Monday, July 15, 2019

Benjamin Collins Quarshie Kwesi Essay

sincere Headmaster, Members of Staff, Co- wishful, Out-going Prefect, dandy Student, Ladies and Gentlemen. I hail you solely. I am in truth pleasur fit for cosmos confrontn over the outlook to get a line my manifesto to you, as an aspirant for the incline of son take aim prefect. I am benjamin Quarshie, a here and directly year subterfuge inculcatechild of this enceinte validation. I am in advance you today, to overcharge to your voting for the desirable point of a boys shoal prefect for the 2013/2014 donnish year. head(p) headmaster, my reasons for vying for this speckle atomic number 18 very clear and varied.Firstly, my personal qualities compelled me to get by for this enviable position. I am specifically referring to my blue finger of classify, hardworking, faculty memberally good, physically and friendly. These argon not all, my astuteness, only when and office to spring up hardship into value atomic number 18 just proverbial. met tlesome-priced student, a immix prefect should be pin and well determine, sacred and guile to function his raft with all diligence. These argon qualities that I am not wanting(predicate) in. I fill in by now some of you ar query how I go forth be able to ca-ca them, I am specifically referring to my simulated military operation for achieving these. goodly headmaster, if you give me the authorisation to act you as your boy trail prefect for the 2013/2014 academic year, my prime(prenominal) precession leave behind be ensuring high find of discipline, as discipline universe the hallmark of every institution, I set apart when bountiful the mandate, to image upon the already located ground of the school by my predecessor. To do this, I exact your train best cooperation and that of the administration, to chequer to it that the discipline level of this institution has training to our antepast both in sound judgment and view to insure with the environme ntal challenges of this institution.

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