Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Different throught processes during World war 2 and vietnam a contrast Essay

Different throught processes during World war 2 and vietnam a contrast in thinking - Essay Example The speed at which life changed and the number of social issues that were in conflict made the world a very different place, thus supporting a citizenry that was in conflict with its government, a nation that was in a social civil war trying to change what would lead toward a more enlightened society. The 1940’s was a time that marked the beginning of world in which the oppressed would stand tall and the domination of the white male social group would come into challenge. However, this was not seen from inside this time, only from the retrospective point of view that represents the changes that took place during this time. The social control of the world before this time resided deeply within the group defined by white Western males who dominated in the economic and social spheres from which the world was primarily defined. However, this group had taken some damage during the press of the economic pressures during the 1930’s that had whittled away both pride and resources. As World War II took those same men far from the shores of the United States, a new world would blossom during their absence. During World War II, the support for the war extended into most aspects of life within the United States. The first sacrifice was made by the men who enlisted in droves to support the end of tyranny within the world by participating in the military efforts. However, there was a great deal of sacrifice made on the home front because of the participation of men and the use of resources that might not have been required without the existence of the war. The entry into World War II came on the heels of a Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor which incited the passions of the citizens towards revenge and preservation of the way of life that was the American culture. According to Hormats, â€Å"On the day after the attack on Pearl Harbor, President Franklin Roosevelt proclaimed his confidence that the

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Role of the American Soldier Essay Example for Free

The Role of the American Soldier Essay We live in a very conflicted world today. Billions of people live in poverty, and war is a reality for everyone. However, there is still hope for freedom and a decent quality of life for all people. The American soldiers are the people responsible for protecting and promoting these ideals. While they dont make the executive military decisions, its their loyalty and dedication towards spreading and protecting democracy and freedom that gives them the ability to do their job exceedingly well. One of the first things that make the American soldiers so good at their jobs is their belief in America. Soldiers are some of the most patriotic Americans because they believe so strongly in American ideals. I think that becoming a soldier and fighting for your country truly allows you to fully comprehend what your country is all about. American soldiers understand and believe in America, and this drives them to do their job and if necessary, die for their country. The United States of America is the worlds leading superpower, so why should we care about the rest of the world? It is because we have a moral obligation to not only protect ourselves, but to help protect innocent people around the globe from evil and tyranny. It is the responsibility of the American soldiers to fight for justice and to keep evil from harming our world. Overall, they are fighting to keep peace, whether its defending an attack or eliminating a threat. In 2003, the staff of Time Magazine did something that they had never done before. They didnt give the Person of The Year award to a single individual, but instead to a whole group of people, the common American soldiers. I understand why they made that decision. The American soldiers are dedicated to protecting America and making the world a better place. They believe so strongly in life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness that they will die fighting for these ideals. This dedication to their country and beliefs allows them to play a key role in making a better future for humanity.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Casablanca :: essays research papers

Casablanca   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Epstein brothers created Casablanca, a romantic adventure, like no other of its time. There are few movies that are loved by men and women alike. Casablanca is one such movie. It successfully combines action, adventure, love and romance into a film loved by all.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  What makes this film a favorite of women? Lets take a closer look at the film and find out. Casablanca is set in the exotic land of Morocco where refuges wait for passage to America, the Promised Land. In a popular American cafà ©, Rick, the cafà © owner, hides from the memories of a lost love. Rick is a mysterious, masculine hero who hides behind a hard outer shell but is really thoughtful and unpredictable. Rick soon runs into the girl he loves, Ilsa. Ilsa Lund is a beautiful woman who is torn between two lovers. Thus begins the tender love story that women cannot turn away from.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ilsa comes into Rick’s club with her husband Victor Laszlo, a Czech freedom fighter wanted by the Germans. From the beginning, women love Rick far more than they love Victor because of his mysterious masculinity. Victor Laszlo is a hero yet, not nearly as loveable as Rick. Rick holds the only two letters of transit that can guarantee Victor and Ilsa’s escape. We are left wondering and waiting to see if Rick will do the right thing and give Ilsa the papers.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Another important part of the movie that women love is the music. The song â€Å"As Time Goes By† is the song that belongs to the true lovers and is played over and over by Rick’s devoted friend, Sam. Women enjoy the lasting relationship between Sam and Rick and the compassion of Sam for both Rick and Ilsa.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When Rick is forced with the decision of what to do with the letters of transit Rick speaks with Ilsa and Ilsa asks Rick to think for both of them and make the decision. In the end, Rick sacrifices himself for the happiness of Ilsa and Victor as well as the war against Germany. He risks his own life for others even though he is quoted as saying, â€Å"I stick my neck out for nobody† and, â€Å"I’m the only cause I’m interested in.† This is an endearing quality. Women want to be Ilsa, and dream of loving a man like Rick.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Now to try and find out why such a romantic love story is a favorite of men.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Sports and Student Athletes :: Dialogue Conversation Essays

Student Athletes My alarm woke me up, screaming incessantly in my ear. It was eight o'clock Saturday morning, and I felt like I had fallen asleep only a few minutes earlier. I rolled out of bed onto the itchy carpet and somehow found my towel and shampoo in the darkness so I could drag myself to the shower. As the steaming water helped wake me up, I began to think about the day I had in front of me. "Here we go," I thought. "I better make it through this one or I'll be in serious trouble." It was the 27th, and in under an hour I would be in huge gym with hundreds of people taking the SAT. A mere two hours later, I would have to row my first 2k erg test of the season. My new coach from Germany would be standing over my shoulder, and I knew that those seven minutes would have a huge impact on whether or not I would make the varsity boat that spring. I could not help thinking about how important this day would be for me as I saw in my mind the e-mails from Dartmouth, Harvard, and Brown asking me about my times on the erg, which would determine how much interest they would take in me. Last minute thoughts on standardized test strategy swirled through my head as I tried to eat my quick breakfast of toast in the dining hall. Micah tried to talk to me about what we would do that night, but my mind was in a haze as I tried to focus on the task ahead. His voice was just background noise, an every once in a while I would nod me head and appear interested in what he had to say, but his words didn't register in my mind. Before I knew it, we were in Ridgedale. The long rows of desks stretched out before me, and I felt overwhelmed by everything going on around me. I sat down and refocused, realizing that I was getting over-excited about nothing. I tried to calm myself down, but I couldn't help worrying about doing well on the test and proving to everyone around me that I deserved the scholarship I had received to this school.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Exercise for Specific Groups

Product a leaflet which describes (Pl) the provision of exercise or 3 of the target groups you have studied: disabled people, antenatal, postnatal, older adults, children etc. The three gym sectors are Public local government which leisure centre Gym, Desires Gym, Southwest Gym etc. Another sector is the private provision which includes nationwide gyms such as DEW Sports Gym, Pure Gym, Oasis and Bayonets Gym. The final sector in the voluntary sector which may Just be a local Samba class this class will have very little cost involved and is not there to gain masses of profit.Before I research what each provision has to offer for the specific ropes I can have a rough idea for what they may offer. The gyms that are ran by the government may have a wider variety of classes as the government want everybody to get involved and they will employ people and invest money into getting a healthier population and include all groups in their classes to target all groups. Whereas private gyms are n ationwide and will have a lot of customers.They may look to offer classes towards wherever there is the most profit as they don't have government money so they can invest as much into specific groups if they can't get the customers, forever due to them having a lot of customers already from specific groups they may set up a proper class to meet their needs. The voluntary sector will have less money to fund the classes so they may only have a couple of classes or even Just one that can involve every if possible or the widest target area so they might be more of a struggle to find classes for specific groups.Pre Natal Women are restricted from how much exercise they can do and what type of exercise they can do. Many women may already go to the gym before they are pregnant so they will wish to continue their exercise and will want to look for classes that can suit their needs and not put them in any danger of damaging and injuring themselves whilst pregnant.. However other pre natal wo men may not have been to the gym before however they may want to start going to the gym while they are pregnant to keep them fit rather than Just sat down doing no exercise.It will be better for the baby which may attract them to use the gym and find out what classes there are at the gym. I am going to look at a variety of gyms from different sectors to find out what they can offer. All gyms have different aims and objectives and I will try to find out if any of the gyms have any aims to achieve through working with pre natal women. The benefits mean pre natal women will want to get into exercise and want to know what is available for them. DEW Sports Gym is a Private provision gym and is not involved or funded by any government.This gym doesn't advertise any specific exercise groups however they offer a wide range of group exercises. Not all classes would be available for pre natal women however there is some they will be able to take part in due to their condition. The exercises t hey can take part in are Palates and Aqua sessions. The majority of the sessions are in the 10:00 – 17:00 time slot which could be a problem as they may work through until the late stages of their pregnancy and the gym sessions are inside mainstream working hours.As these classes are not for specific groups the price of the class is included in your gym membership at the gym which is priced at EYE. O for a full membership including peak and off peak hour's access. Whereas Bloodworm gyms time slots for exercises classes that can involve pre natal women are in the evening making it easier for pre natal women to attend in case they have mainstream working ours. Here is a part of their timetable which shows both the Palates and Yoga classes that are available: no gym included and they usually only deliver one specific class.A popular example of this is Samba classes as they are often ran outside of gyms in leisure centers or village halls. For pre natal women I have found one cla ss in the local area called ‘Fit Bumps Fit Mums' they deliver pre natal yoga classes and Palate's classes. This class is designed specifically for pre natal women. In my opinion this is the best option for pre natal women in the local area as it is specific to them. They have evening sessions at SST Thomas church hall, they also have a session at west Knots collage.The sessions have to be paid for 6 weeks in advance and the cost is EYE. O this means it is roughly E each session which could be seen as more expensive however if you pay for a gym membership and use it once a week then you pay around EYE for 6 weeks' worth of membership. So it is near enough Just as much as gym session however it is much more specific exercise group with other people in the same situation, this gives pre natal women a chance to mix with each other and meet and socialist with new friends. All participants will be at the same level as well.Whereas at a gym there will be normal fit people taking part sop you may struggle to keep up with them. Post Natal Women will be going through a stage trying to get rid of their baby fat. Women on average should usually wait 6 Weeks before getting back into regular exercise, this will differ depending on how much exercise you took part in before child birth. For the women who attended the gym during pregnancy then they will wish to carry on specific classes as they will still be restricted certain types and mounts of exercise.For the women who didn't already attend the gym before or during pregnancy then they will defiantly not want to free train they will want a class specific to them so they can get their fitness back and continue with their normal lifestyle. I will research what each gym from different sectors has to offer and compare what gym would be the most suitable for post natal women. This will be the gym with the best classes for these specific groups with targets to improve that specific area and also if there is a choice we will look at what gyms have better more accessible facilities and which gym that you get best value of money from.For Post natal women the voluntary sector again offers good classes, the same voluntary provision ‘Fit Bumps Fit Mums' which continue on after the pregnancy they do a '21 day plan' ran through an online programmer accessible by their private Backbone group. The programmer includes 21 days' worth of workouts that can be done at home. I believe this is a good idea as it means they don't have to go straight back to exercise in a gym where they may feel like they are behind which will be depressing for them.The online programmer costs EYE 1 believe this an extremely good price as you would pay more for a gym membership and wouldn't even go 21 days in one month. They offer online motivation and can be done whenever best for you and you won't have to travel this will suit post natal women as they will have babies that they won't be able to go to a gym with them this makes it much more suitable for their situation. Elderly People Being active can play an important part in both positive ageing and reducing frailty, helping to reduce the risk of falls. It can help older people maintain their health, well- deteriorate as a natural part of ageing.Weakened muscles are not as strong to cope with everyday tasks such as getting up from a chair or walking, and people's balance can be affected. Being active throughout life and especially in older age can help to slow down the rate that muscles deteriorate. This can help older people remain active and independent as long as possible and also reduce the risk of falls in later life. Not all older people have the same needs. For older people who are reasonably healthy and active or whose function has only slightly declined, lots of different activities can help them to remain strong, for as long as possible.For older people it is recommended to get a GAP referral so that you can be referred to a fitness group/ gym th at know exactly how to deal with your needs to prevent injury or damage but still improve your fitness. People who are out of shape or elderly should start aerobic training gradually. For example, they may start with 5 – 10 minutes of low-impact aerobic activity every other day and build toward a goal of 30 minutes per day, three to seven times a week. Swimming is an ideal exercise for many elderly people and or certain people with physical limitations.People with physical limitations include pregnant women. At DEW Fitness there are many classes available to suit the needs of older people such as Palates, Yoga and Aqua aerobics. All these classes are free when signed on to a gym membership wherever it is a monthly or yearly membership contract. Membership contracts at DEW fitness for seniors is EYE. 95 if you wish to may monthly or IEEE. 40 for a upfront yearly cost with offers such as 2 months free and Join before 30th November and don't start payment until 1st January.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Acid-Base Titration Experiment essays

Acid-Base Titration Experiment essays To titrate a hydrochloric acid solution of unknown concentration with standardized 0.50 M sodium hydroxide and to utilize the titration data to calculate the molarity of the hydrochloric acid, and the molarity. Prepare for lab. Put on apron and goggles. Take 50 mL of the hydrochloric acid solution of unknown concentration and about 100 mL of the standardized NaOH solution. Record the value in Table. Use suction bulb, pipet 10.0 mL of the HCl solution into a 250 mL Erlenmeyer flask, after rinsing your pipet with small amount of HCL first. Add 3 drops of phenolphthalein solution. Rinse a clean buret with approximately 15 mL of the standardized NaOH solution. Drain the buret and refill with standardized NaOH solution. Record the initial volume of the NaOH in the buret in your Table. Gradually dispense some of the standardized NaOH solution into the titration flask. Swirl the flask constantly. Continue adding NaOH, noting any changes in the flask. As the equivalence point approached, a pinkish color will appear, and the dissipate more slowly as the titration proceeds. Now add NaOH drop by drops. Stop when the addition of a single drop causes the solution to remain pinkish for 30s. Record the volume of NaOH needed to reach the equivalence point in your copy table 1, and repeat the procedure again from getting 10.0 mL sample of HCL and compare the result. Mix any leftover acids and bases together to neutralize, and pour down the sink with plenty of water. MOLARITY OF NaOH TRIAL 1 TRAIL 2 TRAIL 3 ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Three problems facing alcohol advertising Essays - Drinking Culture

Three problems facing alcohol advertising Essays - Drinking Culture Three problems facing alcohol advertising Three problems facing alcohol advertising Name of Author Name of Institution THREE PROBLEMS ARISING FROM ALCOHOL ADVERTISING Introduction Should there be a controversial topic, this is among the most controversial debates. The issue of whether alcohol advertising is beneficial or hazardous is far from over as more scholars and analysts dive into the issue. However, this essay will mainly focus on some of problems of alcohol advertising. Alcohol advertisements have become one of the most popular advertisements on the media. The essay will attempt to discuss three cons arising from advertising alcohol relative to the young generation, alcohol companies and current lifestyles. Body One of the reasons why advertising alcohol is not advisable is the fact that it leads to a false illusion of an illustrious lifestyle. Alcohol is mainly consumed by the younger generation. With alcohol advertisements being more than the public service advertisements, it leads to more eagerness within the youth to consume alcohol. The recent TV-generation is easily swayed by what they actually view on the media. However, there have been representatives within the alcohol industry who maintain that alcohol advertising on the media does not hugely influence the consumption among the younger generation. Their rationale behind their statement is that there are some parents who live extravagant lifestyles hence introduce alcohol to their children. Alcohol advertising generally affects market shares as opposed to beer sales (Galanter, 2006). Surveys conducted among alcohol entities seem to conquer with the statement. Seemingly so, they also agree that affecting marketing shares leads to margin losses as opposed to beer sales which lead to profits. Companies dealing with alcohol and beverage sales seem to be against alcohol advertisements. Apparently, their marketing teams use the aspect of econometric analysis to fully analyze the impact of alcohol advertisement (Institute of Medicine, 2012). The results showed that alcohol advertising ultimately benefits large scale than small scale producers. Moreover, since particular brands of alcohol are regularly advertised, the demand of that particulate product is high-end as compared to other occasionally advertised products. Significant studies conducted among modern civilizations seem to consume more wine, more whisky as opposed to cigarette smoking. Notably so, as to whether this is a positive outcome is still under debate. For instance, citizens in states like California agreed to have been drinking more and smoke occasionally (Institute of Medicine, 2012). As such, it seems that alcohol advertisements seem to provide an alternative way of causing more health problems. However, health experts do not support alcohol much less than cigarette smoking but rather, advice against excessive alcohol consumption as it causes health problems. Conclusion The above essay only highlighted few of the problems that alcohol advertising causes at a local and international level. As noted, there are pros and cons to alcohol advertising. As seen in the essay, alcohol consumption should be supervised especially when dealing with the young generation. There have been cases where underage drinking has been blamed on alcohol companies. However, it is the responsibility of parents, family and the community at large to ensure that underage drinking is controlled and supervised. On the issue of alcohol and cigarettes, it is the responsibility of an adult to preserve his/her own health. References Galanter, Marc. (2006), American Medical Society on Alcoholism, National Council on Alcoholism Research Society on Alcoholism (U.S.), Phoenix: Springer. Institute of Medicine (US): 2012, Legislative approaches to prevention of alcohol related problems: an inter-American workshop: proceedings, Institute of Medicine: California: National Academies.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

4 Simple Steps On What To Do When Youre Making Mistakes at Work

4 Simple Steps On What To Do When Youre Making Mistakes at Work We all make mistakes. Chances are, you’ll not be able to get through your career without making at least one- major or minor. The hardest part is first, admitting that you’ve erred, and then knowing what to do about it. Here are four steps to getting yourself back on track if you’re making mistakes at work. 1. Accept responsibility for your mistakesThere’s no getting around this one. You goofed. And everyone is going to know. There’s no point in trying to hide it, especially if other people will be affected by your gaffe. The sooner you take the blame and let people know what’s going on, the sooner the problem can be rectified. Pull the Band-Aid off and get right down to damage control.It may seem like a better idea to quietly fix it yourself, but the odds are you’ll miss something. It could be a more pervasive mess-up than you thought, or you could mess something else up in the process of trying to fix it. Be honest. Own it. And apolo gize. Then put yourself out there in the trenches until you set things right. People will respect you for your honorable behavior.2. Show you’re in control of the problemWhen disclosing the mistakes you’re making at work, have a few suggestions as to how you plan to fix the problem. Offer the best solution first to make the situation seem less dire. Show you’re in control. You’ve already learned from your mistake, and you’re already working to fix things. It doesn’t mean you’re not going to get yelled at, but it might mean your boss will take note of your character throughout the situation. Handle this well, and minimize the damage, and you might maximize your boss’s good opinion.3. Turn your mistakes into a learning experienceSeriously, everybody screws up every now and then. Don’t beat yourself up too hard. For one thing, it’s a waste of time. For another, if you’re too busy gnashing your teeth, you wonâ €™t have time to learn from your mistake. So turn this failure into a life lesson, and use it to help make you better at your job. Use it to help you grow. Debrief yourself, alter your course to avoid similar fudge-ups in the future, and then move forward.4.  Earn Your Boss’ Trust BackEven if you did all of the above, you’ll still have to earn back trust. Start small- get all your smaller projects off your desk, with efficiency and precision. Log these minor victories in quick succession. Then move on to bigger ones. Go the extra mile as often as you can. Little by little, your boss will be so charmed that he’ll forget what happened last month- he’ll be too busy reveling in the quality of your work this month.You’re going to mess up eventually. What matters isn’t when or how, but how you choose to handle yourself in such situations. When in doubt, choose honesty, integrity, and good hard work to pull things back together.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Haiti Earthquake Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Haiti Earthquake - Essay Example Community became more aware of the events happening in the world, which resulted in the occurrence of â€Å"citizen journalism† and blogs, when people can freely express their opinions on political, economic and social events. Different strategic approaches have been used in the cases of Haiti earthquake in January 2010 and campaign in 2007-2008. The table below shows similarities and differences of their approaches. Haiti Earthquake Strategy planned emergent Goal to make South Asian Americans register at NMDP donor database and take an action as a donor if they are called to share news about earthquake and help people find each other Features analytical creative and innovative Normal communications tools used television, public relations none (all were down) Social media tools used websites, blogs, emails, web links, educational videos, Facebook, etc. videos, pictures, text messages, iReports, Twitterfeeds, etc.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Super size me ( the movie ) written aurgument Essay

Super size me ( the movie ) written aurgument - Essay Example And if he is asked to super size the meal, he has to say yes. Spurlock’s reason for his position is to prove that eating products which are modified such as refined carbohydrates and sugars, products that have preservatives and products which have high calories are harmful to our health and it would complicate our heart, liver, blood and other parts of our body. And most of these products are found in fast food restaurants. He uses this experiment as his means to support his reasons. During Spurlock’s first week of McDonald’s diet he gained 8.5 pounds, which is from 185.5 pounds (Spurlock’s weight before McDonald’s diet) to 194 pounds. During the first week Spurlock was consuming 5000 calories per day which is way above the amount of calories he needs per day which is only 2500 calories. During the second weigh in, Spurlock gained 9 pounds, which is from 194 pounds – 203 pounds. During his third weigh in he lost 1 pound, which is from 203 pou nds – 202 pounds. But his cholesterol levels went up from 165 – 225, his SGOT levels went from 21 – 130 and his SGPT levels went up from 20 - 290. The rapid growth of his cholesterol levels and liver enzymes levels (SGOT/SGPT) made the doctor advice Spurlock to stop his high fat diet before it gets worse. The people who would disagree with Spurlock are the people who are behind the fast food company. The fast food company claims that they are part of the obesity problem but they also claimed that people have the freedom to choose where and what to eat. Fast food restaurants don’t force people to eat their products, but billions are spent on advertising these products. It is on paper, radio, television and internet. Plus they have this must-have-toys and playgrounds which is very inviting to the kids. Spurlock responds to this by letting people have more healthy options. Spurlock visited numerous

Direct Digital Synthesis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Direct Digital Synthesis - Research Paper Example Direct digital synthesis is about storing waveform data points in digital format, and then recreating them with the use of digital to analog converters from the stored data. Essentially, the speed with which the synthesizer is able to regenerate the waveform is correlated with the waveform frequency. Digital techniques for mapping waveform data point into digital formats for storage and retrieval and are at the heart of DDS systems. In essence the basic components of a DDS system are the phase accumulator, the waveform map, the digital to analog converter or DAC, and the low pass filter, which sums up the DDS process from the mapping of the waveform signal into digital data, to the recreation of the analog waveform via the use of a DAC and a low pass filter to perfect the waveform. The illustration below details this simplified DDS system [1]: An even more simplified version of the DDS architecture shrinks it into two essential components, the phase generator/accumulator, which is time discrete, and the phase-to-waveform converter, for recreating the appropriate output signal of the DDS [2]: In the image above, the low pass filters and the waveform map that is part of the previous diagram are assumed to be present in the background, as peripheral components [1] [2]. On the other extreme is a more detailed diagram representing the basic functions of a DDS system, that expands on the first diagram above, and includes the waveform map and low pass filter [3]: The idea behind DDS is that waveforms of various kinds are easily implementable and can be easily recreated from digitally stored waveform data, and the freedom that this gives to designers includes that whereas in the past, more and more complex analog components were needed to recreate more and more complex waveforms, in the case of DDS systems all that is needed is stored digital data.  

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Projectile Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Projectile - Lab Report Example . The ball was then pushed into the back making sure it does not move forward. A test shot was then made to determine where the ball lands after which a carbon paper was placed on the white sheet. The ball was then fired 6 different times and the distance travelled by the ball from where the ball leaves the launcher recorded.The position of the launcher was made in such a way that the launcher launches the ball at 200 the steps in part A were then repeated and data recorded in table 2 If the velocity is increased, the time taken for the ball to reach the ground will be more than the calculated speed. Considering the velocity equation, it’s clear that velocity is directly proportional to time thus an increase in velocity consequently increases the time. Trajectory labeled C has the longest hang time. This is because the distance travelled by the projectile is longer as compared to the other two i.e. A & B since distance travelled is directly proportional to hang time The experiment was successful since from the measured distance, it was possible to calculate the both the time and the velocity of the projectile

Self esteem issues that arise for adults who have returned to edcation Essay

Self esteem issues that arise for adults who have returned to edcation - Essay Example Adult education is a serious effort made by government and voluntary agencies to provide a platform for the adults to improve their educational qualifications. It provides them a wide option of educational curricula, designed to utilise their increased knowledge and enhanced skills so that they can better rehabilitate in their social environment and improve their job prospects. Adult education also facilitates and provides a challenging atmosphere for the people who wish to diversify and follow a career in new areas. It therefore becomes all the more important that adults who wish to further their educational qualifications, are made to feel comfortable in an academically challenged atmosphere, without any embarrassment or other such psychological impediments. We would, thus, be taking the role of self esteem of the adults, who wish to pursue education in a changed atmosphere. It is seen that adults who are intending to either resume their education or the one who embark on adult literacy for advancing their careers, are faced with multitude of psychological problems which might hinder with their fair intentions and goals. Issues of self esteem are major impediments for a smooth adult education course because adults who convince themselves for the course are still sensitive to public comments and outlooks which may frown upon or look down on their endeavours as mere whims and wastage of good money on a lost cause. The main aim and objectives of the study are to find ways and means of providing people with incentives so that adults, who have had to leave their education for one or the other reasons, are able to resume their education with fresh zeal and motivation with higher self esteem. It is equally important that due consideration be given to their status as adults who have other priorities, so that they are not forced to compromise with their self esteem and ego, and as such, it is imperative to

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Projectile Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Projectile - Lab Report Example . The ball was then pushed into the back making sure it does not move forward. A test shot was then made to determine where the ball lands after which a carbon paper was placed on the white sheet. The ball was then fired 6 different times and the distance travelled by the ball from where the ball leaves the launcher recorded.The position of the launcher was made in such a way that the launcher launches the ball at 200 the steps in part A were then repeated and data recorded in table 2 If the velocity is increased, the time taken for the ball to reach the ground will be more than the calculated speed. Considering the velocity equation, it’s clear that velocity is directly proportional to time thus an increase in velocity consequently increases the time. Trajectory labeled C has the longest hang time. This is because the distance travelled by the projectile is longer as compared to the other two i.e. A & B since distance travelled is directly proportional to hang time The experiment was successful since from the measured distance, it was possible to calculate the both the time and the velocity of the projectile

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Advising the UK government what key actions need to be taken to adapt Essay

Advising the UK government what key actions need to be taken to adapt to and mitigate environmental change during the next 50 years - Essay Example The governing bodies all over the world are in need of having a new perspective on this depleting ecosystem, to preserve it, to provide long term good health for all the people, all over the world. The continued stability of the life supporting systems of the biosphere weighs heavily on the actions taken by the government. With temperatures rising everyday and with pollution going overboard, it is time for the UK government to start taking steps to minimize the rate of depletion, the environment is going through. Thereby, a better future can be ensured in the coming years. Environmental changes refer to the drastic change taking place in air, water, climate and other natural activities, globally. Though climate change has been widely acknowledged, there is still an uncertainty on how large and how fast the predicted effects will be on the environment. Several events in the recent past such as the hurricane Katrina in South Atlantic and the heat waves which took hundreds of lives in Europe, certainly raised questions over stability of climate. All of these cannot be attributed only to climate change. But certainly, it becomes the frontrunner when these events are predicted to occur more in future. Global warming is the main cause for the climate change happening all over the world. Upon closely scrutinizing the available data on climate, it clearly indicates that there is a rapid increase in temperature over the past decade. From the beginning of twentieth century, earth’s surface temperature has increased to 1.4oF (0.7oC) and in this, about 0.9oF (0.5oC) has occurred since 1978. This striking increase in temperature is definitely due to global warming which is further pronounced with the emission of green house gases and air pollution. Global warming is further pronounced with the depletion of ozone layer. It has resulted in the penetration of UV rays into earth and thereby

Human impact on climate Essay Example for Free

Human impact on climate Essay Abstract Climate change has long been a controversial issue among governments and world bodies. It is defined as the variation in the Earth’s global climate or in regional climates over time. These variations may be caused by a multitude of factors, some of which include geological changes within the Earth itself, changes in forces outside the earth, or human activity. When talking about this issue, two terms are often interchanged to refer to these variations in normal weather patterns, namely global warming and climate change. The two however, while similar, belong to different spectrums. This paper seeks to examine the role of human activities as a form of climate change. Overview Global warming simply pertains to the recent gradual warming of the temperature in different locations around the earth. Climate change, as defined by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), talks of variations in weather in general, but which are caused particularly by human activity. Although there have been steps taken towards curbing the destructive effects of climate change, there continues to still be a sense of apathy on the parts of some governments with regard to it. The continued burning of fossil fuels in power plants, vehicles and other machines are directly responsible for producing air particles that contribute to warming the earth’s atmosphere. The conversion of forests to farmland or real estate developments has also reduced the amount of trees overall, thus cutting down the chances of more trees mitigating the carbon levels in the air, as well as absorbing and acting as a natural control for floods. Effects of Climate Change Climate change will have many effects on the environment, some of them already visible while others are slowly already being experienced in different parts of the world. Currently, scientists project that the mean global temperature will rise about 3 degrees Celsius, assuming the amount of carbon dioxide in the air doubles due to continued use of fossil fuels. Another projection was the rising of the mean sea level by about 50 cm, a relatively significant rise in light of the fact that computer model estimates have shown that several low-lying states and countries may, in part or whole, be submerged by the rising water level. The warming of temperatures at the mid-continent levels, as well as those in higher latitudes, will also be greater as compared to other locations. It has therefore been predicted that a considerable amount of polar and glacial will melt, as well as the continued warming of the oceans. These two events will constitute for the most part the increase in water levels mentioned earlier. Also to be seriously affected is the ecosystem, along with the natural order of the environment. Due to the heat that would be generated, more tropical climates would be prevalent, thus the focus on migration as well as agricultural production and output would shift all over the world. For the wildlife, the changing ecosystems would directly affect their natural habitats and breeding places. As it is, researchers continue to forecast that global warming may cause the easier proliferation of disease due to the idea that disease-carrying insects and other animals may migrate to other locations due to the changing weather. The hydrologic cycle will also intensify, with changes in water supplies as well as weather seasons such as droughts and flood, which could then greatly affect crops and other natural sources of food. Lastly, the effects of climate change on the broad concept of international security cannot be discounted. With more poor countries potentially facing an environmental disaster of catastrophic proportions, masses of refugees could converge on those remaining industrialized and highly urbanized nations that remain only somewhat affected. Also, should fossil fuel use not be successfully curbed in time, the scarcity of it will only mean that nations who have remaining reserves will become more powerful and dominant in the world stage, with new influential nations possibly developing.

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Expectations Augmented Phillips Curve Essay

The Expectations Augmented Phillips Curve Essay History has developed into two aspects, before and after the era of 1975, with a broad unanimity about the development of pre-1975, which is well apprehend (understood). Bifurcation starts in 1975, when the Philips curve break down into two fork (branches) of the road with having a little interaction between two branches or forks. As we look towards the major contribution of the paper, by the source of bifurcation (divide it into branches) in order to examine the contributions of the forks that occur post 1975. The pre history of the Philips curve before 1975 is straightforward and clear in its manner. Philips initially discover the history of existing negative relationship between inflation and unemployment named as Philips curve, that was afterward popularized by Samuelson and Solow, and then followed by the period when the policy maker were supposing to feat the trade-off between them in order to reduce the unemployment on the cost of increasing inflation. For that development of Friedman, Phelps and lucas conquered the policy feat trade-off in favor of long run monetary impartiality. When Sargent explained the failure of their tests of impartiality, made refusal on the implemented econometric version of Philips curve in the 1960s wound, and finally they were condemned to the destroyed twist of the negative correlation between the unemployment and inflation in the era of 1960s converted to the positive in 1970s by the lucas and Sargent. The impartial architect and the adversary of Keynesian trade-off emerged victory with having major caveats of that concerned model were unconvincing as well as their price surprises all were conducting many mistakes without any supporting evidences. Literature of Philips curve split in two dimensions after 1975 (the era of evolution of PC), when everyone failed to recognize the contribution of others. The other section reviews the consistent, energetic and dynamic aggregate demand and supply framework that come into front in late 1970s in theoretical contribution and in textbooks of macro economics. This approach is determined, because the inflation rate is dominated by the perseverant in form of different long lags as compared to past inflation rate. In the main stream approach the major important difference is that the post inflation rate is unlimited to form the expectations, but also involves the perseverant effect due to the wage and price the contracts of fixed-duration, also the lags of unripe material and final goods prices. Due to the demand and supply shocks inflation dislodged from its past sluggish values. This approach of econometric implementations sometime called triangle because it showing the three cornered supply, demand and inertia. As the results of supply shocks, the approach describes the inflation and unemployment peaks in the era of 1970s and early 1980s, that provides the proportional analysis of valley of low unemployment and inflation in late 1990s. It may emphasize that unemployment and inflation can either be negatively and positively correlated and also depending on the supply shocks and responses. During the era of early and mid 1960, the three phases of Philips curve developed e following results. Firstly, the Philips curve provide the policy maker with a menu of different options. Secondly, the policy advisors of the Kennedy and Johnson government, that led by Walter Heller having support from Robert Solow and James Tobin, they made discussion that the previous Republican government (administration) had chosen a point too far south east along with the Philips curve trade-off, that time considered precious because of getting the country move again from south east to north-west. President Kennedy got some sort of recommendations from Hellers group relevant to the major cuts in federal income taxes and these were implemented by the Johnson government in two phases of 1964 and 1965 after the death of president. Samuelson and Solow had calculated the unemployment rate in the late 1963 that was 5.5% and compatible along zero inflation, so it was suitable to implement the expansion ary fiscal policy of Kennedy-Johnson that accelerate the inflation even without loosening the floodlight fiscal trend due to the war of Vietnam. We refer to examine the period of 1960 to 1971by taking the quarterly data of US inflation and unemployment and then return to the same picture of evolution of Philips curve debate started in the post 1971 about the inflation and unemployment. Third aspect was the rate of unemployment fall below 5.5% in 1964 and remained below 4% in between 1966 to 1970. The ups and down in inflation remained compatible in econometric model with having the natural unemployment rate (consistent with steady inflation rather than the zero inflation) in the range of 5.5% 6.0%. Another aspect of that period was the invention of mainframe (the super electronic computer). For the first time, the computer made it practical to estimate the large scale econometric models contained in (Formm and Tauban 1968). These model consisted of two equations. The main explanatory variable in that equation of incorporated Philips curve was the unemployment rate, sometimes the rate of change of unemployment rate, some variables measure the expected inflation of sets of lags and on tax rates. In the equation of price level to the wage level the estimated change of wage was typically translated into the inflation rate and adjusted for the productive tendency, the so called unit labor cost tendency. Demand was intensively measured and responds by the price-labor cost ratio. The price-labour cost ratio or mark-up was allowed to respond to a measure of demand, this particular situation related to the productive market not to the unemployment rate, such as the ratio similar to the unfilled shipment orders. The inflation rate depend on the rate of change of unemployment in the reduce form of this approach where it measure the demand as well as different lags of inflation. With dealing the challenge of Friedman-Phelps natural rate hypothesis, a problem encountered showing the conflict in the data taken in the late 1960s. Although, the pertaining competition, the feature was devoted among the different departments of economics working at the University of Chicago, dealings happening in between Milton Friedman and Franco Modigliani. A debate occurred between them in 965 by their co-authors over the issue that only monetary policy mattered or only fiscal policy mattered and debated seemed fantastic when the results were based on IS-LM model showed that both the fiscal and monetary policy mattered in estimation of PC by excluding some extreme cases. The presidential address of Friedman (1968) comprised of two sections that had a main point which was closely correlated.   First, it signified the faster inflation due to showing the inefficiency in control of nominal interest rate by the central bank and it adds fuel toward the inflation fire in the economy. Second, it showed the importance of Philips curve debate and derived conclusion by said that the policy makers had no ability to select any other unemployment rate rather than the natural rate of unemployment and excluded from the macroeconomic structure of the product and the labor market. Another more desirable and suitable interpretation about the natural rate of unemployment was given that showed the compatibility with accurate inflation rate which comprised the slow and steady inflation rate. Analysis which was not neutral based on the policy trade off had ignored the expectations that used for adjustment purposes. By consider an economy proceeding at the natural rate of unemployment and also based on the 1% inflation rate was precisely prevented.   By pushing the unemployment rate below the natural unemployment rate can tend the economy towards the north east of the short run Philips curve and the consequences appeared in form of increasing the actual inflation rate. But if the agents noticed that the inflation rate become higher as compared to the initial anticipated inflation rate of 1%, the inflation expectations become higher and it shift the short run Philips curve higher. And the process will continue unless and until the rate of unemployment reached at the natural rate of unemployment. So, the Friedmans timing to address becomes weird and impeccable. According to the verbal predictions of the model given by Friedman, The fiscal expansion of Kennedy-Johnson that included both the spending on Vietnam War and tax cuts that also accompanied by the monetary accommodations had not only push the rate of unemployment down to 3.5% from 5.5% but in each year in between 1963 to 1969 the rate of inflation become swift. The large sca le econometricians who had estimated the unemployment rate of 4% and also forecasted the inflation rate become perplex that how the acceleration of inflation had been exceeded from year to year. Defamers of Friedman attacked on the verbal model given by him and used to motivate the natural rate, when the econometricians become well aware of their failures regarding to forecast the acceleration of inflation in late 1960s and in later the model become fooling model. According to the employers expectations related to price level a thought given by Friedman that are always accurate but the employees remained dissatisfied of the expected prices that does not respond to the actual price level. When the business expand, the prices raises more than the ratio of wages, so the need is to provide the incentives to the employees in order to bridge up the gap of lower real wages, as they remained fail to fulfilled their expectations to adjust the prices.   Friedmans verbally assumed model become implausible, as the workers had complete access of the Consumer price index and were well known about the actual prices prevailing in the market. There could no business cycle in the world of Friedman. The credit of co-discovering the natural hypothesis was given to Phelps (1967, 1968). In juxtaposition, the Friedman distinction was in between dumb workers and smart firms, but in Phelpss world everyone is dumb considered equally fooled. The general price level rises in the rest of economy as both the workers and the firm seems the price rises in the industry and the consequence was to increase the production level. So the Phelps developed a model in which employees treated separate from the information of the economy. The workers quit regularly from one firm to another firm in order to get the high wages and the unemployment become frictional. But the workers does not quit as the same firms offered them the high wages. Without their knowledge t he unemployment rate became low, and at the same time all the firms raised the wages by the same proportion of the money. The macroeconomic data registered a decline in the unemployment as the employees became fooled of declining the frictional unemployment rate. Hence there prevail a correlation in between the rate of unemployment and wage rate, but due to this situation the expectations are incorrect. The criticism directed to the Friedman verbal fooling model as well as applied to Phelps model, whether the firms or employees became fooled or both of them treated in the same direction. But the workers and the employees got information of consumer price index on monthly basis and buy different goods and services smoothly. So the consequences appeared by said that, if the countrys GDP is very high and the unemployment rate become low then the aggregate prices goes up, so the workers and firm can learn many more from the past expectations and can use their experience In the proper wa y. The Origins of the Phillips Curve Alban Philips was the first name of Philips curve which is afterward known as Philips curve, when an econometric survey was conducted in United Kingdom in the era of 1861 to 1957 in order to examine the behavior of money wage and unemployment. To justify this behavior Philips did not had any macroeconomic model, then by took help from theoretical thought he made a statistical model. Philips argued that when few are unemployed and the demand for labor is very high we should expect from employers to bid the wage rates up rapidly (Philips, 1958, p: 283). So according to him, the wages can be increased with having a low unemployment rate. And the other aspect was, there prevail a highly non linear relationship, as the workers will not accept the low wages when there prevail a high unemployment rate in the economy, so the wages fall slowly. Two other factors are also state by Philips named as the rate of change in the retail prices and the business cycle (Philips 1958, p:283). To find the evidences, that the negative relationship exists in the wage rate and unemployment, Philips enquire into three period separately from 1861 to 1913, 1913 to 1948 and 1948 to 1957 respectively (Philips, 1958, p:299). No worth was given to this because in 1926, Irving Fisher has already been found this relationship (Fisher 1973). While after in 1960, this work was named as Philips curve1, when Samuelson and Solow repeated the work of Philips in United States (Samuelson and Solow, 1960). In 1960 this article the Philips curve became very much important and central for any of the macroeconomic discussion, thinking and policy. 2.2 Expectations-Augmented Phillips Curve The Phillips curve broke down in its original form after the 1960s. And the expected augmented Philips curve was the new form of Philips curve. First to find out why the original relationship broke down, the analysis of original framework of Philips curve is important. As we facing a high inflation rate now a days. We became used to of this situation, as the prices become high day by day, the wages increases and we face inflation. In the statistical terms the price follows a random tendency. In the last year USA faced negative inflation, Austria faced it in 1955 and for the last time in 1953 when the inflation was negative (Blanchard, 2006). Inflation was sometimes negative and followed by a white noise before the World War 1, when the gold standard was still inefficient (Mankin and Reis, 2002). So the Philips curve discovered negative relation and the analysis was done for the white noise inflation period. In that period when the household expected no inflation or zero inflation in the economy, the wage-price spiral as discussed in the Philipss article, as follows: As the low unemployment directs the firms to increase the wages The increased wages leads to higher prices And the higher prices will direct the workers to demand higher wages So the low unemployment leads inflation in the above framework. In 1970s this form of model broke down in USA due to its failure to incorporate the economic behavior of the human being in the right and correct way. In 1970s there were two important things that provided a clear proof of this fact. First, this model was called the Philips schedule but later on this model and the whole article switched up to Philips curve. On the other hand the world was already faced two oil shocks and inflation considered as the permanent phenomenon, people has been expecting inflation in order to bid up their wages (Blanchard, 2006).To make it able an analysis about influences conducted to include the price shocks and expectations in the model. There are three components of Philips curve are as follow: Demand Pull inflation: If the inflation is below its structural rate of 3% the inflation is called demand pull inflation that tend to increase due to the aggregate demand. Cost-pushh inflation: This inflation refers to the supply shocks. Low supply directs the firm to increase the prices, so this causes higher inflation. Expectations: People expect more about inflation and when the prices rise they bid up the wages. So, it can be said as there exists the negative relationship in between cyclical unemployment and unanticipated money wage. No doubt, many economists agreed upon that the classical quantity theory of money is inconsistence with the stable long run Philips curve that shows the trade-off between the inflation and unemployment. In the quantity theory of money, money stock changes can only affect the nominal variables and the price while the impact became nil in real variables. By Juxtaposition, Philips curve explained that the money growth rate can raise the level of output and increase employment. Now the question arises how could the economists frequently cleave two opposite views? According to the great eighteenth century economists of Scott land and the philosopher, the question centralized to the disputation over the contributions of David Hume (1711-1776). For example, Thomas Mayer argued that, the David assuredly rejected the trade-off between the inflation and unemployment because it is incompatible with quantity theory of money.   According to the Mayer, as the quantity theory of money is central for the David Hume likewise the Philips curve trade-off is also central to the Davids economics because if this trade-off exists in the economy, it also affect the quantity theory of money as well and the consequences are in form of prices that do not increases in quantity theory of money. Similarly, Frenkel quotes Davids creed in the neutrality of quantity theory as (the money stock can only affect the nominal variables) as an proof of Davids rejection of the Philips curve. Frenkel says, there is an evidence that David Hume did not trust in the long run Philips curve Trade-off, the overpowering inclination of Humes and the important feature of monetary theory had been the assertion objective of the money neutrality which states, the monetary policy perform no longer pressure on the real variables. Mayer and Frenkel, no doubt, admitted that during the transitional period, money wages can affect the inflation, output a nd unemployment. But if there is no long run Philips curve trade-off, it can only affect the temporary real effects that can vanish while after.   According to the Charles Nelson controversy, who claims that the David Hume is in need to show trust in the long run Philips curve trade-off as it is unique in its functions. Nelson says, the money stock in quantity theory can raise the output, wages, prices and employment permanently. Therefore, David Hume was believed in the long run Philips curve. The purpose of this discussion is to show and remove the controversy to the content of Mayer and Frenkle and the Hume did believe in the quantity theory of money and the long run Philips curve trade-off as well. The purpose of this study is to correct the both phenomenon which are partially mistaken and contrary to Mayer and Frenkle, and David Hume should trust in stable long run Philips curve with contrary to the suggestions given by Nelson, that Hume was not alone to accept this stable Philips curve but Henry Thornton was also joined with him (1760 to 1815), perhaps the primary fiscal theorist of the nineteenth century at British tradi tional school; and eventually, that neither Hume nor Thornton compete that the real possessions of a steady, unrelenting rate of money growth were controlled to a concise execution period but idea of those possessions could persist for an imprecise phase. More precisely, the article shows that both Thornton and Hume notorious among levels and rates of conversion of the money hoard, that they held the preceding work to be unbiased and the later partial with deference to definite fiscal variables, and that this variation resolve their conviction in both the long run Philips curve and the quantity theory of money. Moreover the article shows that, even if both Thornton and Hume thought in the continuation of a steady long-run Phillips curve, they varied concerning the attraction of utilizing that association for policy purposes, Hume errand and Thornton disparate such a policy.   The vision of Hume and Thornton are imperative not just as they show that at least two foremost classical quantity theorists accepted the Philips curve, but as well as they demonstrate how divergent policy prescription can obtain from the similar fundamental theoretical framework. According to Hume, the long run trade-off, though, the same is not accurate of a stable sequence of such fiscal increase. He deliberate such increase would, if preserve over a permanent sequence of intermediary modification period, apply stable real effects. That is, he emphasized the actual consequence of a unrelenting fiscal extension, thus timely Adam Smiths aside that Mr. Humes analysis is remarkably inventive. He look, though, to have left a modest into the concept that community luxury consists in wealth. (9; p. 197 quoted in 7; p. 136) absolutely bigheaded that prospect of future inflation would always remain nil and then would never go into price and wage demands, Hume asserted that a repeatedly inc reasing money stock would ever more protest in front of prices and wage, always annoying their 1 Humes oversight of inflationary prospect could be clarified on at least three basis.   First, he was unfolding a world clanging inflation rate relatively low (1-3 % per year on average) through recent principles, perchance insufficient to achieve the least observation entrance requisite for the creation of inflation prospect. Second, specified a clanging fiscal standard, one could disagree on prosperity basis that the anticipated long term inflation rate is nil. The basis, certainly, is that if the reserve of fiscal metal were primarily growing at an inflationary velocity so as to lift the metal price of goods as well as labor. The consequential drop in the purchasing power of metal mutual with the increasing labor cost of drawing out it would persuade mine owners to restrain clanging production to non inflationary stage. Furthermore, the inflationary over production of gold would, through lower its worth comparative to further goods, provide the later supplementary gainful to fabricate than gold, thus repeatedly scrutinize the over production of gold. Emphasize this p rice stabilize production effect would be a move in the demand for gold from monetary to non monetary uses as golds value as money declines. Third, the discovery of gold and silver mines in the New World could be observed as random, casual events having an expected value of approximately zero. For these reasons, Humes understandable that either the monetary change is relatively positive or negative. That real wage rate is as harmful to industry, when silver and gold are retreating, as it is beneficial when these metals are rising. particularly, in the devaluation case of pessimistic money growth, The laborer has not at the same employment from the producer and merchant although he pays the same price for all things in the marketplace. The farmer cannot organize of his corn and livestock; while he has to pay the similar rent to his landowner. The poverty as well as beggary, and sluggishness, which must follow are simply anticipated. [3; p. 40]   Here is Humes strain on the actual consequence and inconsequentiality correspondingly, of rates of change vs. unlimited quantity of money. This stress is also obvious in the subsequent way, in which he terminates that it is of no substance of result, with considering to the household pleasure of a state, whether money is in lesser or in larger quantity. The good and efficient policy of the magistrate based only on its maintenance. If likely, still rising as by those resources, he maintains lively strength of tat manufacturing unit in the state, and enlarge the reserve of labor, in which consists all actual authority and riches. About this course, Blaug observes that Humes demand for a frequent inflow of valuable metals quantity to a demand for a unremitting sequence of intermediary phases through which inflationary money growth constantly and everlastingly motivate trade. [1; p. 20] Here is Humes observance to the long run Philips curve. Here also is his settlement of that perception with his quantity theory. There is no argument between the two theories, his deliberation, since the one refers to rates of modify and the other to substitute levels of the money stock. Phillipss inference In the 1950s, Alban William Hoosegow Phillips tried to determine the neoclassical anomaly [68-73]. Phillips, who had degree in electrical engineering (1938) and sociology with economics (LSE, B. A., 1949) [10], was viewing how to erect a water flow model as a similarity of the neoclassical income expenditure model. The final replica frequently was symbolized in arithmetical terms, but some economic students had complexity with mathematics. Both these two models (hydraulic and income expenditure model could be explained by the way of discrepancy calculus. The hydraulic machine, though, was evident and understandable to students. The machine, explained in Phillipss Ph.D. thesis, provoked his selection as assistant lecturer at the LSE in 1950. In explanation of the machine, Phillips alert on modifying following a disorder of equilibrium, which be conventional to Hicks modern trade cycle theory. In addition, Phillips used engineering systems expressions to the blocked loop systems, fabrication faults, positive and negative feedback, adjustment factor, habitual parameter are organized.   The economics of all this come up to from the neoclassical IS-LM model. Phillips precise the equations of the income expenditure relation or savings investment characteristics with investment depends on the interest rate and the accelerator, record modification, and liquidity preference. The labor supply based on the money wage rate, the usual Keynesian formulation. Later than, the Marshallian neoclassicist A. C. Pigou assault the fix-wage conference [74]. According to Pigou, there was a distinguished compassion in money wages-even if monopolist unit made this slow and only partly followed by a fall in real wages- because the drop in nominal values could have a actual balance effect on savings, which would direct to a increase in investment. Also, neoclassical Keynesians renowned that a decrease in nominal values, when liquidity preferences were not considerably flexible, would cause a decrease in the money rate of interest (the LM curve shifting right) and a rise in investment [43, 200]. Moreover, there exists exclusive equilibrium in the economy having full employment. In 1954, Phillips, possibly owing to his inter penalizing exercise provoke to smash from the conference of the neoclassical fusion. He depicts a association among the level of production and the rate of change of factor prices.   The merchandise price relatively than the money wage level emerges on the vertical axis since, given constant yield, there was a conversational relation among relative money wage and price changes. The economy was stable, defined by a steady price level. On the other hand there would be disequilibrium in the economy, if the firm slips up to produce the quantity relative to equilibrium demand. Changing price would receive effect, pretty like the Samuelson-Hansen linear model so as to, the rate of transformation of product prices (P) was relative to the difference of real production from the level of equilibrium. (The slighter the production error, the improved the linear equation would near to his nonlinear curve suggesting higher money wage stiffness in the unemployment range) [69, 308]. Afterward the price change moreover distorted the interest rate in the same or factual balances in the reverse course. To raise the speed of error correction, a monetary policy foundation on the mora lity of habitual modifiable systems would be sufficient [69, 315]. The original Phillips curve, like a courageous inference that begin development of a theoretical model in arithmetic or the physical sciences, was inwards at by deductive conjecture stated in green, a theoretical terms [48]; what neoclassical lane between micro and macro-economic it assured to free. Prior to that could happen, though, the Phillips supposition required systematic testing and theoretical proof. Pragmatic scrutiny When Phillips draft the 1954 curve which showed that money wage rate modification in deflation and inflation was irregular; he was annoying to integrate an old, admired observation into a hypothetical configuration. Phillips furnished an example of this examination.   When labor demand is lofty and very fewer are unemployed, we should anticipate employers bid wage rate fairly swift. On the other aspect, it emerge that workers are unwilling to offer their services at lower than the existing rates when the labor demand is low high unemployment faced by economy, so that wages become low very slowly. Inevitable, Phillipss study on a pragmatic model objectifying this trendy observation had its example [5]. The adjoining research was by Professor Arthur J. Brown [88]. Phillips and Brown mutually deliberate the history of wage transformation, using the same traditional data basis and pleasing the pre-World War I period as a foundation. Both researchers had the similar figures (that is the annual rate of adjust of money wage rates and unemployment percentages) confirmation on arithmetic flee diagrams casing the pre-World War I, interwar and post-World War II periods. They distinct the similar relationship between merchandise price and changes of money wag e rates. Both supposed a contrary relationship between unemployment and inflation inside each pre-World War I cycle. However, unlike Phillips, Brown stressed that the accurate inflation-unemployment relation diverse obviously from cycle to cycle. Furthermore, Brown supposed that cost transforms distinct to the plane of aggregate demand were the foremost reason of inflation during the post-World War I and II periods.   Browns immense inflation thus advocated policies of reducing cost [13]. In distinction, Phillips accomplished that there had been a steady century long, contrary relation among the rate of change of money wage and unemployment, and affirmed that the price plane would be steady if unemployment were reserved. The same research by two researchers escorted to inconsistent conclusions a general experience in the narration of science in which each experimenter inferred the pragmatic data according to his own preceding, hypothetical perception. Moreover, the consequences had instant policy proposition. In the mid-1950s, there was a animated arguments among demand-pull and cost-push bloc regarding the grounds of inflation and the policies implemented against inflation. Brown, a cost-push Keynesian, and numerous classmates of Phillips responsive of his continuing research energetically contributed in this [47]. Phillipss 1958 article really encouraged the demand-pull case. To sustain their de viating policies, Brown and Phillips keen to the similar facts, annual wage rate transforms and unemployment percents. But such essentials as recent methodologists have strained, were not specified but created. Phillips really sincerely condemns the data, which were very insufficient for the foundation period as the key sources were the records of trade unification to which few employees belong. Moreover, union wage records were of regular, not valuable rates.   Furthermore, Phillipss dealing of the data was mocked by economists at the Keynesian National Institute of Economics and Social Research (NIESR) [76]8 and Oxford Institute [45] because (1) Phillips exercise fixed weight wage and unemployment catalogs substituted of wage slanted indexes which permitted for transformation in numbers engaged by industry, (2) the unemployment and the wage sample did not comprise the same industries, and (3) the unemployment and wage sequence were not coordinated. By the era of 1960, statisticians had enhanced Phillipss scatter diagram. However they stress that the premature data could not sustain a particular statistical relation between wage inflation and unemployment. But Brown had not yet seen a broad relation. And the question was who had Phillips? Phillips simplifies the scatter diagram by pertaining a re

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Quentins Struggle in The Sound and the Fury Essay -- Sound and the Fu

Quentin's Struggle in The Sound and the Fury      Ã‚  Ã‚   Too much happens...Man performs, engenders so much more than he can or should have to bear.   That's how he finds that he can bear anything.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   William Faulkner (Fitzhenry   12) In Faulkner's The Sound and the Fury, we are given a character known as Quentin, one who helps us more fully understand the words of the author when delivering his Nobel Prize acceptance speech "The young man or woman writing today has forgotten the problems of the human heart in conflict with itself" (The Faulkner Reader   3).   Quentin engenders so much more than he can or should have to bear, as the opening quote by Faulkner suggests is the fate of all humans, but he does not discover he can bear anything.   Instead, Quentin's heart is so in conflict with itself, a condition Faulkner argues many overlook in his speech excerpt above, that he commits suicide.    There are three kinds of struggles in life.   There is man versus the universe, man versus man, and man versus himself.   Quentin's conflict is with himself.   In fact, despite his imagining otherwise, Quentin is completely locked within himself, unable to cope with external reality.   Internal reality is the only reality which he entertains.   Like Hamlet, he tries to live up to the internalized idealized image of nature and himself that he imagines should be external reality.   As noted in Thompson and Vickery (224) "Psychologically unbalanced by his own inner and outer conflicts, Quentin is represented as being partly responsible not only for what has happened to himself but also for what has happened to some other members of his family.   He has permitted his warped and warping ego to invert exactly those basic and primit... ...   87)    Thus, we can see that Quentin's internal fictions of what he would like reality to be are too much for him to endure in the face of existential realities that are all too often not aesthetic.   He cannot endure because he cannot bear the distance between his internal fictions of reality and reality as it truly exists outside those fictions.    WORKS   CITED The Faulkner Reader:   Selections from the Works of William Faulkner.   New York, Random House, 1954. Faulkner, W.   The Sound and the Fury.   New York, Random House, 1956. Fitzhenry, R. I. (ed.).   The Barnes & Noble Book of Quotations.   New York, Barnes & Noble Books, 1987. Hoffman, F. J. and Vickery, O. W.   William Faulkner:   Three Decades of Criticism.   New York, Harbinger, 1960. Polk, N.   New Essays On:   The Sound and the Fury.   Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1993.  

Friday, October 11, 2019

They got next Essay -- essays research papers

They Got Next On April 24, 1996, women’s basketball announced â€Å"We Got Next† as the NBA Board of Governors approved the concept of a Women’s National Basketball Association (WNBA) to begin in June 1997. Since that day in 1996 there have been many firsts for the WNBA: Val Ackerman -- the first president of the WNBA; Sheryl Swoopes -- the first player signed to the WNBA; Cynthia Cooper -- the league’s first Most Valuable Player; the Houston Comets -- the first WNBA Champions; Lisa Leslie -- the first WNBA player to capture all three MVP awards (regular season, All-Star and Championship) in one season. The WNBA deserves the same attention and respect equal to the NBA due to its equal entertainment value, competitiveness, and their rights to compete and be seen, and get paid just as much. Critics say that the WNBA isn’t really entertaining because the game is just about running up and down the court shooting lay-ups and making free throws, that there is always one team dominating, and that the game is boring because none of the ladies can dunk. Well, the slam dunk is no longer a move reserved for Vince Carter, Kobe Bryant and the other high-flying guys of the NBA. Lisa Leslie of the Los Angeles Sparks made history on July 30, 2002 when she did a one-handed slam dunk in a game against the Miami Sol. Leslie's history-making move should pave the way for more women to try slamming the ball during WNBA games. Lisa Leslie is just one of the women making the WNBA more exciting and entertaining. Although Leslie was the big story for the league in 2002 becoming the first WNBA player to capture all three MVP awards in the same season, joining NBA greats Shaquille O’Neal, Michael Jordan and Willis Reed as the only pro hoopsters to accomplish that feat. In 2001, The WNBA welcomed its 10 millionth fan prior to game 2 of the WNBA Championship at the Staples Center. The Seattle Storm won the first pick in the 2002 WNBA Draft in the inaugural WNBA Draft Lottery held in New York. Things got even more entertaining when the top ten picks included four of the most exciting college players coming from the same team that won the National Championship that year. They were Connecticut Huskies Sue Bird, Swin Cash, Ashja Jones and Tamika Williams going 1st, 2nd, 4th and 7th in the draft. Now two years after Cash was drafted to the Detroit Shock, and after going 9-25 in the 2002 season... ...0 per season, while the guys (even those that play only a minute or two) rake in $4.5 million on average. The situation is so bad that many of the women are forced to play a second season in Europe just to make ends meet. The NBA and the WNBA are owned by the same management and says that women can’t have more because their league is still losing money, as most startups do. The men’s side didn’t turn a profit in its early years either, but the players weren’t shortchanged. Decent salaries were considered an investment in the future of the league. Besides, the women aren’t asking for those mega-millions. They just want a raise. And one way to get it would be to adjust the money formulas. NBA players get close to 60 percent of revenues back in salaries. The women get a pathetic 15 percent, and are prohibited from the lucrative endorsement deals the men enjoy. Even though the WNBA is still a young league, it is showing great strength that the women are hear to stay and they are not just going to knock on the door to prejudice they are going to kick it down in order for them to be seen as real professional athletes who are just as entertaining and competitive as the men of the NBA.

Ethics Essay – Fourth Estate

Media spotlight has the ability to change people’s lives dramatically, in some cases it is accidental, every day people minding their own business and as a consequence of being involved in an incident which resulted in either an inspiring or devastating outcome which resulted the private lives being thrust into the media spotlight. Whilst other people who have obtained media attention due to their public appointment have had the same experience, their lives altered dramatically due to media’s invasion of their privacy in the name of public interest. The Fourth Estate, a name given to the media who traditionally have been charged as the custodian for public interest, the publics watch dog, their responsibility to the public sphere is to warn us, some times educate us and they have the ability to entertain us, they also ensure that people exercising power are kept in check and held accountable. However, there is a debate looming, is it possible that today’s Media, are the one’s who now need to kept in check and made accountable. The Australian Law Reform Commission, have put the Unfair Publication Defamation and Privacy legislation back on the agenda, as they believe the public are having their privacy scrutinized not for interest of the public, but for public interest. Having the legislation back on the agenda has caused much angst of the media industry, who strongly believe any more statute regulations will threaten to undermine the viability of the Fourth Estate. Overall, this essay will argue that, any new legislation will only benefit the Law profession, if the media truly believe that the Fourth Estate, whilst not constitutional, it has played an important role in our democracy over time, is worth fighting for so, it does not become invalid due to new regulation, they must admit to themselves that because of their fascination with the private behavior of public figures, the public are voicing their concern with this fascination and the methods used by the media industry, the current reporting methods seem to have actually started to undermine the ideals of the highly regarded custom of The Fourth Estate. However, the media industry now have a great opportunity, if they want stay free of any new regulation, they need to regain public trust and be true to their democratic role as the guardian of public interest, they will need to start accepting the responsibility for the current practices and become more accountable to the self regulation systems currently in place. Since some work practices employed by media outlets have over time damaged the industry’s image, especially in the eyes of the public who no longer have trust in both Journalists and media industry, the lack of trust causes a problem as the media are supposed to act as a protector in the public interest. When did the attitude of the public change? And what role does a Journalist now play in our democratic society? What is more important is how can journalists end the conflicting obligations when it comes to ethical behavior. Fundamentally the role of a Journalist has not changed, their role is to warn us, inform us, educate and entertain us. (Conley, D & Lamble, S. 2006 The Daily Miracle an introduction to Journalism. P3). Journalists have an obligation to seek and defend and even extend the public sphere, (Stockwell,S. Beyond the fourth estate,1999 Democracy, deliberation and Journalism Theory, Australian Journalism Review 21(1), pp. 37-49). The phrase Public Sphere is a term which describes an area in social life where people can get together and freely discuss and identify problems in society and through that discussion influence political action. (Hartley, J. Communication, Cultural and Media Studies (2007), The Key Concepts. P191). In the latter part of the 20th Century, Journalists fulfilled their role as protector of the public sphere, The Fourth Estate played an important role as Catharine Lumby explains, the reason why the Fourth Estate played an import role was that issues which had lain dormant for years surfaced, partly because a host of political movements expanded during this period, the scope of issues that were once considered purely private matters such as domestic violence and sexual harassment were being voiced in the public sphere, (Lumby, C 1998, Twisted Tales, Private lives caught in the eyes of the public storm, AG, Sept-Oct). However, this was not sustained, Julianne Schultz warned in 1998 that a backlash was building, the publics opinion was changing, The Fourth Estate type of investigative stories that was so popular in the 1980’s were not appealing to the public as they once were, people were drawn to the appeal of big personalities, glamour, the good guys and bad guys, the types of stories that you would normally have seen only in soap operas. The fourth Estate Type of stories were easier to by pass, media anagements grew tired of the costs involved in substantial investigative stories, the temptation was to go with the entertainment type stories, this made money, making money made it easier to forgo challenging and demanding Fourth Estate stories. (Schultz, J Reviving the Fourth Estate, 1998. P230-31). According to Catharine Lumby, lower standards of news reporting is the coming age of the media, However, these sources of news and gossip have an increasing impact on what makes it to the mainstream media. The issues that were brought out into the public sphere like sexual harassment and domestic violence are now the reason why media can not separate the private and the public. (Lumby. C, Twisted Private Lives caught in the eye of the public storm, AG. September-October. P35). With the emergence of the new media a principle dilemma now existed in the media industry, which is more important, stories of public interest or stories that interest the public over a decade stories such as a Princess driven to her death by Maniacal paparazzi, Reality TV shows, radio hosts showered with vats of cash for editoral comment, ethics were hardly out of the media (Probyn, E. & Lumby, C. Remote Control New Media, New Ethics. P1). The public have been losing faith in the Journalist profession for some time, because of unethical behavior of some reporter’s the public consider them untrustworthy. This untrusting of this profession has been gaining momentum for some time, as far back as January 2004 Roy Morgan released the results of an annual survey to establish which profession is considered to be the most ethical and honest, the findings are based on the results of surveying over 600 people. The findings found Journalists are ranked the third lowest on the list. Morgan, G Roy Morgan Research, finding no 3701, 2004. www. roymorgan. com/news/pols/2004/3701). Ethics are important, they help raise standards and are used in different professions, ethics reinforces respect for others Michael Anderson conducted a survey to find our how Journalism ethics rate in the quest of news. David Conley believes, Journalists face three sometimes conflicting obligations when considering privacy: getting the news out, showing compassion and educating society (Cronley,D & Lambie, S 2006,p386). Reading the MEAA code of ethics, clause 11 states clearly, Journalists should respect private grief and personal privacy. Journalists have the right to resist compulsion to intrude. According to Ralph Potter, Journalists should ensure that their first alliance is always the public when making a decision if faced with an ethical dilemma. (Potter, R. Potter Box. Pg2 ) Their role is to help ensure the health of the democratic processes, Journalism, properly understood is a necessary part of holding power to account (Chadwick,P. Fame, Media, Privacy , ACP public forum. P,6)

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Related Literature of Computer Essay

Based on the previous research, the computer has also disadvantages aside from the fact that it provides the students information’s and other features. In that research they conclude many students spent more time playing rather than researching and doing other academic works. This is result to computer addiction. From these students, huge percentage of them is male. This shows that male students are more prone to be affected by computer disadvantages. The research goal is to inform the students about what computer can really do to them, how can it affects them and what it is that affects them. The researchers proved that the research made is really true and precise because they are also once addicted in using these so called computers (Justin Vista, Hienson Tan and Bryan Yaranon, 2009). Foreign Studies It is said in this article that computer nowadays has become an important household item. There are tools like spelling and grammar checker, thesaurus and dictionary installed in the computer that will be helpful for students in doing their assignments and researches. Thus, it will takes less time to make written documents and there is no need to open up the dictionary book to look for the meaning of words. Typing is much faster than writing on paper. If there is a need of reorganizing the sentence and paragraphs, one can cut and paste and make necessary changes. Thus, overall a computer allows the user to create documents, edit, and print and store them so that they can be retrieved later. Using computer, a user remain connected to the world through internet. The internet allows people from around the world to share knowledge, ideas, and experience in any field. Another application you can find in the internet is the email. This is a method of communication used globally and is provided with a system of creating, storing, and forwarding mails. It may consist of text messages with attachments of audio and visual clips. The user can also download and upload files using the internet. There are also facilities like online chatting available in the internet. In addition, it can read current news, check weather conditions, conduct transactions, and learn about specific countries and their culture, seek jobs, buy products via internet. It is also said that computer nowadays, are widely used for education and training purposes. In schools, computer education has been made compulsory to spend awareness about computer. That’s why computer become a learning tool for children. Computers are also used for training purposes. Many companies use them to train their staffs (Judy M Parr, Irene Fung, November 2000). Another article say that there are many benefits that computer can provide to a students. The following are the benefits computer provides: A. Students gain word processing skills when learning to write on the computer. B. Working on computers fosters collaboration between students and between student and teacher. C. Often leaders emerge who really enjoy computers and can help others. D. Computer time promotes problem solving skills.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Iran Mideasts Model Economy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Iran Mideasts Model Economy - Essay Example However the uniqueness of emerging markets presents both opportunities and challenges. Iran from the facts found in the case study may be strategically treated as an emerging market presenting new opportunities as well as challenges. The foremost challenge Iran faces is the trade sanctions from the United States that has hampered the inflow of foreign direct investments in to the country. If the country can solve its political and economic problems the country would be able to equal the economic growth of China in a very short time. The results of the last Parliament elections though disqualified the reformist candidates still a number of business minded focused on economic issues have been elected. However the progress in the economic reforms cannot be expected to take place at a faster pace. There are numerous challenges the country has to pace on the economic front. The amount of subsidies the government has to shell out on almost all the imported products from wheat till the impo rted fuel. The exports of non-oil products are very meager. Most of the manufacturing pants run in losses. The control of more than 50 percent of the economic activity is in the hands of various government departments and religious charities.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Research on Nursing Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Research on Nursing - Coursework Example This factor will have impacts on the health status of the individuals who reside in these rural communities as well as influence health care services and affect delivery of medical services. This paper will address the areas of family health care that play a vital role in promoting health and ensuring wellness in family self-care. Nurses are encouraged to take upon a more pro-active approach when they are working with families, whether in an urban or a rural setting. This will ensure quality health care promotion is the main focus in most families. Recent research shows that there are changes which are taking place in family health care as well as family life. Research further indicates that there is an upcoming international perspective in which individuals and the community at large feels the need for recognition of the common attributes about family life across the different cultures as well as promotion of family health issues in the nation. Nursing practice is aimed at ensuring managed care in rural and family health. Nurses continue to face challenges in delivery of medical services to individuals and families residing in the remote and rural communities. These challenges inhibit nurses from delivering quality nursing care to individuals in rural setting. Limited medical resources present challenges in rural communities. ... hem to take part in functions that require advanced practice and skills so that they can effectively fulfill the needs of individuals who reside in medically underserved regions. The distance between the patients and the medical providers, and the low population density contribute to the remoteness of the rural environments. There is a great diversity in terms of economic, social and cultural patterns between rural and urban communities. The diversity has been identified as the main issue that has brought about disparities in health care systems in different geographic locations. In most rural communities, nurses are expected to be the sole care givers since there are few or even no physicians available. The rural nurses, therefore, have to develop a variety of virtues that will guide them in the understanding and ability to provide adequate health care to rural patients and families. Nurses in rural communities have adapted resilience in addition to adaptability, resourcefulness and creativity. It is because of this that they are enabled to be expert generalists. Rural nurses have also developed a great attribute of knowing about the formal and informal resources available in the rural community in which they are based. They have identified how to use the resources effectively and sustainably for the sole benefit of the rural population. Nurses in the rural settings should still be able to know how they could care for patients with various diseases and health conditions. The nurses should be flexible as well as excellent team players so that they can handle difficult medical conditions with expertise and function more effectively in nursing roles that continue to expand. Nurses continue to face challenges in situations of delivering nursing services and health care to

Monday, October 7, 2019

Genetic Testing and Genetic Engineering Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Genetic Testing and Genetic Engineering - Essay Example The question is whether it is ethical and right. This question is being raised through the variety of books and films. This paper will accept as a major focus of research the concepts of genetic testing and genetic engineering; the evidence of its observation would be presented through the film â€Å"Gattaca.† Genetic testing uses research facility systems to take a gander at your qualities, which are the DNA directions, which a person acquires from own parents. Hereditary tests may be utilized to distinguish expanded dangers of health issues, to pick medicines, or to evaluate reactions to medications. There are different methods of genetic testing. Molecular genetic tests explore single genes (or short lengths of DNA molecules) to define changes that may force a genetic disorder. Chromosomal genetic testing concerns whole chromosomes or DNAs long lengths to find out if there are severe genetic changes (like an additional copy of a chromosome) that influence on a genetic background. Biochemical genetic tests research the activity level of proteins or their amount. Abnormalities in any can point on changes in the DNA that may result in a disorder in genetics. Genetic testing is voluntary. The main purposes of genetic testing are, first of all, to diagnose disease, to identify changes within genes connected with it, to diagnose the severity of the disease, to help doctors to find the best treatment and medicines to enable to cure.

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Training and assement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Training and assement - Essay Example Steps to take 1. Establish the scenario: gather background information needed, identify the target group, and determine training needs. 2. Research and identify two units of competency from a nationally-recognised qualification that address the training needs. Determine program outcomes based on these units. 3. Collaborate with others as needed to design, develop and review the learning program. 4. Evaluate and select available learning resources for content relevance and quality. 5. Document the learning program plan. Evidence to submit Please submit the following as proof that you have completed this project: RESULTS Assessor to complete shaded areas: S NYS 1. Cover page This training program was carried out to use training packages and accredited courses to meet client needs. The client organization was made up of workers of bakery shops at a cluster area in the city. Though the clients were not from one company, they were at a cluster place and so accessibility to them was not a problem. The job positions for these clients were mostly newly recruited bakers and their managers. There were however some of them who were mere apprentices at the job. The duties of the apprentices were to ensure the day to day upkeep of the companies, whiles learning to become qualified bakers. The newly recruited bakers were regular salaried workers whereas the managers supervised all activities at the various companies. Quite a lot of the clients possessed some of the required skills and knowledge. For instance there were a lot of them who could read and write, perform basic numeracy operations, have good interpersonal relations and could interpret the content of the whole course. An outstanding characteristic of the clients that may affect the learning program is the availability of time and the schedule of learning period. This is because their work is demanding and so they hardly make time for private learning. The overall aim of the training was to equip learners with manag erial skills. The decision to select this training issue was because most of the clients, after working for companies for some number of years left the companies to start their own business. Such clients need managerial skills to mange their own companies. Clients were assessed through written test, observation, answering of questionnaires and peer report. 1. Cover Paged Completed and Attached    2. Learning program plan Submit a typed workplace document (about 2 – 3 pages) that outlines the final (approved) version of the learning program. The 2 units of competence used were TAEDES402A and TAEDES401A. These learning programs were needed to equip me with the skills and knowledge to handle clients with diverse learning needs. My most immediate target learning group was a group of bakers who were to receive training in office management. Most of these clients had good knowledge of the skills and knowledge prescribed in the course content. Example interpersonal relations, goo d communication skills, ability to read and write and ability to work numeracy problems. The dimensions of the course undertaken were introduction to office management, basic management skills, human management, assert management and company growth. For