Wednesday, July 31, 2019

The Return: Midnight Chapter 43

â€Å"Elena?†Stefan said quietly. â€Å"Could you ask me to come in? You have to invite me in if you want to – to talk – â€Å" Invite him in? He was already in – inside her heart. She had told the Guardians that everyone would have to accept Stefan as her boyfriend of almost a year. It didn't matter. In a low voice she said, â€Å"Come in, Stefan.† â€Å"The window's locked from your side, Elena.† Numbly, Elena unlocked the window. The next moment she was encompassed by warm, strong arms in a desperate, fervent embrace. But the moment after that, the arms dropped, leaving her frozen and lonely. â€Å"Stefan? What's wrong?†Her eyes had adapted and by the starlight through the window she could see him hesitating before her. â€Å"I can't – It isn't – It's not me you want,†he said in a rush that sounded as if it came through a constricted throat. â€Å"But I wanted you to know that – that Meredith and Matt are holding Bonnie. Comforting her, I mean. They're al okay and so is Mrs. Flowers. And I thought that you – â€Å" â€Å"They put me to sleep! They said they wouldn't put me to sleep!† â€Å"You fel asleep, lo – Elena. While we were waiting for them to send us home. We al watched over you: Bonnie, Sage, and I.†He was Stillspeaking in that formal, unusual tone. â€Å"But I thought – Well, that you might want to talk tonight, too. Before I – I left.†He put a finger up to stop his lip from shaking. â€Å"You swore you wouldn't leave me!†Elena cried. â€Å"You promised, not for any reason, not for any length of time, no matter how noble the cause!† â€Å"But – Elena – that was before I understood†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"You Stilldon't understand! Do you know – â€Å" His hand flew to cover her mouth and he put his lips to her ear. â€Å"Lo – Elena. We're in your house. Your aunt – â€Å" Elena felt her eyes widen, although of course subconsciously she had known this al along. The air of familiarity. This bed – it was her bed, and the spread was her beloved gold and white bedspread. The obstacles she'd known how to avoid in the dark – the tapping at her window†¦she was home. Like a climber who has negotiated an impossible-seeming section of rock, and almost fal en, Elena felt a tremendous rush of adrenaline. And it was this – or, perhaps, simply the power of the love that flooded through her – that achieved what she had been so clumsily trying to reach. She felt her soul expand and come out of her body. And meet Stefan's. She was appal ed by the hastily swept-away desolation in his spirit, and humbled by the surge of love that flooded every part of him at the touch of her mind. Oh, Stefan. Just – say that – that you can forgive me, that's all. If you forgive me I can live. Maybe you can even be happy with me again – if you just give it a little time. I'm already happy with you. But we have all the time in the world, Stefan reassured her. But she caught the shadow of a dark thought whisked quickly out of the way. He had al the time in the world. She, however†¦ Elena had to choke back a laugh but then clutched at Stefan suddenly. My backpack – did they take it? Where is it? Right beside your nightstand. I can reach it. Do you want it? He reached in the darkness and pul ed up something heavy and rough and none too pleasant-smel ing. Elena thrust one frantic hand inside it while Stillholding on to Stefan with the other. Yes! Oh, Stefan, it's here! He was beginning to suspect – but he only knew when she drew out the bottle labeled Evian Water and held it to her cheek. It was icy cold, although the night was mild and humid. And as it effervesced violently, it glowed in a way that no ordinary water did. I didn't mean to do it, she told Stefan, suddenly worried that he might not like to associate with a thief. At least – not at first. Sage said to get the water from the Fountain of Eternal Youth and Life into bottles. I dug up a big bottle and this little one, and somehow I stashed the smaller one in my backpack – I'd've put the big one in, too, but it didn't fit. And I didn't even think about the little one again until after they took away my Wings and my telepathy. And a good thing, Stefan thought. If they had caught you – oh, my lovely love! His arms squeezed the breath from Elena's lungs. So that's why you were suddenly so eager to leave! â€Å"They took almost everything else supernatural about me,†Elena whispered, placing her lips close to Stefan's ear. â€Å"I have to live with that, and if they'd given me a chance I'd have agreed – for the sake of Fel ‘s Church – if I'd been logical – â€Å"She broke off as she suddenly realized that she had been literal y out of her mind. She'd been worse than a thief. She'd tried to use a lethal attack on a group of – mostly – innocent people. And the worst thing was that a part of her knew that Damon would have understood her madness, while she wasn't sure Stefan ever could. â€Å"But you don't have to change me into – you know,†she began whispering frenetical y again. â€Å"A sip or two of this and I can be with you forever. Forever and – for – forever – Stefan – â€Å"She stopped, trying to get her breath and her mental balance. His hand closed over hers on the cap. â€Å"Elena.† â€Å"I'm not crying. It's because I'm happy. Forever and ever, Stefan. We can be together, just†¦just us two†¦forever.† â€Å"Elena, love.†His hand kept hers from twisting open the bottle. â€Å"It – isn't what you want?† With his other arm, Stefan pul ed her tightly to him. Her head fel forward onto his shoulder and he rested his chin on her hair. â€Å"It's what I want more than anything. I'm†¦dazed, I guess. I have been ever since – â€Å"He stopped and tried again. â€Å"If we have al the time in the world, we have tomorrow,†he said in a voice muffled by hair. â€Å"And tomorrow is time enough for you to start to think it through. There's enough in that bottle for maybe four or five people. You're the one who's going to have to decide who drinks it, love. But not tonight. Tonight is for†¦Ã¢â‚¬  With a sudden rush of joy Elena understood. â€Å"You're talking about – Damon.†Amazing how difficult it was to simply say his name. It almost seemed a violation, and yet†¦ When he could talk – like this – for a moment to me, he told me what he wanted, she sent. Stefan stirred a little in the darkness, but said nothing. Stefan, he only asked for one thing before he†¦went. It was not to be forgotten. That's all. And we're the ones who remember the most. Us and Bonnie. Aloud she added, â€Å"I wil never forget him. And I wil never let anyone else who knew him forget him – for as long as I live.† She knew she'd spoken too loudly, but Stefan didn't try to quiet her. He gave one quick shudder and then held her tightly again, his face buried in her hair. I remember, he sent to her, when Katherine asked him to join her – when we three were in Honoria Fell's crypt. I remember what he said to her. Do you? Elena felt their souls intertwine as they both saw the scene through the other's eyes. Of course, I remember too. Stefan sighed, half-laughing. I remember trying to take care of him later in Florence. He wouldn't behave, wouldn't even Influence the girls he fed on. Another sigh. I think he wanted to get caught at that point. He couldn't even look me in the face and talk about you. I made Bonnie send for you. I made sure she got both of you out here, Elena told him. Her tears had begun to flow again, but slowly – gently. Her eyes were shut and she felt a faint smile come to her lips. Do you know – Stefan's mental voice was startled, astonished – I remember something else! From when I was very young, maybe three or four years old. My father had a terrible temper, especially right after my mother died. And back then, when I was little, and my father was furious and drunk, Damon would deliberately get in between us. He'd say something obnoxious and – well, my father would end up beating him instead of me. I don't know how I could have forgotten about that. I do, Elena thought, remembering how frightened she had been of Damon when he'd first turned human – even though he'd put himself in between her and the vampires who wanted to Discipline her in the Dark Dimension. He had a gift for knowing exactly what to say – how to look – what to do – to get under anyone's skin. She could feel Stefan chuckle faintly, wryly. A gift, was it? Well, I certainly couldn't do it, and I can manage most people, Elena replied softly. Not him, though. Never him. Stefan added, But he was almost always kinder to weak people than to strong ones. He always did have that soft spot for Bonnie†¦ He broke off, as if frightened he'd ventured too near something sacred. But Elena had her bearings now. She was glad, so glad, that in the end Damon had died to save Bonnie. Elena herself needed no more proof of his feelings about her. She would always love Damon, and she would never al ow anything to diminish that love. And, somehow, it seemed fitting that she and Stefan should sit in her old bedroom and speak of what they remembered of Damon in hushed tones. She planned on taking the same thing up with the others tomorrow. When she final y fel asleep in Stefan's arms, it was hours after midnight.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

B2B Report

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The report will firstly analyze the external audit of Processed Food & Food Service and Confectionery & Bakery industries, which consist of two parts – market analysis and customer analysis. From these two parts, the opportunities and threats of the suppliers in these industries, especially DKSH, will be outlined. In the market analysis, business environment, the market and competitors will be examined respectively.Particularly, the opportunities about the increase in demand or a good signal of industrial development will be explained in social factors, economic factors and industry part; these factors will give general information about Vietnam young population and their Western culture receptivity, which will easily increase the demand in such industry.On the other hand, legal factor will threaten DKSH due to the strict requirement in canned food industry that the firm needs to take caution in order to adapt to new regulation; while the economic factors onc e again strengthen the opportunity from social factors due to the increase in GDP growth and income. However, the inflation rate should also be considered because it could cause the inconstant demand and be difficult to forecast future demand in the future. The market part also gives some general information about the size based on the value of packaged food industry around US$12. billion in 2011 with the prediction of 4. 2% growth rate in next two years, which promises the development of these two clusters in the near future. Secondly, customer analysis is divided into two main features, which are current customers and potential customers. In current customer analysis, the report will give the information about each cluster’s market share of the top companies holding the highest percentage; Masan in sauce market, Acecook in instant noodles market, and Kinh Do in confectionery & bakery market.Then, more details information about these current customers will be examined in ter m of sales, their expectation such as building up deeper relationship with their multinational suppliers, and difficulty such as high input cost. After that, potential customer part is analyzed based on proposed potential customer list; this part contains some companies regard to Lien Hoa, Hieu Cau Den in processed food; and Huu Nghi and Hai Ha in bakery and confectionery. Especially, some reasons will be given based on the research and analysis about these companies in order to prove that they re ideally potential customers of DKSH. Thirdly, the internal audit is conducted to give the brief idea about the company; DKSH sales structures are activated in product and geographically based, and the strengths of the company about qualified staffed and good value added service are figured out in resources and marketing mix management part. From industry and customer analysis, the SWOT gives the summary of company strengths and weakness; and opportunities and threats in graph illustration form. Next, the marketing plan is proposed in order to give the best fit with the SWOT.The marketing objective that applied SMART approach will aim to increase the demand, brand awareness as well as the way to approach to potential customers with the specific point of time which is from 1st October 2012 to 1st April 2013. Then, the implementation plans relied on marketing mix, including direct marketing, personal selling and sale promotion will be planned specifically. To give more visual prospect about the marketing plan, the marketing program gives detail schedule as an action plan; and finally the performance evaluation will give some idea about how to evaluate the success of this marketing plan.Contents I. Introduction5 II. External Audit6 A. Market Analysis6 1. Business Environment6 2. The Market8 3. Competitors10 B. Customer Analysis11 1. General Information11 2. Current Customers13 3. Potential Customers17 III. Internal Audit23 A. Company Analysis23 1. Sales23 2. Management o f marketing mix23 3. Resources23 IV. SWOT25 A. Strengths25 B. Opportunities25 V. Marketing Objectives26 VI. Implementation Plans26 VII. Marketing Program27 A. Direct Marketing27 1. Telephone Marketing27 2. Email Marketing27 B. Personal Selling29 C.Sales Promotion29 D. Action Plan29 VIII. Performance Evaluation31 IX. Conclusion32 X. Appendix33 A. Potential Customer List33 B. Mapping Itinerary37 1. Southern37 2. Northern40 XI. Reference41 * Introduction DKSH is one of leading companies in market expansion services that has been established in 1865 and exist for 150 years in Asia. Thus, â€Å"Think Asia, Think DKSH† is recognized as company's slogan and that could tell how successful DKSH is in Asia. With a strong financial performance that has increased rapidly from 2002 to 2011 that exceed 8. % in net sales, DKSH becomes a strongest successful market leader recently. Obviously, its objectives are to help firms to grow their business in new and existing market by supplying know ledge, advice, relationship to reach each individual's goal, expand company's revenue opportunities and increase their market shares by making sure that their client's products are always visible on the shelves at all times. DKSH's business units are divided into 4 main business lines: Food ; Beverage (F;B), Personal Care, Pharmaceuticals and Specialty Chemicals.In fact, this report is going to analyze on 2 small clusters: Confectionary ; Bakery, and Processed Food which included in F;B industry in order to help DKSH to remain on the existing market and expand their business to the new market. To be more specific, integrated marketing communication tools that are direct marketing (telephone ; email), personal selling and sales promotion (trade promotion) will be applied to support push strategy in order to approach to potential customers. External Audit Market Analysis Business EnvironmentSocial Factors According to General Statistics Office (2010), Vietnam population in 2010 is aro und 88 millions with 51. 9% of this figure is younger than 30. Hence, it could become an opportunity for confectionery and processed food markets in increasing demand for consuming these kinds of product due to the receptivity of young population as well as the influence of Western culture. For this reason, suppliers of ingredients for these products can potentially enhance the number of customers as well as their sales in Vietnam market.Legal Factor According to Civil Law Network (2010), the ministry has implemented a new regulation for food safety, and requires all enterprises in food industry to strictly comply with the law of standard safety food. To be more specific, the Government encourages food manufactures in using high quality ingredients and adding more nutrition in their products. Moreover, they also require the manufactures in focusing on managing the supply of ingredients from upstream.Consequently, it could be the threat for food manufacturing companies to manage and have a specialized knowledge about supplied ingredients and their suppliers are expected to invest more in innovating their products in order to meet the regulation and more persuasive for the manufacturing firms to use their products. Furthermore, the regulation for environmental friendly packaging in food service also stricter (Civil Law Network 2010). Thus, it requires food service suppliers to put more effort in investing new or innovating current kinds of packaging that could adapt to environment issues.Economic factors In 2010, Vietnam’s GDP growth rate was 5. 83% (tradingeconomics. com 2012), hence the monthly average income per capital had increased to 39. 4% compared to 2008 and was estimated to be 1,387 thousand VND. As the result, this increase in income have gradually shifted Vietnamese consumers in premium segments such as sweet, ice cream or cakes and consumers also have higher requirements of diverse tastes, food quality, and nutrition for package food and also bakery (Vietnam package food, 2011).It is the good opportunities for supplying companies to catch up with these trends by developing current and new ingredients in respond with these market trends. However, the significant influence of the inflation rate cannot be denied. Based on tradingeconomics. com data, the Vietnam inflation rate in the third quarter in 2011 was around 22. 42% whish was the highest rate in Asia (bbc. co. uk). Hence, the demand in food market had declined in this period; therefore, manufactures can be threatened in forecasting future demand due to some unpredictable economic factors.Consequently, the suppliers are also affected by that because it could be difficult for them to rank the potentiality of their customers in near future. The Market In the report â€Å"Newzealand Trade;Enterprise† (2011), the author states that the value of packaged food industry in Vietnam was approximatelyUS$13. 3 billion in 2011 with the average growth rate at 4. 2% in the next two year. In addition, based on General Statistics Office website (2011), the value of confectionery sales is predicted to increase to US$ 471. 6 million at the end of 2012 and this figure is going to increase more than 10% each year for the next four years. These numbers indicate that there is a very highly potential demand for confectionery and processed food industry. * Competitors Connell Brothers, DKSH and Brenntag have been ranked as top 10 leading chemical distributors in Asia in 2011. Specifically, they all operate in Vietnam and engage in many types of industries such as food ; beverage, personal care, specialty chemicals, and pharmaceutical industry.As shown in the graph, it can be seen that DKSH has much less sales as well as power compared to Connell Brothers in the global market in 2011. At the meantime, the sale of DKSH and Brenntag is slightly different. Therefore, DKSH is required to put more efforts to gain its market share globally in order to build further di stance with Brenntag and shorten the distance with Connell Brothers. Customer Analysis General Information First of all, the paper is going to show some figures related to market share of some leading firms in Vietnam (2011) for two industries: processed food and bakery.For processed food market, market share of sauce and instant noodles have been displayed; while in bakery industry, confectionery and biscuit market have been demonstrated. Market Share- Processed Food (Source: Euro Monitor International) Sauce market For the diagram above, it shows that Masan owns comparatively larger market share than any other firms in such market. But since the portion of â€Å"others† still has 25% of the marker share, it is believed that some potential customers in this category can be found. Instant noodles marketThe major key player in this industry is Acecook, with 51% of market share while the other firms are holding less than 20% respectively. The report selects Masan food as an ins tance to explore knowledge under current customer analysis. Market Share – Bakery (Source: Euro Monitor International) Confectionery market Confectionery market is diverse, with many firms hold similar portion of shares. Among them, Kinh Do takes the 1st place in the market, follow by Huu Nghi and Hai Ha. The 2nd and 3rd key players in the market can be the potential customers for DKSH.Further information related will be given below in â€Å"Potential customer†. Biscuit market There are mainly two key players in the market, Kinh Do and Kraft Food, while each of other firms retain from 4~11% as their market share in the biscuit industry. Due to Kinh Do has an outstanding performance on the market share, the report will take it as a specimen in analyzing current customers. Current Customers There are many customers that DKSH is currently having connection with, including both local and foreign firms.The paper will choose one customer from each cluster, Masan Food and Kin h Do, to analysis the position of it through searching on background information, sales performance, and then raise opportunity and threat. Masan Food (Processed food) Mason Food is belonged to Masan Group, a firm that specialized on Techcombank financial services. After years of operation, Mason Food has become leading brand of processed food market in Vietnam, which has dominance on market share in some product categories. The product range includes fish sauce, soy sauce, instant noodles (74%, 78%, 14% of the market respectively) and other kinds of product.Sales Performance (Source: Business Monitor International ) Opportunity Despite Masan Group is established as a local enterprise, it recently decides to build a relationship of acquisition with Nuiphao Mining Joint Venture Company Ltd, becoming one of the largest private sector resources companies (Masan Group Investor Update n,d). Cooperating with local or foreign investment is an opportunity for firm to receive more capital to invest in its operations. Due to DKSH is a multinational firms already, the business is expected to be enrich by cooperating with local firms in other industries to expand the operation range.Threat As a processed food manufacturer, Masan Food faces a problem that sometimes the price for raw materials is fluctuating(Business Monitor International, 2012). For the earning benefit point of view, Masan Food should pass the costs from consumers, but that can threaten the chance of losing customers. To illustrate, the FMCG industry is a price sensitive environment that contains many brands at similar level. If one brand’s price is higher result from increasing costs to reflect its margin, customers can easily choose another brand because the switching cost is low.Volatile input costs can be a threat to the food manufacturer because the manufacturer needs to choose whether to burden itself or to pass on customers. Same story is applicable in DKSH’s case, if the input price h as a significant increase, DKSH has to decide whether to bear the costs or compensate from its customers; both decisions are having certain drawbacks needed to be considered. Sales Breakdown (Source: hsc company update) Kinh Do Corporation (Bakery and Confectionery) Kinh Do is a local brand that established in 1993, which is one of the largest food producers in Vietnam nowadays.The core business of the firm is food related products: confectionery (cakes, candies), beverage (water, juice) and dairy products. Kinh Do also involved in some other industries such as real estate and grocery retailing. The brand creates a good image that allows them to gain certain customer awareness and even awarded as top ten of Vietnam’s best brands (Ha 2011). Sales Performance (Source: Business Monitor International) Opportunity As indicated before in the report, health awareness has raised from customers when they purchasing confectionery product.Consequently, higher level of quality is require d from food manufacturer in order to satisfy customers. As showed from annual report, Kinh Do provides best materials in manufacturing their products, aim to satisfy its customers in a better extent. Indeed, sellers should be responsible to meet the requirement when there is a concern about product’s specification such as â€Å"health† mentioned above. Without doubt, they can gain more recognition if they can achieve the condition. DKSH is getting involved in this health concerned manufacturing process due to it is one of sellers of Kinh Do.If DKSH can attain the requirement, which it already does, it is expected that the buyers will be satisfied, and they are willing to create more opportunities to corporate with DKSH in the future. Threat Kinh Do depends largely on the domestic market but that makes the company fragile with the fluctuating customer demand (Business Monitor International, 2012). Actually, change in customers’ preference can affect organizationa l demand in both positive and negative ways, but here it seems more likely to be threat from the view of the Kinh Do.Because local buyers are the main sources of generating sales, if the number of them is not stable, firm’s overall performance will obviously be affected. Likewise, inquiry that DKSH received from food manufacturers is affected by customer’s demand. If the perception of buyers is low, sellers will gain lesser results from the declining demand, and vice versa. Being instable with the demand can be interpreted as the firm is actually dependent by the market trend. In this case, DKSH has no control over the changing demand; therefore it can be a threat. Sales Breakdown (Source: hsc company update)Potential Customers Apart from keeping relationship with current customers, exploring new customers is also important for a business. To give our more precise information, the report lists four potential customers from the two clusters, with background information, product range and reason why it is recommended as being â€Å"potential†. Detail contacts of other potential customers can be founded in appendix. Lien Hoa (Processed food) Lien Hoa was established since 2008, by Thierrty Pham, an industrialist who has more than 15 years’ experience in the industry.The firm operates following European standard to ensure the quality of the products. As mentioned from the official website, Lien Hoa has signed exclusive contract with other brands such as Uni-President and Siam Brothers to be its business partners. Moreover, the products of Lien Hoa are widely distributed with supermarkets like Giant, Metro and Big C (Lien Hoa, 2011). Reason Although the brand is new compares to some other existing sellers in the market, it is expected to grow due to qualified and experienced methodology used by the firm.Furthermore, the brand has shown its ambition to boost the market by cooperating with well-known brands like Uni-President. Product rang e Hieu Cau Den Sausage (Processed food) It is a sub branch of Black Bride Food from Taiwan. The brand mainly offer traditional Taiwanese dished rice dumplings, meat floss, and some products commonly seen in Vietnam such as sausage and dumplings. The brand is also an importer for some food and beverage from Taiwan. Even though the brand is not as famous as other brands in the existing market, it is quite popular among the Taiwanese because the products fit their taste better.Reason Situation is slightly different compares to dealing with other brands in this case because the brand is not really concentrating on mass market but more likely on niche market, for Taiwanese currently. Becoming the supplier of it creates an opportunity to enhance brand awareness towards foreign consumers. Moreover, the location is in the same district with DKSH, and therefore it will be easier for DKSH to access. Product range Huu Nghi (Bakery and Confectionery) Huu Nghi is known as a noticeable confection ery brand in Vietnam since 1950’s. is having more than 120,000 retailers throughout Vietnam. Similar to other brands in confectionery industry, the brand holds eligible qualifications as criteria to control fabric of the products. The business expands its relation across the nation to many countries: United States, Japan and Singapore. In addition, Huu Nghi also exploits the business to agricultural products such as pepper and corn (Huu Nghi, 2011). Reason The firm possesses proficient knowledge in trading with businesses across the country, thus, it is foreseeable that their experience can abound the business prospects.Also, as DKSH is a multi-national enterprise, Huu Nghi can understand the operation or regulations better result from their sophisticate. Product range Hai Ha (Bakery and Confectionery) Hai Ha Confectionery Joint Stock Company (HaiHaCo) has set up for more than 40 years and turns it status from public to private in 2003, aiming to provide qualified products to serve its customers. With advanced technology, Hai Ha can utilize its equipment plus the specialists to maximize its effort to engage in confectionery industry.Consumers of Hai Ha choose it as â€Å"Vietnam high-quality goods† for continuous 13 years (Hai Ha, 2011). Reason Apart from dominant brands like Kinh Do, Bibica and Kraft, Hai Ha ranked as 4th in market share of both confectionery and biscuit sector in Vietnam. It can be a great opportunity if DKSH can work with them as a seller due to Hai Ha’s high portion of sales caused by variety products. Product range Sales performance (Source: hsc company update) Internal Audit Company Analysis Sales DKSH has structured its sales force by product based, in which different sales team will be organized based on business lines.This method has created the strength for sales team as it can offer professional and skillful staffs with deep knowledge about their products. Face to face communication facilitates the interaction w ith customers by allowing them to question and negotiate directly, and thus lead to the opportunity to build long-term relationship. Additionally, to ensure the effectiveness of sale team, DKSH also divides its sales force based on geography, in which each sales team will be located and responsible for different areas across Vietnam.Management of marketing mix The annual report of DKSH claimed that DKSH will work with its customers to understand their needs, and then provide customized solutions to them. This is indicated that they are achieving cooperation relationship, which integrated into NPD (new product development) and new resolutions. Moreover, in order to strengthen their relationship, DKSH has provided customers the access to knowledge, advice, relationship, and logistics. At the mean time, DKSH ensures that the customers’ products will successfully grasp the right market.This is shown that there is a chance to build long-term collaborative relationships between the m. If this relationship remains well, then there will be potential to create long term alliances – to build specialist knowledge or strategic partnerships. Resources Due to the world wide sourcing network in more than 70 markets and the expertise in each cluster, DKSH is very confident in providing any needed ingredients for its customers. Moreover, for highly applicable purpose, research and analysis service can also help customers in creating and developing new or customized product ideas.Obviously, this is also one of DKSH strengths as it helps customers to be able to sustain in their market and differentiate their product offerings over competitors. DKSH has applied SalesForce. com as its own tool to manage sale teams. It allows each individual sales person to organize the new, potential and current customer’s information and the managers then can look at the working process of their inferiors. Moreover, DKSH can also translate all customer data to up date informat ion in timely manner. Another strength of DKSH is that it can efficiently manage its distribution channel.To allocate the channel tasks, the firm needs to achieve four main factors regarding reduce complexity, increase value, transaction efficiency and service quality. DKSH has industry expertise and offer â€Å"comprehensive Market Expansion Services†; therefore the firm can help its customers to reduce the number of separate exchange that they need to take place in order to collect different ingredients that are needed for their production. The firm does not only provide materials to manufactures but it also provides the concepts and formulations that go with these materials.For this reason, understanding what customers expect is one of the necessary key that takes part in DKSH’s success; therefore value is added in each process. Moreover, DKSH offers the whole supply chain management; hence its customers can be beneficial in getting lower operational costs and also in increasing the value. Non-stop in innovating the new sources or materials to meeting customer’s needs for their own application or market trend is one of the advantage that illustrates for DKSH’s good service quality.Furthermore, the organization also have good after sales services such as monitoring of technical staff at customer site, order processing and warranty timely delivery. SWOT Strengths DKSH recruits experienced staff and professions in the field, the prominent knowledge level can be a base for providing stronger technical support. Instead of only supplying for ingredients, DKSH offers formulation description discussion with customers to understand them better for value-added services. With this tradition, DKSH can set up a long term relationship with its customers. DKSH offers â€Å"comprehensive market expansion service†.This benefits customers by reducing the number of exchanging points to go through. Consequently, operating and transaction cost s can be lessen. Opportunities Purchasing power of customers in Vietnam is enhanced caused by an increase in GDP; they have better earning to make purchase and thus greater demand of luxury food items can results. It is expected that lifestyle of young population in Vietnam will differ from Generation X, preferring more ready meal like confectionery products and processed food. Hence, a growth in demand is foreseeable. Marketing Objectives Objectives of the marketing plan will be outlined based on SMART approach.Firstly, the new potential customer list which does not include in DKSH’s current customer list helps DKSH to expand its customer database in its internal network regard to salesforce. com. Secondly, the direct marketing such as telephone and email marketing plan will be proposed from 1st October 2012 to 8th March 2013 in order to approach the potential customer list step by step and enhance the brand awareness in both current and potential customers. It will be able to achieve 40% of number of potential customers who are willing to answer through phone call or email.Thirdly, personal selling plan is applied from 15th October 2012 to 31st October 2012 to achieve the remained number of potential customer from above step; hence the sales of the company is estimated to increase by 30%. This plan will be conducted according to the mapping itinerary which helps the sale team easily to visit customer based on the efficient action plan. Finally, sales promotion program is planned as the boom strategy in order to help DKSH easier to create the demand among potential customers that applied in direct marketing and personal selling plan.Implementation Plans The most appropriate B2B marketing communication strategy that should be used to approach to potential customers as well as make them become DKSH’s â€Å"current† customers is push strategy. Specifically, direct marketing, personal selling, and trade promotions will be used by DKSH to make its potential customers aware of its products and create demands, as well as to maintain and strengthen relationships with the current customers. Marketing Program Direct Marketing Telephone Marketing Potential customersIn direct marketing, telephone marketing should be used to directly communicate with these potential customers; DKSH should come up with the calling schedule, which indicates the number of sales people and the number of manufacturers (potential customers) need to be contacted in each region in one day. To illustrate, there are around 60 potential customers founded by the research team; DKSH can assign its sales people to make the call to 10 manufacturers in one day. This means DKSH will reach all 60 manufacturers within 6 days.In order to save customers’ time and the company’s costs, the sales persons should not introduce too much about DKSH’s history and its achievements via telephone. Instead, they should go straight to the core information su ch as types of products or ingredients that the customer needs, the price, and what DKSH can do for them. Moreover, the good point of this strategy is that it offers two-way communication and thus allows customers to question directly. For this reason, it is very important for DKSH to assign skillful spoken sales people to this project. Current customersIn addition, it is also important to schedule the calls to current customers in order to inform them about DKSH’s new products or ingredients, promotions, as well as to remain relationships with them. To illustrate, DKSH now has totally 105 current customers for food ; bakery cluster; assume that it will call to 10 customers in 1 day, so it will finish calling to all 105 customers within 11 days. It is recommended that DKSH should make this calling schedule every six months; at the beginning of each month for the current customers in order to keep frequent contact with them to update their latest situation and their new demand s.Email Marketing Potential customers As mentioned above, telephone marketing is used for the purpose of reaching potential customers by going straight to the core issue and providing them the core information. Therefore, other general information such as company’s background, history, achievements, number of skillful staff and techniques, and types of business lines will not be discussed in detail via telephone marketing. For this reason, it will be a good idea to email this information to DKSH’s potential customers so that they can have a clearer sight about DKSH.It is recommended that DKSH should email to the potential customers that it cannot successfully reach in telephone marketing for once a month to remind them and make them aware of DKSH products; it should do this at the beginning of each month. Current customers In telephone marketing, the sales people will inform the current customers about new products or ingredients, and the promotions. Then, in the email marketing, these sales people will email to the customers the related information in detail, such as the price table that indicates the price of each type of new product.Obviously, this tool is faster and incurs lower costs compared to other tools. Moreover, it tends to be more convenient to the customers compared to the telephone marketing. To illustrate, some contacted customers are so busy that they cannot listen too much what DKSH sales people want to tell them. In this case, email will be a better choice. As mentioned above, DKSH should make calling to the current customers every 6 months to frequently update their new demands.Simultaneously, DKSH should also try to come up with new products every 6 months to help its current customers to sustain in the competitive market as well as to retain them. Then, the sales people will email this related information in details to these customers; also do this for every 6 months, and at the beginning of each month. Personal Selling In pe rsonal selling, sales representatives of DKSH will be assigned face-to-face to these potential manufacturers in each region; these manufacturers (potential customers) are those that DKSH cannot catch in direct marketing.The number of sales representatives will be decided relying on the number of manufacturers in a particular region. To be more specific, DKSH can go to visit 4 manufacturers in 1 day; keeping doing this until it can catch up all of the potential customers that left in direct marketing. The main task of these representatives is to try to understand customers’ purchasing criteria as well as to provide brief information about DKSH’s main industries and products in order to increase the product awareness. Moreover, it is important to emphasize the benefits that DKSH can bring to them. Sales PromotionIn trade promotions, the telephone marketers and sales representatives should emphasize that DKSH will offer lower prices (5% discount) compared to the market pr ice to its potential customers for their first purchases; this means the more they purchase, the more discount they can get. Therefore, it will be the incentive for these customers, and this type of promotion will be applied to the potential manufacturers in all regions. Action Plan Task| Timeline| | 1st October – 31th December 2012| | W1| W2| W3| W4| W5| W6| W7| W8| W9| W10| W11| W12| Telephone Mkt| | | | | | | | | | | | |Email Mkt| | | | | | | | | | | | | Personal Selling| | | | | | | | | | | | | Sales Promotion| | | | | | | | | | | | | | Timeline| | 1st January – 1st April 2013| | W13| W14| W15| W16| W17| W18| W19| W20| W21| W22| W23| W24| Telephone Mkt| | | | | | | | | | | | | Email Mkt| | | | | | | | | | | | | Personal Selling| | | | | | | | | | | | | Sales Promotion| | | | | | | | | | | | | Performance Evaluation | Objective| Strategies| Evaluation| 1| Increase Brand Awareness| * Telephone * Email * Personal Selling| * Numbers of customer who are willing to answe r a call and give helpful information. Numbers of customer who reply email and make a request for further discussion. * Numbers of customer who are willing to interact with sell person and distribute in the conversation. | 2| Increase Sale| * Personal Selling * Sale Promotion| * Numbers of customer who accept to make a contract with DKSH in supplying necessary ingredients. | 3| Create Demand | * Sale Promotion| * Number of customers who firstly have no demand in finding new suppliers but changing later due to competitive proposed price. Conclusion In this report, the general information about Processed Food ; Food Service and Confectionery ; Bakery clusters will be analyzed in order to outline the SWOT analysis for DKSH. Additionally, Push strategy will be applied to reach 60 potential customers. Specifically, integrated marketing communication tools such as direct marketing (telephone and email marketing), personal selling and trade promotions will be used to support the push strat egy to approach to the potential customers.At the same time, these tools can help to retain and strengthen relationships with the current customers. Appendix Potential Customer List Mapping Itinerary Southern Northern Reference 1. ‘DKSH seeks a boost in Asia’ 2012, ICIS news, posted 13th August, viewed 1st September 2012, ;https://docs. google. com/a/rmit. edu. vn/viewer? a=v;pid=gmail;attid=0. 1;thid=1392e4d1b429e96b;mt=application/pdf;url=https://mail. google. com/mail/u/0/? ui%3D2%26ik%3D0e4ae12cf9%26view%3Datt%26th%3D1392e4d1b429e96b%26attid%3D0. %26disp%3Dsafe%26zw;sig=AHIEtbQnvWZ6Rh09SpbtN_3J-u-kBRPiKg; 2. Agri-Food Canada 2011, Package Food in Vietnam, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, viewed 14 August 2012, ; http://www. gov. mb. ca/agriculture/statistics/agri-food/vietnam_packaged_food_en. pdf; 3. BBC 2011 â€Å"Vietnam Inflation Rate Hits 13. 9%†, BBC, 22 March 2011,viewed 15 August 2012, ; http://www. bbc. co. uk/news/business-12845809; 4. Brenntag Asi a Pacific 2012, Brenntag Vietnam Co Ltd, viewed 28th August 2012, ;http://www. brenntag-asiapacific. com/en/pages/Brenntag_Asia_Pacific/Lo

Monday, July 29, 2019

A proposal for conducting a business research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

A for conducting a business - Research Proposal Example Majority of organizations that operate in this industry are mostly concerned with their marketing strategies in order to establish their physical evidence and make it look convincing in front of their customers (Wong & Kwan, 2001). Nonetheless, what they fail to recognize is that the market is becoming sensitive both in terms of quality and price at the same time (Collier & Gregory, 1995). Therefore, organizations, in particular hotels, have to make sure that that they keep control over the price that they charge and at the same time maintain a superior quality of service (Kandampully & Suhartanto, 2000). This is precisely because the pricing strategy and its complementation with the quality of service provided by hotels is a key determinant of the extent to which customers is satisfied (Yelkur & DaCosta, 2001). The satisfaction index of customers in turn becomes a fundamental determinant of the hotel’s success and sustainability. The price factor is considered to be one of the strongest weapons in the arsenal of hotel managers as far as implementing a proper strategy based on this factor in order to increase market share is concerned (Whitla, Walters & Davies, 2007). This is precisely because this variable is intrinsically flexible, can be quickly modified and have a direct association with profitability. According to a survey conducted by Srinivasan, Popkowski Leszczyc & Bass (2000), price was regarded extremely important by nearly 72% of the respondents and was ranked third amongst the fundamental factors of marketing. According to the comments made by Chen and McMillan (1992), the likelihood for matching response is much higher for in case of price reductions, be it an aggressive pricing strategy or deterring pricing strategy. Nevertheless the impact of both these strategies is still contentious. It is with regards to this fact that the

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Plan for growth Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Plan for growth - Essay Example JCPenney has become a digital leader as well by advancing website’s mobile commerce functionality. The website provides its customers with suitable and convenient shopping options using which, they can get the merchandise shipped to their homes. JCPenney’s current efforts are directed at developing an enterprise-wide inventory network that would make its customer service more efficient in terms of reduced delivery time. You have rightly pointed out that understanding the way customers like to receive communications is an essential element of growth and social strategy of any business. Nevertheless, having realized that young customers make a large part of the company’s customer base, JCPenney has directed its attention toward attracting younger customers by introducing more in-store attractions popular among young generation that can be exclusively found at JCPenney. The chief financial officer of JCPenney reflects upon the company’s growth st rategy and the ensuing increase in profitability saying, â€Å"By successfully focusing on our core business strengths, we delivered three consecutive quarters of positive sales and developed a strong foundation for growth† (Record cited in JCPenney,

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Principles of nursing practice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Principles of nursing practice - Essay Example Nurses account for the well-being of their assigned patients, nursing actions and professional behavior (Bullock, Macleod Clark & Rycroft-Malone 2012, p. 223). The nursing team functions on their level of proficiency in the legally recognized range of practice. The nursing staff undertakes steps to promote the delivery of safe, and appropriate ethical care to patients. They uphold the principle of safeguarding the health and safety of each patient. They enquire and get involved to address unsafe, corrupt, or incompetent practices that interfere with their ability to provide safe, ethical, compassionate, and competent care to the patients. They also take preventive measures to minimize harm that arises from adverse occurrences. They work as a team to reduce the potential for future risks and preventable harms. Nurses provide information to patients in their care with the facts they need to make well-versed decisions connected to their health and well-being. They ensure they provide nursing care with the patients informed consent. The nurses respect the wishes of people who decline to receive information about their health conditions. The nurses recognize and respect an individuals freedom to withdraw consent for care or treatment at any time. Nurses express linguistic expertise in their practice. The nursing team engages in compassionate care through their speech and physical response in an effort to realize and care for the needs of the patients. They identify and analyze relevant information when making decisions regarding the status of the patient (Bullock, Macleod Clark & Rycroft-Malone 2012, p.159). They assist patients to learn about the health care system and assessing appropriate health care facilities. The nurses have a responsibility to exhibit competence continuously. They utilize a combination of technical expertise and clinical reasoning to provide appropriate healthcare to patients. The qualities and capabilities of nurses

English Language Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

English Language - Essay Example English acts as a binding force and has been doing so for quite some time, apart from the United States, in countries like India and Australia too. India is a land of diverse cultures and myriad languages and in spite of the fact, has remained remarkably united. Some of its credit goes to the English language which was unanimously elected as the official language of the country. As for Australia, it is like America one huge melting pot of culturally and linguistically diverse people. English is the only unifying factor among the different immigrants of Australia. The Australian government has recently made it very clear that the acquisition of English is mandatory to people applying for its citizenship. Krauthammer C clearly points out in his article that "One of the major reasons for America's great success as the world's first "universal nation," for its astonishing and unmatched capacity for assimilating immigrants, has been that an automatic part of acculturation was the acquisition of English." Even though we may dismiss the intrinsic-power hypothesis that English possesses certain linguistic characteristics, which would make it the most preferred language on Earth as a racial claim, it nevertheless has to be considered. The simplicity of inflections in English and the flexibility of functions, which has grown over the last five centuries as a result of the loss of inflections, have greatly contributed to its dominance and popularity. One other inherent nature of English is the openness of its vocabulary which implies the free admission of words from other languages and the ready creation of compounds and derivatives. America therefore, is endowed with a unifying language which is indeed a blessing, as Krauthammer C points out But it has also blessed us, because of the accident of our origins, with a linguistic unity that brings a critically needed cohesion to a nation as diverse, multiracial and multiethnic as America." Though English spread all over the world because of exploitation and colonization, more than a billion people around the world today speak English. It is well on its way to becoming the world's language. Its cohesive powers to unite people from different countries, cultures and languages cannot be disputed. If America intends to successfully assimilate its diverse immigrants it cannot but expect the English language to give it a helping hand. Krauthammer C could not put it in a stronger way "English is the U.S.'s national and common language. But that may change over time unless we change our assimilation norms. Making English the official language is the first step toward establishing those norms."English has borrowed words and phrases from almost three-fourths of the world's languages and has both the genius and flexibility to make them its own. Every known language therefore, has something in common with English. What other world language has the same bonding and binding powers and also the right to be elected the "official" language of the US1 Euphemisms are words used to underplay the ugly. They are one of the ways through which we get a secret glance into a particular society's hypocrisy. If we observe them carefully in relation to the circumstances that give birth to them, it will be

Friday, July 26, 2019

Analyze the way in which the Surrounded grounds its narrative in the Essay

Analyze the way in which the Surrounded grounds its narrative in the relationship of geographic space and indian identity. what do you make of the text's narrative landscape - Essay Example The paternal conflict between Max Leon and his sons, including his flawed connection with his wife Catharine brings forth the convergence in the novel. Catharine is the daughter of Running Wolf, an honorable Salish Indian man and known as faithful Catharine after her recent conversion. The bridges burned between them and the mostly disappointing offspring they have conceived together. Max, the patriarch of the family, was imprisoned for a crime his sons it appears hascommitted. Stealing cattle, the sheriff failed to arrest the Leon boys. After his release, Max built a grander house for his own and left his wife in the log cabin. The relationship between husband and wife is a testament to the undeniably challenging relationship among Native Americans and the immigrant Europeans. The life they shared seemed but mangled years of disconnect. Epitomized in the novel is the diversity among two immense cultural groups and their inability to understand one another despite their passive aggressive attempt to do so. It exemplifies the clash in culture that was brought upon by the influx of European immigration to the Americas. This brought upon detraction from the traditional way of life and a shift to the technologically advance European innovations. Life as the Natives knew it was swiftly becoming obsolete as the need to cope with the modern white men increases. Tribal cultures were in essence destroyed that it insinuated a feeling of alienation, opposition or inert tolerance to the fate they cannot possibly escape. Families, communities and people lost not only their lands but their identities in the process. But above all these, Mc Nickle painted the inherent connotative perceptions each group possesses for the other. This constitutes an undeniable conflict of contradiction and passivity. Yet it identifies a certain sense of self-awareness and of condescension for each other. Descending from a MÃ ©tis Indian lineage while his

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Nestle Infant Formula Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Nestle Infant Formula - Article Example The mothers who were from an economically weaker section diluted the free milk samples provided in order to avoid buying the powder. In addition these people also used unsterile water to mix the milk. While these were the problems with the free samples sold, the advertisements shown by the company showed white women feeding the formula feed to their infants. This gave an impression that modern mothers only bottle-feed their babies and when the free samples were given to mothers immediately after the delivery they were more inclined to bottle-feed their infants. All these lead to reduced breast-feeding, malnutrition in the infants and also increased the mortality rate. I believe that the marketing technique followed by the company was in no way illegal and that a moral code of ethics was followed in the business of marketing their infant milk formula. In the present case I argue that the company was in no way morally inclined to change its marketing strategy. As a producer of infant foods the advertisements and sale of free sachets of milk powder was well within the ethical standards. Instead of blaming the company it would have been appropriate if more awareness was created on the importance of breast-feeding and the circumstances under which formula milk could be introduced to the infant. Such awareness is definitely required in developing countries such as Africa. Merely targeting the company would not solve the issue as it would not be of much help in preventing mothers from feeding formula milk to their infants as a substitute for breast milk. Having a frank and open-minded discussion would always help to arrive at an early conclusion. In the case of the Nestle Infant Milk Formula case my decision would comply with the marketing strategies adopted by the company as it is lawful and has followed a moral code of ethics. An open discussion about the possible methods

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Critical appraisal of a qualitative research paper Essay

Critical appraisal of a qualitative research paper - Essay Example he review links potential findings of the study to a wider framework of theoretical knowledge in the area of community health services and helps the reader identify gaps in the existing body of knowledge and justify the need for their study. Such synthesis of relevant information relating to the previous research provides adequate background to the study. Specific nature of the formulated research purposes raised a set of specific requirements to be addressed within a certain methodological framework. The context of study undertaken by Bissel and colleagues suggests that the choice of qualitative approach is the most appropriate alternative in this case. Such choice of methodology and research design is absolutely justified by the formulated research purposes and obtained results: the type of reasoning utilised by Bissel and colleagues is apparently inductive: the authors do not formulate any specific hypothesis or suggest a theory to be tested. Instead, they offer several research objectives to be fulfilled. Data gathering techniques chosen by the authors within the qualitative methodology are congruent with the purposes of their study. The authors prefer semi-structured interview is the instrument of data collection. Semi-structured interview is one of the most popular types of interviewing due to several reasons. Firstly, semi-structured interviewing allow for focused two-way communication. Secondly, while the questionnaire framework implies formulation of detailed questions, a semi-structured interview starts with more general topic or questions, identified ahead of time, and makes it possible for the interviewer to seek for relationships between the questions/topic and variety of relevant issues. The answers given by the interviewee serve as the basis for more specific questions formulated during the interview. And finally, semi-structured interviewing is not as time-consuming and costly as other qualitative methods, while the data is valid, diverse and

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Asian Philosophy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Asian Philosophy - Essay Example Even though his writing is not to a certain extent vibrant and colorful that of Zhuangzi, his approach is much well-designed and powerful, sometimes bursting into poetry that influentially expresses his infatuation for the Confucian way of life (ibid). A great part of Xunzi’s attempt is committed to passionately defending Confucianism against different challenges. For instance, he fervently expresses disapproval of Mozi’s denouncement of ritual and music and claims forcefully that these cultural types are completely indispensable. He also rejects Laozi and Zhuangzi for supporting that people accept the perspective of Heaven and leave out traditional virtues in favor of submitting to the natural torrent of things (Ivanhoe, 2001). For Xunzi, the hazards to Confucianism originate not merely external to the tradition, but as well as from within it, in the appearance of Mengzi’s principle that human nature is good. In Xunzi’s judgment, such an argument weakens the power of ritual as a practical guideline to behavior, ruins the essentiality of acquiring knowledge, and merely flies in front of the facts. Xunzi makes the contradictory assertion that human nature is bad, but this should not be interpreted as claiming that people in nature take pleasure in evil deeds (ibid). Rather, his emphasis is that people lack any innate path to right behavior and conduct, and that without the outside control of ritual they will resort into bad behavior and be reduced to a disordered, impoverished condition strongly suggestive of the state of nature portrayed by Thomas Hobbes (Ivanhoe, 2001). On the other hand, Mengzi contends that humans have a nature, which they should go after. Indeed, he contradicts Xunzi’s philosophy for suggesting that ethical nurturing must integrate transgressing one’s nature. Nevertheless, Mengzi argues against the idea that there are developing righteous predispositions in

Monday, July 22, 2019

Daughter Essay Essay Example for Free

Daughter Essay Essay February 2013 A Mothers Story Have you ever considered how becoming a parent could affect your life? I never knew how much a child could change my life until I became a mother. Growing up I never really knew what I wanted to do or where I wanted to go in life. I liked to party and be rebellious. I felt like nobody cared about me, so I didn’t really care about myself or where my life went. When I turned 19, everything that I ever felt, thought, or did, became a major reconsideration when I gave birth to my beautiful daughter, Dalayshia Briana Harris. During my childhood, I felt like my mother wasn’t there for me, which led me to make a lot of negative decisions in my life. Becoming a mom has made me as my dad would say, â€Å"Wake up and smell the coffee†. The one thing that I’m sure about now that I’ve became a mother, is that, I do have a purpose, and I want to be the best role model I can be to my daughter. September 28, 2007 is a date that changed my life forever. Growing up I never really felt like I had a place in this world. My parents got married and had me at a young age. My mom wasn’t quite ready to be a mother, and my dad did the best he could. My parents divorced when I was twelve, and that day is when my world ended and I felt like no one cared about how the outcome of their decisions would affect me. I thought the anger, loneliness, and my battered emotions, was the way my life would be, so I accepted it. As a child, I tried to numb myself from the pain and move forward in my life. My teenage years were quite memorable, but unfortunately not as positive as I wish they could have been. When I turned sixteen, I felt like school was not important. I could never focus and my behavior left me getting into a lot of trouble. I chose to drop out of high school and see what else life had in store for me. I started hanging out with the wrong people, which led me to getting a false identification card that said I was twenty-one. Then I began going to adult clubs with these friends. As I entered the club life, it was like a new world to me. I started drinking and partying on a consistent basis. The club scene became so much a part of me that for the next couple of years of my teenage life, that’s all my life consisted of. I had no goals and no positive outlook on my life. The only thing I became to know and like to do was party and hang out with my friends. When I turned eighteen, little did I know I was in store for some life changing news. When I turned eighteen I officially became an adult. Little did I know that in becoming an actual adult I was about to be hit with the most shocking news ever. One morning I woke up, I just didn’t feel well at all. So the next day I went to the doctor to find out why I was feeling so under the weather. The doctor ran some test as I sat there and patiently waited for the results. Finally the doctor comes in and says, â€Å"Congratulations, you’re pregnant†! I didn’t quite understand, so I asked him to repeat his self once more, so I could make sure I heard right before I went into a complete state of shock. The doctor repeated himself with saying, â€Å"Congratulations, you’re pregnant†! My whole world started spinning. I didn’t know how to take the news. I was scared and confused. I didn’t really know how to take care of myself, better yet bring a child in this world. Before going to the doctor the only thing I had become immune to doing is partying and drinking. Now I had to reconsider my whole life. Being a mom I never really considered that lifestyle before. Now I was faced with a decision that was going to change the rest of my life. I didn’t really know what to do, however, all I knew is that I was pregnant. During my pregnancy I stop drinking, but continued to party. Partying was a path I continued down, because that was all I knew, and the friends I thought I had were the only people who I felt cared about me. I continued to go to the club until I was eight months pregnant. By this time, I was far enough to know that I was having a girl. I had put on enough weight, where being in the clubs became miserable. I just wanted to rest, something I had not done in a long time. As I became further along in my pregnancy, I started to think about what I was going to do and where I was going to be once I had my daughter. When I first became pregnant my mom told me she didn’t want anything to do with me, but as I got closer to my due date she became more accepting. I packed my stuff up and decided to go back home to my mom’s house, where I could be to myself and focus on my future until I delivered. I spent the remainder of my pregnancy at my mom’s house. I had nothing but time to rest and think about the future I was soon to be faced with me and my unborn child. As I thought about my future my mind was still everywhere, and uncertain about what I was going to do. I didn’t know how to be a mom or how I was going to take care of a child. My due date was set for September 22, and was getting closer and closer. It was September, 28 2007, and the weather was beautiful and warm. I was set to deliver my daughter on September 22, but my baby was running late, guess she was just not ready to come in the world yet. September 28, I was supposed to go to the hospital and be induced since my baby hadn’t been quite ready to come on the original due date. When I got to the hospital I ended up not getting induced, because I went straight into labor. After twelve hours of labor, the time had come for me to push. After my first three pushes I felt a major release of pressure. When I looked up, there she was, my beautiful baby girl! After spending two days in the hospital, I got to bring my daughter home. From that point I knew my life would change forever. When I looked at my daughter, everything I ever felt missing in my life as far as the love, neglect, and loneliness started to go away. All I knew was that I wanted to love and be the best mom I could be for my daughter. From that moment I brought my daughter home is when I realized that I was somebody in life. I wanted to change, so I could reflect, and be the most positive person that I could be for myself and child. Today in my life, if someone were to ask me if I ever considered being a parent and how it could affect my life, I could honestly say â€Å"Yes†, because now I am a parent and have truly adapted to the word sacrifice. Once I became a mom I wanted to be the best possible role model I could be for my daughter. I knew for me to be a good role model, I had to work on myself to set a good example for my child. Everything that wasn’t important to me when I was a teenager had become goals for me to accomplish as a mother. I went back to school and got my GED, and now I am a college student. I no longer go to the clubs or drink. I’ve realized that there is way more to life than what you settle for. Now I can say I am a great role model not only for myself, or my daughter, but for anyone.

Education + Parents involvement Essay Example for Free

Education + Parents involvement Essay Childhood carries a similar attitude for all the children [boys and girls] unto the age 3 years in respect of play, fun and learning. A careful study of Montessori education reveals that the child develops learning, reading and a domestic-kind of assignment as a workshop, tells a lot about the child within three years. This is irrespective of the gender. Reading skills are picked up by children only in this age. Influence on Early childhood education World Literacy of Canada (WLC) approach to early childhood education programming in recent years has been the Early Years of Study This study of Reversing the Real Brain Drain (published in 1999) by Hon. Margaret Norrie McCain and Dr.J.Fraser Mustard. The findings are: Need for early childhood development programs based on the new understanding of brain development in the early years of and its effect on subsequent learning, behavior and health for individuals. First three years of a child, sets the stage for competence and coping skills for the later stages of life. Need for more integrated framework for early child development and parenting support. Recommendations for parental guidance: Parents must be provided with awareness, support and skills for the early development of their children. Build relation with children. Undertake programs to parents and educators to learn new ways to nurture children and develop responsive relationships between adults and children. Participation of parents in children’s programs. ï‚ § Interactive and supportive learning system with children along with parents. ï‚ § Active role with children in play and reading at home. ï‚ § Create a safe and friendly environment for children. ï‚ § Create programs where children of all backgrounds and abilities will feel loved and valued – this will stimulate brain development, learning and self-confidence. ï‚ § Play-based learning, and problem solving for young children under the guidance of educators and parents. Resources of early childhood development ï  ¶ Toy and resource libraries ï  ¶ Nutrition programs ï  ¶ Cultural events for children .e.g mobile toy book lending libraries ï  ¶ Theme-based learning ï  ¶ Play-kits. Special efforts and care for parents who are isolated to participate and benefit from the program. Create an awareness that children are part of social structure and emphasis on early childhood development. Parents involvement and its influence on achievement of Reading by students. The approach of the parent towards children is of similar kind with regard to education. Parents who stay-at-home moms can dedicate more time for motivating children in their reading habits especially to boys, by studying their interests and by discussing the topics which will detail about their approach to reading habits. Compelling boys to read for a certain hours of a day, forcibly, would not derive maximum results, as some parents believe. Instead motivation and allowing the boys to think and re-think about themselves, is certainly an achievement for the parents in the long run for developing reading habits. Today’s tech-savvy days also stand as a hindrance to the attainment of reading habits to children. The reason being, an easy access to television, computer, internet, video games, cartoon movies has enabled the children to move away from books, which is not at all a good ground for school education. Parental guidance with teacher’s support is the only solution for imbibing reading habits to children. For instance, the recent ‘Harry Potter’ novels have created a large amount of selling of books around the world. Harry Potter, movies as well as books have been sold by publishers. This includes readers of all ages, including adolescents. †¢ Sorcerer’s Stone †¢ Chamber of Secrets †¢ Prisoner of Ascaban †¢ Goblet of fire This is a relevant example, that children do read books, based on fiction, magic and fun. When it comes to the reading of curriculum, children may not feel as interesting as the fiction is. There is still scope for creating energy and interest among the students, and it mostly rests on the shoulders of parents and teachers. The precious hours of study of students are in the environment of school. The core area for their their learning activity and personality development. Students depict 60 percent effect of their school, while the parental guidance is only 40 percent. Most of the part what they are is shaped only in school. It is a well-known fact that parents and teachers work together to bring the best out of the students. How can parents tell if teachers are doing a good job?   Ed World’s â€Å"Principal Files† team members offer their perspective. Included: Look at the work students bring home and â€Å"the hard sell†. Parents communication with teachers is the key ingredient to the parents to know how their children are studying in the school. Term Grade papers, newsletters give a correct picture of students performance. According to Principal Nina Newlin â€Å"A teacher who has a good relationship with students is likely to be a regular parent informant†. nformation can be through email, telephone but there is a genuine concern about events in classroom to inform to the parents.. Mostly students evaluate a good’ teacher. Parents are also are guided by students in getting answers for their questions.   Students are always honest in answering to the questions of parents about the events in the classroom. Conversation at dinner table, a look at home work or a independent activity given, suggest to the parents, the performance of their children. A prompt check over the assignments is very important duty on the part of parents for the overall efficiency of the student. It also discloses a fact to the student that he/she is being monitored closely and there’s no opportunity to haywire. Many schools follow the procedure of being fair in classroom rules and procedures, tough in standards of performance, and fun in learning and classroom lessonsâ€Å"follow them home† wherever it is required.   Visiting school premises and watching students in the classroom also gives a true picture and to the satisfaction of the parents.   Volunteering also helps parent-teacher community to train the students for maximum achievements in their academic pursuit. Ultimately, if the student is happy and active in and out of learning area, it is learnt by the parent that the student is learning and happy in school area. What are effective steps for boys literacy with the involvement of parents Many child psychologists agree that adaptation of psychological methods to motivate children in inculcating reading habits, would certainly bring about a change in the development of boys. A thorough, methodical and continuous assistance of the parents is required, without imposing any punishments but rewards for one-to-one achievements that a child is prompted to do. In other words, ‘if you read this particular book and tell me’ ‘a reward would be a candy or a snack of your choice’. To this many child psychologists agree. Children are more smarter than parents. Therefore, parents must never let the children know that they are indirectly pursuing the children towards the concept of ‘sit with books for hours and read’, instead an idea of ‘helping hand’ or an atmosphere of an activity should be created. Parents can also prepare a long-term plan for improving the reading habits, by maintaining a statistical record of hours of reading spent by the child. This will also give a clear picture to the parent, whether the goal is being attained. A good amount patience, having a great understanding about the child, likes and dislikes, dos and don’ts, individual perception of the child towards the environment, study of personality will truly help the parent to remove the lacunae in the child. Particularly in the case of boys, in their adolescence they are action oriented. In other words, play indoor games, outdoor games, video games, watch movies, ride bikes, are some of the areas of interest for a large number of boys. A good and plain discussion with boys, about their activities outdoor, at school or college, a bit of guidance, without involving any argumentative statements, will direct the boys to ‘the thinking area’ of their own attainments and to reach set goals. A good friend for a boy should be made available ‘at home itself’ and that is none other than the ‘parent’. Many experts on education made the research study on boys reading habits. They formed an opinion that, boys mostly feel reading is an activity done by girls. Thus, boys are trailing behind the girls. A recent study in Canada, published in ‘Reading Manitoba’ found that 76% of the boys interviewed did not see reading as a feminine activity, and 73% enjoyed reading. Experts opine that offering the choice of material according to the boys interest, would be a good solution in achieving reading habits to the boys. Conclusion Education for children all over the world carries a great importance. Nations which are developed have more advanced sources for imparting education viz., Australia, Newzealand, U.S., Britain.   An analysis of education states that, many parents opt education overseas instead of domestic education. The reason being, parents believe, that the overseas curriculum is extensive, focusing the student to many aspects of education. Although this is partly true, the domestic education shapes the students [K-12] and effective methods of imparting education and touching the interests areas of students must be developed. For instance., domestic projects, like ‘how to do laundry’ ‘how to be a good host’ ‘attend a super market’, these will outline the interests of a students and reveal so much of personality from the students. Based on the results, parents and teachers can study their interests, and accordingly encourage them reading habits in those areas, thereby students also begin to learn to be active.   Modern day system of education, is such as mushroom of notes and homework, internals, exams, to some extent children also feel agitated over the system of education and lose the interest in studies. Adding to this, if parents emphasise more on reading, they catch the boredom and flee to find fund moments elsewhere, which is a common factor among students.   Finally to conclude, a change in system of education, close monitoring by parents and teachers will only lead the children back to the good old days of reading comics, enid blytons, phantom or sherlock holmes. Article by Gary Hopkins,Education World ® Copyright  © 2004 Education World

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Influence of Sesame Oil on Arbutin Release

Influence of Sesame Oil on Arbutin Release The Influence of Sesame Oil Addition on The Arbutin Release and Penetration in Carbomer Gel Base (Observation on Inhibition of Enzym Tyrosinase Activity) Tristiana Erawati, Widji Soeratri, Noorma Rosita, Wida Rukmanajati, Hanifa Rahma Abstract Hydrophilic arbutin as lightening agent with log P value -1.35, make it difficult to permeate through the skin and reach its site of action. Sesame oil addition (3, 5, and 7% w/w) was expected to increase the arbutin release and penetrations. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of sesame oil addition on the arbutin release and penetrations in the Carbomer-940’s gel base. The release (flux) of arbutin, as initial process before penetration, formulation were studied using cellophane membrane and buffer phosphate pH 7.0 as media at 37Â ±0.5Â °C for six hours long. The penetration of arbutin was observation on inhibition of enzyme tyrosinase activity. Inhibition percent of tyrosinase by arbutin was determined in vitro by observing the absorbance value of dopachrome (an intermediate product of melanin formation) as a reaction product between enzyme tyrosinase and L-tyrosine as a substrate using spectrophotometer. Conclusion of this study was sesame oil addition 3 and 5% w/w decreased arbutin release, sesame oil addition 3, 5 and 7% w/w increased arbutin penetrations. Increasing of arbutin effectiveness more is caused by enhancer effect of sesame oil. Keyword: Arbutin, Carbomer-940, Penetration, Release, Sesame oil, Tyrosinase-inhibition Introduction: Arbutin widely used in cosmetic as lightening agent to inhibited enzyme tyrosinase activity in basal membrane of the skin. Tyrosinase was known as enzyme that involved in melanin formation.1, 2 Because of the hydrophilic of arbutin with log P value 1.35 make it difficult to penetrate through the skin. To increase the penetration enhancer can be add in the formula. Sesame oil as an oily enhancer has total protein (25%) and globulin (67.3%) its can increased penetration trough polar pathway by enlarge aqueous channel. Sesame oil also can use as healing effect from sunburn.3 It was known Sesame oil effective concentration as enhancer up to 10%.4 The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of sesame oil (3, 5, and 7% w/w) addition on the arbutin (3% w/w) penetrations in the Carbomer-940 gel base through the modified lipid membrane. It was observation on inhibition of enzyme tyrosinase activity. However sesame oil is a viscous fluid can increase the viscosity of base so that it feared inhibits the release of arbutin and decrease penetration. In this study determined arbutin release from the base using cellophane membrane and buffer phosphate pH 7.0 as media at 37Â ±0.5Â °C for six hours long. Materials and Methods Preparation of the arbutin gel as Lightening product The arbutin in Carbomer-940 gel base formulas as lightening product was shown in table 1. In this research Carbomer-940 gel base contained tri ethanol ammine (TEA) as alkalizing agent, propylene-glycol as humectants, methyl-parabene and propyl-paraben as preservative, Na-EDTA as chelating agent, butylated hydroxyl toluene (BHT) as anti-oxidant and Tween-80 as surfactant. Arbutin 3% w/w in Carbomer-940 gel base was used as control. Arbutin 3% w/w with sesame oil 3% w/w in Carbomer-940 gel base named as F1, Arbutin 3% w/w with sesame oil 5% w/w in Carbomer-940 gel base named as F2 and Arbutin 3% w/w with sesame oil 7% w/w in Carbomer-940 gel base named as F3. The Characteristics determination of the arbutin gel The Characteristics determination of arbutin gel included: Determination of gel pH Determination of the spreading-ability Determination of gel spreading-ability was performed using a pair of glass plate (20 X 20 cm). The gel preparation (1 gram) was put in the middle of the first glass plate that given the scale. Then put the second glass plate on the first glass plate and measured the diameter of gel spreading. After that put ballast on the second glass plate then measured the diameter spreading-ability of the gel. The weight of ballast that put on the second plate was increased until spreading-ability of the gel was constant. Determination of arbutin release: Determination of arbutin release from the bases was done by the dissolution tester Hanson Research SR-6 with paddle stirrer. Each cell diffusion fill with arbutin gel (Â ± 2 grams), in 500mL buffer phosphate pH 7.0, temperature 37Â ºC, agitation 100 rpm. Samples (5mL) were taken at 5, 10, 15, 30, 45, 60, 90, 120, 180, 210, 240, 270, 300, 330, and 360 minutes, replace with 5mL buffer phosphate pH 7.0 to keep volume constant. The absorbance of arbutin in the sample measured by spectrophotometer. The arbutin release (flux) from the base obtained from the slope of the linear regression of the correlation curve between arbutin releases accumulations versus square root of time. The penetration evaluation arbutin gel (United Stated Pharmacopoeia, 2002) In vitro study for the penetration of the arbutin in Carbomer gel base was measured by the modification method of the penetration test USP XXV and British Pharmacopoeia, 2002 with diffusion apparatus ERWEKA DT 700. The in vitro study was evaluated as follows: The arbutin gel (around 3 grams) was put in the diffusion cell then covers with the Millipore membrane which was impregnated with isopropyl-myristate as modified lipid membrane. Then the preparation of arbutin gel in diffusion cell was put into the penetration chamber contain 500 ml of phosphate buffer pH 6.5 Â ± 0.05 at 37 Â ± 0.5Â ºC as diffusion medium, and then the paddle was stirred 100 rpm. The sample solution around 5 ml was collected at 360 minutes after it penetrated. Determination of enzyme tyrosinase activity L-tyrosine solution 0.5 ml added with 3.0 ml sample solution that collected from compartment receptor after 360 minutes penetrated through Millipore membrane which was impregnated with isopropyl-myristate. The mixture was oxygenized 5 minutes then added with 1.0 ml tyrosinase solution. After incubated for 10 minutes at 25Â ºC the mixture was inactivated with 0.5 ml TCA solution and then the absorption value measured at maximum wavelength of dophacrome.5 The evaluation of inhibition of enzyme tyrosinase activity The inhibition of enzyme tyrosinase activity was performed as inhibition percent, which found from calculation of absorption value per second enzymatic reaction with inhibitor, compared with absorption value per second enzymatic reaction without inhibitor, using the following equation6: Whereas: A = absorption value (A/second) at dophacrome ÃŽ » maximum with inhibitor B = absorption value (A/second) at dophacrome ÃŽ » maximum without inhibitor The data (inhibition %) were analyzed with ANOVA one way method (p. Results and Discussion The result of this study, in table 2 shows that the pH of all formulas around 6 it mean appropriate with skin pH. The spreading profile of arbutin gel preparation shows in Figure 1 and spreading-capasity of arbutin gels at 20 gram ballast shows in table 3. Spreading-capacity was formulas spreading-diameter at same ballast weight. The result of ANOVA one way test of spreading-capacity found the value of Fcalculation (13.741) > Ftable (4.07). Its can conclude there were significant deference minimal one pair of spreading-capacity formulas data. To know which spreading-capacity formulas was significant deference it’s tested by Honestly Significant Deference (HSD) tests. The result of HSD test in table 4, that can concluded the spreading-capacity of formula 1 did not deference with control but higher than formula 2 and 3. Spreading-ability was the slope of linier-regression between spreading-diameter (cm) and ballast weight (gram), its shows in table 5. The slope value from its formulas was tested by ANOVA one way method, it’s found that the value of Fcalculation (0.274) table (4.07). So that can conclude it’s was no significant deference between spreading-ability of all formulas. Table1. Formulas of lightening product Arbutin release (flux) was calculated from the linier regression of the correlation curve between square root of time versus arbutin release accumulation. Slope (flux) of linier regression showed in table 6. To make sure if there is any difference of arbutin flux between formulas was done by statistical testing using ANOVA one way. It is showed that Fcalculation (50,918) > Ftable (4.07). From HSD result know that flux formula 1 and 2 not statistically different, but if compare with control and formula 3 were decrease. This might be caused by interaction between arbutin, sesame oil, and Tween. Tween is anionic surfactant which is amphiphil, it have affinity towards polar or non polar substance, such as arbutin and sesame oil. This interaction makes arbutin more difficult to release from bases. Another factor that may influence was viscosity from formula 1 and 2 which is more viscous than control, it cause arbutin molecules difficult release from bases also. The increase of viscosity m ay inhibit the movement of molecules to release from bases.7 Flux value of formula 3 not statistically different with control but higher than formula 1 and 2. It might be caused by addition of sesame oil reduce amount of water from formula. Decrease amount of water caused increase of arbutin concentration on water phase. Substance release from bases is known as diffusion. Based on Fick’s law, diffusion is the process by which molecules moved from compartment with high concentration to low concentration. The arbutin effectiveness as lightening agent calculated as inhibition percent (%) of enzyme tyrosinase activity. The result of arbutin inhibition percent (%) with enhancer sesame oil in Carbomer gels shows in table 7. Table 2: The arbutin gel pH values Figure 1: The spreading profile of arbutin gel with various concentration of sesame oil. Each value represents the mean of 3 determinations. Tabel 3: Spreading-capasity of arbutin gels at 20 gram ballast * The result were obtained from an average of 3 times replication Table 4: HSD test result of spreading- capacity value of arbutin gels Tabel 5: Arbutin gels spreading-ability * The result were obtained from an average of 3 times replication Tabel 6. Flux of arbutin release from gel bases Table 7: The arbutin effectivity (inhibition %) in carbomer gel formulas The result of ANOVA one way test of the arbutin effectiveness in carbomer gel formulas found the value of Fcalculation (23,582) > Ftable (4.07), and from the HSD test result was found inhibition percent of control Table 8: The HSD test result of arbutin effectivity (inhibisi %) in carbomer gel formulas Conclusion: Conclusion of this study was sesame oil addition 3 and 5% w/w decreased arbutin release, sesame oil addition 3, 5 and 7% w/w increased arbutin penetrations. Increasing of arbutin effectiveness more is caused by enhancer effect of sesame oil. Acknowledgement: This study was supported financially by Project Grant of Faculty of Pharmacy, Airlangga University, Surabaya Indonesia. References: Takada, K. and Tanaka, Y., 2000. Depigmentation Agents. In: Elsner, P., Mailbach, H.I. (Eds.). Cosmeuticals and Active Cosmetics: Drugs Versus Cosmetics, New York: Marcell Dekker, Inc., p.512 Zulkarnain, I., 2003, Cosmetics Skin Lightening and The Problem in Periodic Dermatology and Venereology, Vol.15, No.1, April 2003, pp. 47-53. Alvarez, A., and Rodriguez, M., 2000. Lipid in Pharmaceutical and Cosmetic Preparation, Vol.51 Fasc 1-2. Sevilla: Facultad de Farmacia, Universidad de Sevila. Dinda, S.C., and Ratna, Vijay. 2008. Enhancement of Skin Permeation of Ibuprofen from Ointments and Gels by Sesame Oil, Sunflower Oil, and Oleic Acid. Available: Avanti, C., 2003. Uji Spektrofotometrik Kinetika Hambatan Kojic Acid terhadap Aktivitas MushroomTyrosinase. Berkala Ilmu Penyakit Kulit dan Kelamin. Vol. 15 No. 1 Agustus 3 hal. 23-27 Luanratana, O., Gritsadapong, P., 2005. Anti-Tyrosinase Activities of The extracts from Thai Mulberry Twigs and The Whitening Cream. Journal ot the National Research Council of Thailand. Vol.37, No.2. 2005. Martin, A., et al, 1993. Physical Pharmacy, Physical Chemical Principles in the Pharmaceutical Sciences, 3rd Ed, Lea Febiger

Saturday, July 20, 2019

European Colonialism, Imperialism, and Cultural Superiority Essay examp

European Imperialism and Cultural Superiority      Ã‚  Ã‚   Many factors contributed to the colonization of Africa by European powers between 1895 and 1905. Among these factors were the effects of European history, the growing capitalist economy, and the growing competition between European powers. Most important was the belief that European culture was superior to African culture. During the height of imperialism, the vast majority of the African continent was controlled by Europe (à ¬Extentà ® 19). It is important to understand what gave the momentum for European dominance at the time.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Imperialism is present in European history, beginning with the Roman Empire (Lenin). Lugard believes that Europeans inherited à ¬instincts of colonial expansionà ® from their ancestors (Lugard). The Romans practiced what was essentially an early form of imperialist economics (Lenin). Joseph A. Schumpeter writes that most of the wars of history were fought without any real justifiable purpose, and instead were fought out of aggression for its own sake (Schumpeter). He seems to believe that the imperialism is much the same (Schumpeter). This he relates to the history of Europe by noting that the nobles, who had a strong history in warfare for its own sake, were influential in pushing for imperialism (Schumpeter). He believes that the bourgeois class would never have accomplished imperialism on its own (Schumpeter).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     If it were necessary to give the briefest possible definition of imperialism we should have to say that imperialism is the monopoly stage of capitalism à ¬ (Lenin). There were definite economic factors contributing to the move towards imperialism in Europe (Hobson). This is probably the most basic explanation of Eur... ...02hobson.html>. Kipling, Rudyard. "The White Manà ­s Burden." Aug. 1997 <>. Lenin, Vladimir Illyich . "Imperialism, the Highest State of Capitalism." July 1998 <>. Lugard, F.D. "The Rise of Our East African Empire." Nov. 1998 <> Orwell, George. 'Shooting an Elephant." 2 June, 1997 <> Paton, John G. July 1998 <>. Schumpeter, Joseph A. "The Sociology of Imperialism." July 1998 <>. Townsend, Mary Evelyn. European Colonial Expansion Since 1871. Chicago: J.P. Lippincott Company, 1941.   

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Important Role of Transcendentalism in American History Essay

The Important Role of Transcendentalism in American History In 1830, a movement known as Transcendentalism began to gain popularity in America. Representing an idealistic system of thought, "strength, courage, self-confidence, and independence of mind"1 were some basic values admired by the followers of the Transcendental movement. Transcendentalists opposed many aspects of their government, where they felt "many unjust laws existed."2 Therefore, they became the leaders of many modern reform movements. Transcendentalists also had a major affect on their society. Transcendentalism became a "powerful force for democracy."3 Originating in the area in and around Concord, Massachusettes, Transcendentalism was recognized as having an "underlying relationship to the Romantic movement as a whole."4 Three of the most obvious or well known sources or origin of Transcendentalism are neo-platonism, German idealistic philosophy, and certain Eastern mystical writings which were introduced into the Boston area in the early nineteenth century."5 Transcendental beliefs focused on "the importance of spirit over matter."6 Ralph Waldo Emerson, a well known Transcendentalist, felt that "all men aspire to the highest, and most of them spend their lives seeking money and power only because they see nothing higher."7 Followers also believed in a spiritual hunger, or the need to find themselves one with the world. In addition, they believed in "an ascending hierarchy of spiritual values rising to absolute good, truth, and beauty."8 Transcendentalists also believed in a supreme being, the Oversoul, and felt that "if the Oversoul is all powerful and at the same time good, then evil does not exist."9... ...reconciled few of them."19 It was never united by a set program. Transcendentalism was comprised of the various interests and labors of many different personal concepts. Therefore, there were many conflicting values which made it an unsteady system to follow. At the time of the Transcendentalism movement, "it preached, practiced, an idealism that was greatly needed in a rapidly expanding economy."20 However, soon people began to find other, more comprehensible means of dealing within society. Therefore, they began to turn away from Transcendentalism. However, even though Transcendentalism is non-existent as a whole today, many of its ideas, values, and morals are still present in many of the religions and beliefs of today's society. In conclusion, Transcendentalism will always be present in the world, it just will not have as obvious a presence.

American Imperialism :: United States America Imperialist essays papers

America had definitely played its role in its imperialism. First of all imperialism is the control from one country doing to another. America has controlled a lot of countries in its time. In this essay I will talk about the causes and effects that America’s imperialism played a role in. We have really controlled a lot of countries in our time but this essay will focus more on the 19th and 20th century. We play a pretty big influence in the world today as in status wise. A lot of countries respect us because of our integrity and greatness that we have achieved. Overall I will talk about how imperialism existed in the time of American in 19th and 20th century as well as explain the causes by this time and effects that resulted on our lives today.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Imperialism is the policy or action by which one country controls another country or territory. Most such control is achieved by military means to gain economic and political advantages. Such a policy is also called expansionism. An expansionist state that obtains overseas territories follows a policy usually called colonialism. An imperialist government may wish to gain new markets for its exports, plus sources of inexpensive labor and raw materials. A far-flung empire may satisfy a nation's desire for military advantage or recognition as a world power. Imperialism has definitely played its role in our lifetime as well as in the 19th century. First of all we attacked Iraq regarding a power issue. We believed they had some powerful items in which could be harmful to our nation so we decided to attack them to ensure our security. Another one is how we attacked Japan because they were becoming to powerful. We have done a lot to these countries just so we could have the security of keeping our power. Military reasons are also another reason for Imperialism.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Since ancient times, nations have absorbed territory near their borders to protect themselves from foreign attack. This kind of territory could be used as kind of a cushion support. This way they have land around them to help them stay secure. In the late 1800's, many European powers had colonies throughout the world where their ships, both naval and merchant, could take on supplies. Imperialism can also be encouraged by patriotism, religion, and a sense of cultural and racial superiority. During the late 1800’s, a strong feeling of nationalism swept most European countries.