Friday, July 26, 2019

Analyze the way in which the Surrounded grounds its narrative in the Essay

Analyze the way in which the Surrounded grounds its narrative in the relationship of geographic space and indian identity. what do you make of the text's narrative landscape - Essay Example The paternal conflict between Max Leon and his sons, including his flawed connection with his wife Catharine brings forth the convergence in the novel. Catharine is the daughter of Running Wolf, an honorable Salish Indian man and known as faithful Catharine after her recent conversion. The bridges burned between them and the mostly disappointing offspring they have conceived together. Max, the patriarch of the family, was imprisoned for a crime his sons it appears hascommitted. Stealing cattle, the sheriff failed to arrest the Leon boys. After his release, Max built a grander house for his own and left his wife in the log cabin. The relationship between husband and wife is a testament to the undeniably challenging relationship among Native Americans and the immigrant Europeans. The life they shared seemed but mangled years of disconnect. Epitomized in the novel is the diversity among two immense cultural groups and their inability to understand one another despite their passive aggressive attempt to do so. It exemplifies the clash in culture that was brought upon by the influx of European immigration to the Americas. This brought upon detraction from the traditional way of life and a shift to the technologically advance European innovations. Life as the Natives knew it was swiftly becoming obsolete as the need to cope with the modern white men increases. Tribal cultures were in essence destroyed that it insinuated a feeling of alienation, opposition or inert tolerance to the fate they cannot possibly escape. Families, communities and people lost not only their lands but their identities in the process. But above all these, Mc Nickle painted the inherent connotative perceptions each group possesses for the other. This constitutes an undeniable conflict of contradiction and passivity. Yet it identifies a certain sense of self-awareness and of condescension for each other. Descending from a MÃ ©tis Indian lineage while his

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