. They did not expect the women to indulge themselves in this field. After being captures by the Native Indiana and held hostage for eleven weeks, Rowlandson decided to write a book after her release to cover her ordeals during the capture. Mary Rowlandson decided to def all odds and went ahead to publish her book which spoke of the difficulties that the women had got to face in a male dominated society. Her book was reprinted four times within a short period of time. It was the first American written bestseller (Kerber, De Hart, and Dayton, 2011). With the help of her book, Mary Rowlandson was able to stand tall and bring to light the liminal conditions that the women were faced with as a result of oppressed cultural treatment they were subjected to (Kerber,

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Shakespeare othello Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Shakespeare othello - Research Paper Example Along with it, the play also encapsulates perspective which can be judged from myriad social cone. The feminist and the racist approach to the play amid them is the most prominent. Thesis Statement The play â€Å"Othello† by Shakespeare captivates myriad themes like, jealousy, love, revenge and betrayal. All these themes are incorporated in the play which helps it to move forward and reveal the subtle bent of human psychology, which the playwright wishes to project through various characters and their interaction with the other characters in the play. This essay intends to explore the manifestation of these themes through the symbols, characters and motifs of the play throughout its plot. Myriad Themes Captivated within the Multi-layered Plot of the Play Despite being a tragedy, the importance and influence of the play â€Å"Othello† in the history of the English theatre cannot be undermined at all. The theme of love in the play is manifested through the love of Othello for Desdemona whom he treats as the extension of his own self. Desdemona is treated by Othello as an object of romantic passion with a feeling of exaltation. The destruction of Desdemona is actually treated as self-destruction for Othello. And the murder of Desdemona is viewed as a prelude to his self-killing. Iago, in such situation, can be viewed as an object of temptation that is persuading Othello relentlessly to view and regard himself from a perspective of Venice. Gradual provocation compelled him to accept the fact that he is an alien to the Venetian society and the lady of his love, who is an embodiment of that Venetian culture, also treats him alien. Othello desired for an ideal beauty and ideal love which he found in Desdemona. Desdemona, on the other hand, is incarnation of pure spiritual love and embodiment of ideal beauty. She is not the icon of love but the reason for love in others. It is under the influence of Iago with his tainted mind, Othello started viewing his beloved as a threat and her sexuality started becoming unbearable for him. Othello under the spell of his frailty mind gradually moves away from the platform on which the sensual and spiritual love were harmonised. Slowly Desdemona’s erotic beauty became an eye-sore for him and her devotion and love seemed â€Å"proof† of infidelity. The failure of Othello to harmonize the two aims of love leads him to encounter a fear and loathe of secularity which puts him into an aura encapsulated by physical frailty and extreme dependence on Desdemona. The horror and pity displayed by Othello transcends every spectacle of love and takes him to a paradigm far beyond the complete and noble concept of love undermined by a filthy and self-hatred state of mind. Even the failure of Othello as a romantic lover does not end with the bodily collapse of Desdemona. It is only the destruction of the symbol of life by the lover. And even after the murder of his beloved, the experience of love c ontinues. This is the reason as even after Desdemona perishes, Othello is posited in a â€Å"full possession of this heavenly sight† reflected from the sight of his dead beloved. Theme of Jealousy â€Å"Othello† is a play that explores sexual jealousy at myriad levels of its plot. The seat of jealousy evolves in the play from the outset of the play; the audiences are encountered with Iago. Iago

Saturday, August 10, 2019

British Airway is a listed industrial company on the London Stock Essay

British Airway is a listed industrial company on the London Stock Exchange,obtain its published annual reports and aacounts - Essay Example The financial performance and position analysis of British Airways can be done with the help of profitability, leverage and liquidity ratios in comparison with one of its major industrial competitors i.e. Air France-KLM ( The analysis of Air France-KLM would serve as a benchmark for the evaluation of performance and position of British Airways plc. The profitability ratios presented in the above table highlight both the companies i.e. British Airways plc and Air France-KLM for the last 4 years 2002-05. The return on assets ratio for British Airways reveals that the company has been generating a declining return on its various assets over the last four years. This ratio has decreased by about 39% in 2005 as compared to the year 2002. For Air France, this ratio also shows that the return generated by the company on its various assets has been consistently declining over the four years. The ratio has decreased by about 50% in the year 2005 as compared to 2002. Despite this fact, Air France's return on asset ratio is about 12% higher than that of the British Airways plc for the year 2005. This suggests that Air France has been more successful in utilising its assets towards the generation of profit. The return on capital employed ratio indicates the extent to which a company generates return on the funds invested by its investors. According the above table, British Airways' return on capital employed ratio has been on the declining trend for the last four years suggesting a significant plunge in the company's net profits. The ROCE for British Airways has declined by about 30% in the year 2005 as compared to 2002. Approximately, the similar situation has been with its competitor Air France plc; its ROCE has also been declining but at a higher rate than British Airways i.e. 50% if the figures for the year 2005 are compared with 2002. Still, Air France's ROCE is much higher than that of the British Airways. The three profit margin ratios depicted in the above chart i.e. the gross profit margin, operating margin and net profit margin provide an insight into these companies' general profitability. The gross profit margin shows the revenue that is left with the company after accounting for various production and distribution costs. The operating margin reveals the extent to which a company loses its sales revenues in meeting its

Friday, August 9, 2019

Labor and Employment Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Labor and Employment Law - Essay Example The previous department manager left the company during this employee’s leave. The new manager has agreed to this employee’s return to the previous job, at the previous rate of pay. But the manager has denied the request for the 11 weeks of withheld salary. In this context, the provision for the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 can be applied to some significant extent. Some of the most important clauses of the act are (EMPLOYEE RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES, 2009): For the purpose of incapacity because of pregnancy, or prenatal medical care and/or child birth; In order to take care for the concerned employee’s child after the birth, also placement for the adoption or related to foster care; To take care for the concerned employee’s partner, son or the daughter, or the parent, who possesses a grave health condition (EMPLOYEE RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES, 2009); One of the most important properties of the act is that if an employee takes leave in regard to any one of the above mentioned conditions, then the business organization where the person works is liable to provide the total amount of employment compensation to that employee. However, there is certainly an upper limit to the total time span of taking the leave – 12 months of maximum time (EMPLOYEE RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES, 2009). However, the FMLA requires covered employers to provide up to 12 weeks of unpaid, job-protected leave to eligible employees for the following reasons: †¢ For incapacity due to pregnancy, prenatal medical care or child birth; †¢ To care for the employee’s child after birth, or placement for adoption or foster care; †¢ To care for the employee’s spouse, son or daughter, or parent, who has a serious health condition; or †¢ For a serious health condition that makes the employee unable to perform the employee’s job. Under these circumstances it is most likely to argue that the company or the new manager is not liable to pay the full 11 weeks’ salary to the employee. Hence, in this situation, there has not been any violation of the concerned law (EMPLOYEE RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES, 2009). Situation B: One employee is 68 years old and has been with a particular company for 42 years. During the annual performance review last month, it was determined that this employee was doing â€Å"above average† work in the department. Employee B was denied a promotion due to age. A co-worker given the promotion, who is 32 years old, received a performance review of â€Å"adequate.† In this respect there has been a violation of the act. This is due to the fact that the person who has been promoted is the co-worker of another person who has been originally chosen by the company for promotion. As this 68 years old person was denied taking the promotion by the company, therefore it became one of the most illegal aspects to share the promotion with another co-worker of this 68 year s old employee. In this respect, as the older employee himself did not reject taking the promotion and as this decision has been entirely been forced on him by the company, therefore the law has significantly been violated. In this respect the older employee is expected to question the company regarding their act. Also the employee is expected to make legal case against the company asking why the management of the company has denied his

Thursday, August 8, 2019

UK's Court's Equitable Jurisdiction in Inheritance Tax Matters Essay

UK's Court's Equitable Jurisdiction in Inheritance Tax Matters - Essay Example Since the medieval period, the equity principles in UK have emerged poignantly through the process of chains of various forms of the writ, conceived by the Lords Chancellor. UK courts have applied equitable jurisdiction through the forms of rescission, injunctions, specific performance and through rectification or reversion. An equitable remedy can be explained as a relief or remedy by recognising a loss suffered by an infringement of duty and demanding the fiduciary to make an order for compensation for the loss suffered as held in Target Holdings v Redferns. The court can order to pay monetary damages which are known as â€Å"equitable compensation.† The fundamental principle of the equitable jurisdiction is the concept that it functions or acts in personam. The meaning of in personam can be explained how the Court of Equity is more worried to stop any given individual from functioning unconscionably. Thus, a Court of Equity is therefore giving a verdict, footed on the verac ity of the facts unreasonably or not knowingly. If the defendant does not stop or carryout the court orders, then such person would be held as committed a contempt of court. In East v Pantiles Plant Hire Ltd , the court was asked to consider the background on which reversion or overhaul can be ordered as regards to a deed. In this case, Brightman J observed it is obvious on the officials that an error in a written deed, could, in some scenarios, be ordered to be corrected as an issue of drafting without applying for an order from a court for an order of rectification. To be eligible under this rule, it is necessary to fulfil the following two stipulations namely there should be an apparent and obvious error on the face of the deed, and it must be obvious what rectification has to be made so as to rectify the error. As a matter of construction, if the above two conditions are fulfilled, then such rectification is made. (Marshall2007: 90). Mistake of Fact In â€Å"Ogden, v Trustees of the RHS Griffiths 2003 Settlement†3, the trustees were delegated with revisionary interests in certain shares by the deceased grantor. When executing the deed, the gra ntor was of the opinion that his health was good and hence, he had a reasonable opportunity for living for at least seven years. As under Inheritance Tax Act 1984, if a gift is made, the grantor should live at least for seven years from the date of granting the gift. It is to be noted that after the expiry of seven years, there will be no inheritance tax on the assets so gifted to family members. However, Griffith was actually diagnosed with lung cancer and died after one year after the execution of the gift. Executors contended that a mistake was committed by the deceased in assessing his state of health and prayed for equity intervention. Agreeing with the executors, Lewison J set aside the transfer or gift under the mistake of fact. (Hacker 2008:117). Griffith’s case has permitted tax payers in UK as part of their tax planning to have just and to annul gifts they have made under the mistake of facts. As per s 3A of the Inheritance Tax Act 1984, if a grantor lives for seven years immediately after executing a gift to somebody, there