Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Research on Nursing Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Research on Nursing - Coursework Example This factor will have impacts on the health status of the individuals who reside in these rural communities as well as influence health care services and affect delivery of medical services. This paper will address the areas of family health care that play a vital role in promoting health and ensuring wellness in family self-care. Nurses are encouraged to take upon a more pro-active approach when they are working with families, whether in an urban or a rural setting. This will ensure quality health care promotion is the main focus in most families. Recent research shows that there are changes which are taking place in family health care as well as family life. Research further indicates that there is an upcoming international perspective in which individuals and the community at large feels the need for recognition of the common attributes about family life across the different cultures as well as promotion of family health issues in the nation. Nursing practice is aimed at ensuring managed care in rural and family health. Nurses continue to face challenges in delivery of medical services to individuals and families residing in the remote and rural communities. These challenges inhibit nurses from delivering quality nursing care to individuals in rural setting. Limited medical resources present challenges in rural communities. ... hem to take part in functions that require advanced practice and skills so that they can effectively fulfill the needs of individuals who reside in medically underserved regions. The distance between the patients and the medical providers, and the low population density contribute to the remoteness of the rural environments. There is a great diversity in terms of economic, social and cultural patterns between rural and urban communities. The diversity has been identified as the main issue that has brought about disparities in health care systems in different geographic locations. In most rural communities, nurses are expected to be the sole care givers since there are few or even no physicians available. The rural nurses, therefore, have to develop a variety of virtues that will guide them in the understanding and ability to provide adequate health care to rural patients and families. Nurses in rural communities have adapted resilience in addition to adaptability, resourcefulness and creativity. It is because of this that they are enabled to be expert generalists. Rural nurses have also developed a great attribute of knowing about the formal and informal resources available in the rural community in which they are based. They have identified how to use the resources effectively and sustainably for the sole benefit of the rural population. Nurses in the rural settings should still be able to know how they could care for patients with various diseases and health conditions. The nurses should be flexible as well as excellent team players so that they can handle difficult medical conditions with expertise and function more effectively in nursing roles that continue to expand. Nurses continue to face challenges in situations of delivering nursing services and health care to

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